
Monday, January 26, 2015

"TedMAN Gaiden" by Tedman N.

            The year of 2012, a summer that I would never forget; reality hit me, a real rollercoaster. However, before I get to the explanation of that, let me give you background. I had visited family up north in California for the summer since I was raised there, and I thought, “As usual it will be a fun and relaxing time.” Since my parents mostly visited family, I had a lot of free time to myself and my cousin would drop me off at places I’d like to go while he did his own thing.
            Since my parents were always out traveling around to see relatives while we stayed in the north, my aunts had to take care of me. My aunts always loved to go clubbing, since they were self-claimed to be in “the prime of their lives,” even though they are in their 30s and still single (I still love them though). Pretty much everyone in my family was doing their own thing, and so I decided to go to hang out with one of the most beautiful girls I had ever laid my eyes upon. I had met her through a community service event a year back. From her marigold tone, to her golden hair, to that sparkly tint in her eyes that just always seemed to suck you right in. Her name was Annabell and on that day we were catching up with each other since I don’t see her often due to distance. However, we kept in contact through social media, texting, and etc., pretty much my best friend at this point in time.
            I know the saying of falling in love with your best friend is never a good thing but unfortunately this occurred. It was a little different from the normal convention though, the feelings were mutual and I was really excited that things were going positively for once in my life. (Man I was only 15 when I experienced this puppy love, why do I sound like a simp before simping even existed?)
            It was a really great time spending my vacation with her. One day, we watched a movie and got some food, typical teenager hangout kind of things. Full of smiles, laughter abound, and for some strange reason as time was passing by, I was feeling butterflies fluttering in my stomach. (You ever get that warm fuzzy feeling when you can relate to someone so much it’s kind of weird?) Anyways it was getting very late and my cousin (one of the best wingmen ever) was going to pick me up soon. I figured I’d get things straightened out before I left (you are probably thinking, “Wow get it together man!!!” Right?).
            So as the clock ticked down towards my departure, Annabell decided to say something before I left. She asked me if I wanted to hang out again soon and I could have sworn I saw some blush on those rosy cheeks of hers. I pretty much screamed on the inside something along the lines of, “DEFINITELY! I WOULD LOVE TO!” But you know, knowing my cool persona I tried to reply with a “Sure, what time?” I never thought my idea of the cool persona in me would turn out as “Sss-ure wha-tttt t-i-m-eee, Bell (her nickname)?” I felt like a dying chimpanzee but she giggled and said “Can’t wait!” Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek, which I did not expect so my soul essentially transcended to heaven.
            So soon after my cousin took me home and that night I thought, “Man this is going to be great, I hope my summer of youth never ends, THE BURNING PASSION OF YOUTH!!!” The next few weeks would be us hanging out at least 60% of the time. Everything was going great and I was thinking of maybe asking her to make it official; until that day occurred. School was coming near and I had to go back home to Southern California, but despite the distance I had a feeling it would still work out if we were together.
            On that day the final hangout as I remember it as, is when everything struck me. I had everything planned out to ask her out and make it official. However, something was different with Bell today; she didn’t have her playful charisma going on (I thought to myself, “Oh man is something wrong?). She went up to me and straight up said, “Teddy thank you for everything, but I’m afraid we can’t hang out anymore. You see, I know this sounds wrong, but my ex has recently started talking to me again and I just can’t seem to let my feelings for him go away. And I don’t want to hurt you anymore, I know how things were between us, and I’m sorry but I can’t talk to you anymore.” There was more said but by now my heart had just dropped. I was thinking to myself, “Man this cuts deeps,” and I kind of was just shocked that we couldn’t even be friends. All because she felt indecisive, but it was clear to me that her ex was the one she truly loved. She gave me one last pity hug and a kiss on the cheek. The kiss on cheek felt like an eternal damnation in hell rather than heaven at this point. I guess you would assume at this point, “Wow that’s got to hurt!” or, “Eh it’s okay man, there’s more fish in the sea.” Whatever the assumption is, things were really never the same again after.
            My summer ended soon after this event and oh, the dreaded junior year had come. My grade point average took a dip; I wasn’t doing anyone good with the negativity I was spreading around that year. Even the activities I loved, such as tennis, were declining; my skills were getting weaker and I ended up losing a lot, destroying what little self-confidence I still had in myself. Nothing was going good for me and it was just the little things getting to me besides Annabell. Things at home weren’t going well with the relationship between my parents and I, a lot of family members were passing away, and I felt like there was no point in living anymore. Of course that was just a thought and not an action that I was going to inflict on myself.
            However throughout the midst of my junior year, I began to gradually get better through the help of my friends. Because even if I felt alone, I knew there was always someone to share a smile, and surely but slowly those smiles would encourage me to find hope again. I was able to overcome the greatest hurdle of my life and regain my optimistic and super swag persona, TedMAN, again. My experience with Annabell has taught me that in one point of your life you experience that one romance that you have with that special someone. Even if it doesn’t work out, it’s okay because it has taught me a plethora of things.
            No matter what happens, don’t let the other people around you change who you really are (I am the TedMAN). Through the midst of these hurdles, I realize that even in the darkest situations you can find light. Also, compared to myself many others suffer similar or even worse scenarios, so having that in mind I knew what to do. After this experience and my dark depression junior year, I began to be more optimistic through spreading smiles. Because you never know when your smile could affect someone’s day in a positive way, I always spread my smile. I am now back on track with everything as I am the varsity captain of tennis and getting my GPA back to where it was originally. As for things such as love? I figured that if it happens, I should just let it happen (kind of like going with the flow). My self-confidence and trust issues (DO I SOUND LIKE DRAKE) are still recovering, but for things like love, it can wait. I’m still young and I figured, “If you can’t be happy without someone, then something’s wrong.” I am now living the best of what life has to offer and spreading smiles daily. I would like to thank you for reading this rollercoaster of an experience. Remember to smile, because no matter what anyone thinks, you’re a great person, beautiful on the outside and inside.


