
Monday, January 26, 2015

"Land of Yogurt" by Justin L

There are so many flavors; it’s practically impossible to pick and choose. I stare across to the back wall, where all the machines are lined up. Levers after lever, flavors after flavors; I actually think I might collapse. I cannot conceal the joy that rushes upon me as I walk closer to the machines. Strawberry, plain tart, cheesecake, and mango, these are the flavors that keep me going, the reason why I wake up every morning. Oh Yogurtland. I probably go to Yogurtland at least once a week. The wide variety of flavors makes Yogurtland one of the most unique yogurt places and is the main reason why I enjoy it the most. I will usually go with my friends, but sometimes my friends don’t crave yogurt like I do, which is why I sometimes go by myself.
I pick up a cup and get ready to put as much as I can into it. My only complaint about Yogurtland is that the cups are to SMALL. How am I supposed to fit every beautifully crafter flavor into the tiny cup? Even though I have already tasted every flavor possible and know exactly what I am going to get, I still get the sample cups. Then I go and taste flavors that I have already tried. So at this point my cup is pretty full, and I still have to put toppings on!
Now don’t get me started on the toppings. There are so many toppings; each one perfectly thought of to match a specific flavor of yogurt. The long rows of toppings glare at me, but I am not tempted by them. I can’t possibly get all the candies and chocolate, I need to watch my figure. This is why I stick to cheesecake bites and mochi. I cram as much as I can into my cup, hopping that it will not topple over. I have finally made the perfect creation of yogurt.
Another problem with eating yogurt, I eat it way to fast. I devour the creamy and thick yogurt in a couple of minutes and am left sad staring into my empty cup. At this point I am tempted to get up and get more, but I don’t, so I go home.
I get home and like usual I go straight to the restroom, where I sit on the toilet and release my yogurt.


  1. It is easy to relate to a story like this. Everyone has a guilty pleasure and sometimes it can border on the level of an obsession. I love your use of imagery to describe the endless deliciousness of every single flavor and every single topping. I can feel your lament as you realize that you cant possibly consume every one of the delectable delights that Yogurtland has to offer. This story made me laugh, and crave yogurt too!

  2. HAHA! Justin, I absolutely love the ending because I associate you with "releasing" food. LOL. But anyways, I liked the simplicity of your story. The use of imagery really allows my mouth to water because I am thinking of all the different flavors available at Yogurtland. By reading this blog entry, one can truly conclude you are a lover of yogurt, since you are practically there almost every week. Good job! :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  3. I read your story with a smile on my face and laughs coming out of my mouth. The use of immense imagery to describe every detail of your story gives me a picture of the yogurt handles, flavors, tastes, toppings, and of course the aftermath of it all. Your simple story line and topic gives an easy read but evokes so much craving. The elements of comedy and satire that were used kept me laughing all the way through and especially at the end of it. Great entry that so many can relate to and laugh about!
    Madison P.
    period 4

  4. I love the story because I have actually been to yogurt land for my first time and when I saw the flavors, I didn't know which one to get because they all looked good. Decisions, decisions... the hardest part in life.
    Isaac Garcia

  5. This story made me chuckle quite a bit. Your use of imagery to describe your experience at Yogurtland and how the yogurt makes you feel created a vivid picture of your love. I could really sense your love for your yogurt and you created a vivid picture of the abundant options that they provide. Your specific details also tell me just how much time you have spent at Yogurtland because only such an experienced customer could capture the essence of the fun and joy of going to Yogurtland.
    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  6. Where do I even start with this story...I'm with you on this one tho. I absolutely LOVE Yogurtland. I love the description you give in the beginning about your reactions and emotions as you try to pick a single flavor. This was extremely entertaining!

    Alexis Huizar
    Period 4

  7. Oh my heck Justin, you made those yogurt makers sound genius designing every topping for select flavors-- I loved it!! This story relates to me like you would not believe except its Popsicle for me. I loved your cheerful and excited tone used in your piece it made me feel like an excited child. You had awesome descriptive statements such as "I pick up a cup and get ready to put as much as I can into it." that support the excited tone all throughout the story. AWESOME!!!

    Eva Badal
    Period 1

  8. I was loving your story and making connections to my experiences at Yougurtland. Then I busted up laughing at the end. What a great way to add the comic relief to you story. Honestly one of my favorite blog stories.
    -Daniel Alaniz
    Period 4

  9. The ending was hilarious. Very well written and very creative. Keep up the good work.

  10. This piece had me laughing all throughout. From the "beautifully crafter flavor" to the the "creamy and thick yogurt". Your description of the yougurt is just great. I love the way you used descriptive language to pretty much put your thoughts on paper. I never knew a piece about Yougurtland could interest me so much. Really great piece.