  1. Tedman you are adorable! this must have taken a lot of courage to share that with everyone on this blog. Especially with the topic of significant others because we all tend to feel uncomfortable when there isn't a happen ending between two people. But there is an actual happy ending because you learned something about yourself. It was interesting too see how you sort of had a conversation with us while telling your story. It allows us to connect with your writing and establish our own opinions. This was great, good job TedMAN!
    Evelin Conde

  2. TedMAN, this personal narrative is one that most of us can relate to and I love it! You did a great job conveying your emotions, her personality, and the overall experience through the use of imagery and dialogue which made this piece even easier for me to sympathize with. Great work!

  3. Ted, I remember when you were telling me about this and you were depressed at school for a cool month or so.. but it was guts of you to post this on your blog and tell everyone what happened. The use of pathos created a way to speak to the audience.. but also, because you stayed strong, you were able to keep your grades AND BECAUSE OF THAT, YOU GOT INTO NURSING IN SAN BERNARDINO. Congrats on that by the way. This blog is inspirational to tell others not to give up in the bad times of their lives.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Ted! This was a really great piece! You were so open and I could practically hear you talking throughout reading this. I know personal recounts are always hard to write about, but the fact you were able to retell this obstacle and show what you've learned from it and how its changed you, says a lot about your character.The whole narrative is just so you, but at the same time, I know plenty of readers will see this and think about how much they can relate as well. Though love is a universal topic, you made this piece yours and that's what I enjoyed the most. Reading this and knowing you, gives me a sense of why you are how you are today: positive and strong. The lesson of your story from personal experience is really one everyone should learn. Lots of people, including me, struggle with this, but your story is really an inspiration to learn from. Honestly, good job Ted:)
    Ellamae Armado
    Period 1

  6. Tedman, this truly was a roller coaster experience and I could relate to you (you know how). It's crazy how we can be at our lowest points in life, but one smile or a nice gesture can change our moods. You were that to me whenever I was down and I can never thank you enough. I love how you wrote about this experience to share with others and inspire them to be HAPPY and SMILE. Reading this, I could hear your voice and I could feel the emotions. I liked the details and descriptions you used and I also liked your humor and use of parenthesis to add your thoughts. Overall, you are an amazing writer! I know because I've read your other pieces:) Keep up the positive attitude and spreading smiles and joy to others. Also, I'm proud of you for all your accomplishments, love you Ted!