    Angel Ramirez

  11. China! This piece was hilarious! I cannot believe that you go to Yogurtland at least once a week. Your use of comedy really kept me laughing throughout the entire piece. Also since it was nice and simple, the readers were able to keep a laugh throughout the piece. I enjoyed this piece tremendously. The last line was a little TMI but its okay because you're China!

  12. Oh my goodness! Justin, you're piece was so hilarious! I find it so funny because I'm pretty sure EVERYONE knows you're obsessed with Yogurtland. Majority of your social media post are Yogurtland. But I really enjoyed your piece. It kept me laughing through it all, especially the ending. Great choice of words, haha! Good job, Jason Chen!
    Grace Panjaitan
    period 4

  13. Christian Black
    Period 1

    Guts this piece was so guts Justin. I can totally relate to this because I went to Yogurt land on national free yogurt day this week. Me and my friends wanted in that line for a half an hour and got a tiny cup. NO WONDER WHY IT WAS FREE! They disappointed me. But your piece didn't. it was very humorous and had a very surprising ending (pun intended).

  14. Oh my gosh this was such a funny story to read. Especially the ending I honestly could not stop laughing. I really loved all the imagery that was in this story as well as the simplicity of it. I also really loved how this could pretty much relate to anyone who loved YogurtLand. Great job, this was hilarious!

  15. LOL. Oh Justin, how can one not agree with what you had to say! LOL. I like the casual yet descriptive diction you used to explain the flavors and the setting of Yogurtland itself! Knowing you personally, I can honestly say that this piece really brings an insight into your life! AHAH. So goood job! (:

  16. "release my yogurt" I could not stop laughing !! good job on describing your need for yogurt!

  17. Justin, I absolutely love your enthusiasm about yogurt! Your use of descriptive imagery of Yogurtland and all of the flavors allowed me to share in your experience. I like how detailed and humorous this story is. The entire piece made me laugh especially the ending! Overall, great job.

  18. Yes Justin! I love how relatable your story is, especially because that is me every time I go to Yogurtland lol. The amount of imagery and details used and how specific you were made me picture myself at Yogurtland while reading this, so well done on that. I love how you made it casual and funny which kept me reading. Great job!

    Idalys Martinez
    Period 1

  19. Haha wow Justin. Your piece was so funny haha. I loved how you expressed your feelings about yogurt. Overall, your story was very funny and well written. Keep up the great work!
    -Philip Ahn

  20. I found this piece to be incredibly beautiful, clearly depicting life as a Yogurtland, offering many choices and decisions, with options that can be tried and "tasted", figuratively speaking. SOme of those decisions are not completely delicious and we, as the buyer, must live with the consequences, though they teach us what to stay clear of in future decisions. Life is a Yogurtland, and through your use of imagery and metaphors, you make an obvious statement about the opportunities that await us. Honestly, it brought me to tears the way you were able to capture the human experience in a location so familiar and comforting as a desert shop...

    Either that or its just about yogurt

  21. Well i know where to take you if you wanna eat someplace ahaha. Great peice bro it made me laugh and i love laughing..
    love it...

  22. I absolutely loved your descriptive imagery of Yogurtland, it definitely had my mouth watering to the idea. My smile never left my face while reading your experience with yogurt. Totally relate able!! We all have our weaknesses, writing stories in this case, is NOT a weakness of yours, keep it up!

  23. this story was very funny and can relate. I liked the descriptive details .I can imagine yogurt land right now. I enjoyed the stoy a lot and love those cheesecake bites
    jesse jauregui

  24. Justin, I really had a laugh reading this. I loved your transition of imagery and sensory details to describe the journey you had at yogurtland. Being a yogurt lover as well, I can imagine the scenario occuring in my head and the struggle of finding the perfect ratio of yogurt and toppings. I also find it funny that I know you are lactose intolerant hence the releasing of yogurt, which I can also relate hahaha. It really shows an uplifting persona about you justin, and I love you! Great job!
    Tedman Nguyen
    P: 1

  25. This was a funny piece! It made me a little uncomfortable at the end, but it was definitely the funniest part of your piece. As a fellow Yogurtland lover, I can identify with your fondness of the place. Your casual language adds to the playful tone you established in your writing. Your imagery also added to the environment you created.

  26. omg. Justin. This actually made my night. I actually laughed throughout the entire piece because it was just so silly. Your imagery helped me imagine Yogurtland as if I was there doing everything you described. All in all, this was hilarious, good job.

  27. Lol reall Justin. Its funny because its relatable cause I feel that way about ice cream. " I need to watch my figure". This piece is satirical but yet so serious which is why I love it. Thank you for writing Justin.

  28. I found this really funny to read because it goes through the whole process of eating at yogurtland. It's very relatable because I always personally feel sad when stores give people little tiny cups for a ridiculous amount and then it's all gone.
    The way you finished the story made it come in a full circle eat it then release it .
    Margaret Moyer
    per 5


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