  7. You were able to clearly illustrate your emotions and your experience. When you were excited, I could feel your excitement. When your heart broke, my heart ached for you. I could really connect with your experiences because of your vivid emotional details. Your ability to move on and not allow the experience to break you down, sends a very inspiring message. Readers will be able to take your experience and learn from it because I believe this is a problem often faced by teenagers.

    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  8. AAAAH TedMAN, I loved your narrative!! You did an awesome job relating a very common experience all teenagers go through, and it really is tough getting through the depression like feelings you get. But what is even more amazing is that because of these things we learn a lot about ourselves and gain the confidence to brave the world no matter what may come. You did an awesome job showing the bumpy path people go through with your descriptions of how you felt through each phase. You did awesome and it was very fun to read!

    Eva Badal
    Period 1

  9. Tedman, your piece was amazing. I've always known you as the guy who always wears shorts and always makes people laugh. Just from reading this, I can see how much this affected you and I'm proud of how you were able to overcome it. Not only that, but your narrative is inspirational in so many ways. Great job!
    -Brandon Icamen
    Period 1

  10. TEDMAAAAAAAN! You made me cry dude. Your piece was definitely great. I especially loved your imagery when you described the way you looked. It conveyed your feelings very well, and it painted a clear image in my head of what was actually happening.I'm glad that you TedMANned up and posted a narrative like this. Not only that, you wrote the narrative as if you were the one speaking, and it made the story even better for me. I heard every word said through your voice. It was definitely one of the most poignant narratives that I've read, especially since we're extremely close.

  11. You are THE TedMAN. This story blew me away. Calling it inspirational is like calling the Statue of Liberty a bust. The humor was well timed, and helped alleviate the seriousness of your story, without compromising the overall tone. The jokes and one liners are incredibly funny and brought a smile to my face, especially "THE BURNING PASSION OF YOUTH!!!" This story was incredibly honest and filled with emotion. Yet throughout all the humor, the theme of your story shined like a star. We all have to learn from getting out hearts broken, and your story told a faithful example, with some humorous points. Long live the TedMAN Gaiden!

  12. Aww Tedman! I absolutely loved your piece! I admire the way you portrayed your emotions and the overall structure of this piece. i love the use of imagery that is used throughout this piece. not only was it amazing it was inspirational keep up the great work!.
    Leah Hernandez

  13. TedMAN, the last few lines had me smiling the whole time. THis truely was a roller coaster piece, but it was a great piece that's for sure. I really enjoyed reading this piece, the way you talked about how this experince shaped you into the person you are today, its great. I can honestly say that you are always smiling, except when you were sick but that doesn't count. I really enjoyed this piece and I really like your outlook on life. Keep Smiling TedMAN.

    Angel Ramirez

  14. TEDDY! Can i just say that your reflection had me tearing up a bit. I honestly respect you for publishing such a rough time in your life so that many can learn from it. You honestly are an inspiration to many if not all people because of your optimism and goal to make others and yourself happy. I am glad that you took the positive from a negative experience to make your life more desirable. I love and respect you very much Tedman!

  15. Wow, what to say. This piece really amazed me with the story you were able to weave through your impressive utilization of imagery, tone, and most importantly humor. This story was a rollercoaster of emotions, giving the reader a sort of comfort knowing that they aren’t the only one going through similar struggles. I loved the message of the piece and how it directly correlates towards your own life, thus inspiring the readers to take actions in their own lives. You are an awesome writer, great job!

    Isabelle Huynh

  16. TedMAN this was so great I loved how used your own experience to spread smiles around. This story truly was a rollercoaster and I loved every minute of it. I liked how honest and how much raw emotion was in this story. You also used your piece to spread a beautiful message of self esteem and I admired that alot . you are a great person and I truly enjoyed your piece great job.

  17. Wow Tedman! I loved your emotion and sincerity in the story. I also liked how you gave an important message through your life experiences. Overall, it was an amazing story! Keep up the great work bro.
    -Philip Ahn

  18. This. Was. Very. Touching. i see that you put alot of thought into this peice judging by the length and how you used your own life to fix others in a way. But anyway this was very nice i loved it thanks for sharing
    i respect you

  19. This. Was. Very. Touching. i see that you put alot of thought into this peice judging by the length and how you used your own life to fix others in a way. But anyway this was very nice i loved it thanks for sharing
    i respect you

  20. I am so proud of you Tedman. We've been close friends ever since sophomore year and I remember you telling me about her, and me always reminding you that things will get better, and look at you now? You're doing great and I could not be any more proud of you. I love the way you told your story by adding a few comic reliefs every now and then within your parentheses. Everyone experiences a first heartbreak and I love how you showed to everyone that sometimes, what you want, is not what you can have. Good job teddy!

  21. TedMAN,

    Dude, you were right. I did cry. It was funny, sad, and ultimately I learned something from you. But before I get to what I took from this, I loved the usage of urban diction (aha, get it?) like “simping.” You are one of the coolest people I know, and I highly respect you for the courage you had to write this entry and share it with your peers. The line that killed me the most was when you mentioned “trust issues” and how you’re kind of like Drake. The allusion you had to a very well-known and loved rapper made me want to listen to that song right after. From all this, I learned that we can still be happy by recognizing that despite what we’re going through now we have our whole lives right in front of us still. Most importantly, a good way to be happy despite our issues is to spread happiness. It’s better to try to be happy than to be sad all the time, and I appreciate that so much from your experiences that you shared with us.

    Keep being a man,
    Gian Velasquez (Period 1)

  22. TedMAN,

    I think speak for the masses when I say you are an inspiration to us all. Your piece really gave me insight as to why it is that you are always so happy and why you manage to bring a smile to the faces of everyone you meet. This piece was definitely written in your own voice, and really helped me relate your personality with your writing. I love the implementation of lighthearted comedic commentary, representative of the awesome way in which you see the positive side of every situation. Great job!

  23. I loved this piece. It was filled with so much familiar emotion. I liked how personal it was, it made it very easy to relate to. The story line was interesting and I especially enjoyed the humor. Great work!
    Merosa Uiagalelei

  24. Tedman, you are so precious. I think the subtle criticism to your own past personality, and even the way you behave and think now, is what makes this piece so darling. You know what your flaws, be that they are minor, are and how they make you who you are. Its nice to see that even through all this, you want to use your experiences to show others the wonderful cliche that "it gets better," inevitably. Great job TedMAN- you're lovely.

  25. Well TedMAN I think you are more that man today than ever. These words were truly aspiring and beautiful, truly touched my heart. You made a piece that I think a lot of people can relate to. We all have that stage of puppy love and the heartbreak that follows, which I agree hurts the soul, but it makes us stronger as people. The way you described each action and the fluttery butterflies made it that much more realistic and true. The great part about this piece is that it not only described heartbreak in a depressing way in fact quite the opposite. You made every moment a light hearted moment with just a dash of sad drizzle which is natural. However your commentary I have to say was hilarious beyond belief. I couldn't stop smiling and I am glad that this situation has taught you lesson, and you have shared that knowledge onto us. Beautiful!
    -Katheryn Valle
    Period 1

  26. Oh Teddyman. I remember you telling me this story but god it is so much more touching to read it on this blog. You sure know how to express the epitome of human emotion and show how much woman can hurt a man. Stay strong Tedman and be alright buddy. Great writing.

  27. This was a very uplifting story, I liked how you structured the story starting off light then getting into the deep meaty part of the story. the way you felt really came across in this story and I like how you ended it uplifting knowing you have to move one. this was a really touching piece!
    Margaret Moyer
    Per 5

  28. Awww Teddyman your cute , and this story is very uplifting and if you don't mind I n would really like to share this story with my family

  29. Awww Teddyman your cute , and this story is very uplifting and if you don't mind I n would really like to share this story with my family


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