
Monday, January 26, 2015

"Olaf, After Frozen" by Josie S.

Hi, my name is Olaf, and I like warm hugs. I didn’t always like warm hugs though. After Elsa and Anna restored the kingdom of Arendelle and all the snow disappeared I felt alone. I always wondered what it would be like when summer came but once it did, all I could think about is when winter would come again. Elsa tried her best, and it’s not her fault, it was actually very sweet of her to make a snow cloud to follow me everywhere I go. I just don’t feel at home. Now, of course Elsa and Anna are so nice, and I would never want to bring them down, so I hid my sadness. They were always so nice to me, and they expected me to be happy all of the time. So I put on a smile and hugged everyone. Half of the time I’d say I like warm hugs to reassure myself more than others. There was no other option then to pretend to be happy, I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. It was silly to be so upset over something as little as the weather. Sven and Kristoff were the first to notice my depression. Sven walked in on me trying to walk into the fireplace. I thought the only way I would feel peace was by melting. Sven told me not to and called for Kristoff. 
Together they convinced me not to commit snoicide (snowman suicide.) Elsa and Anna were pleasingly understanding to the feelings I had and the circumstances I was in. They helped me through my dark stage and brought me back to light. We all went to therapy together and decided it would be best for me to live in a place with snow everywhere. So, we all went on a journey to a tall mountain and Elsa cast a spell on it so it would snow all year. After spending time with me up the mountains, everyone started getting cold and went home. Elsa, being the smart queen that she is, decided that I would be alone if they all left me up in this mountain alone so she made a snow-woman for me! Snowy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Currently, snowy and I live in a cabin made of ice on top of the tallest mountain closest to Arendelle. We are happily married and are expecting some snow-babies in a couple of months. Snowy has helped me to realize why I like warm hugs again.


  1. This story was so cute. I’m a big frozen fan myself and this was a great twist on your own frozen. Well done.
    ~Mia Tolliver
    period 2

  2. This story was hilarious, and extremely entertaining. I found myself laughing the entire way through the reading. I liked how you gave olaf's secret hidden life behind all his warm hugs and happiness. Amazing short story!
    Nate Shepard

  3. Sadly I never ssaw frozen, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't able to enjoy this story. My favorite part is when Olaf almost commits suicide! JK I can't decide which part is my favorite. Anyways, how do snowmen reproduce?

  4. I really enjoyed this piece. It was a good twist on a happy Disney character. I enjoyed this more than Frozen, but probably because there is no singing about their every whim.

  5. Wow i love how you did this story about Frozen behind the scenes. How creative this was. I feel bad for Olaf at least he lives happily with his new snow wife though. Bethany Stitt 2/2/15 t 7:03 Pm

  6. This story was really different from all the ones I've read but in a good way. I liked how you used a Disney movie and put a sad side to one of the characters. I also enjoyed the way you gave Olaf a happy ending after he was depressed.

  7. I really enjoyed this i really hope they turn this into a short film. (:
    -vymian san

  8. Aww this is adorable! I love how you gave Olaf a backstory about his life outside of what we see in the film. I'm a Frozen fan as well as many other people. Well done! This put a smile on my face! :)

    Alexis Huizar
    Period 4

  9. Aww, this story was really cute, but it started off as if it would have a sad ending. I like how you used a really common Disney character to base a small sequel on. Frozen is practically everywhere, so most people understand the references you utilized in this blog entry. I particularly enjoyed the play on words you did with the word "snoicide." That made me crack up! Anyways, I like how you gave Olaf a happy ending and a purpose to move forward in life. It can relate to our society and how people feel as if they don't fit in, so they want to leave this world, but everyone does have a purpose in life, and just like how Olaf found meaning to his life again, us humans can find our true meanings as well. Good job! :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  10. I loved the movie and I think this was a great after story. I think it was clever how you created your own word. You did a great job and I enjoyed it very much.

  11. I loved this story! It was creative and so heart warming. I was really surprised that Olaf tried to commit snoicide. I also thought you were so creative with combing both words.
    -Jocelyn Rangel

  12. Christian Black
    Period 1

    This was a great "after story" to the Disney movie Frozen. It makes me wonder; what if Olaf was unhappy after he found out what summer was like? What really socked me was when Olaf attempted to walk into the fire place; and what was really showing was what Sven out of all characters walked in on him and stopped him. I thought it was really cool how he went to therapy and stuff making this film more "realistic" nice job.

  13. I like how you put your own twist on Frozen. It really got me thinking for a little bit! Great work! Keep it up!

  14. Have you ever considered making Disney short films, because if so you'd do fantastic!! I'm a huge Olaf fan and this brought me sadness and joy. This is truly creative, lighthearted, and cute! I especially enjoyed the word "snoicide", an example of your creativity. GREAT job!
    Period 4

  15. Awe this story is so sad but yet cute. I like how you choose a Disney movie and just kept I going. I like the creativity you put in the story. Great Job
    ~Clarissa Rojas
    Period 2

  16. Great story. I liked how the mood was turning sad and the in one sentence you brought it back up which made this story really good.
    jesse jauregui

  17. Love Frozen and love this story. I like how its not the typical happy Disney story all the way through. Very creative which made it fun and easy to read. Thanks for sharing :)
    Haylie D
    Period 4

  18. This is one of the most unusual stories I've read. It's interesting because you took a character from a children's movie and made him a more serious character. I feel like your intended audience is a group of children and you're trying to explain to them depression. It is quite interesting how you were able to characterize Olaf in your own way.

  19. Oh my goodness, this is seriously so cute. It kind of made me sad in a way, but happy by the end of the story. What really hooked me was your title. I love the movie Frozen, especially Olaf and I was interested to see what you had interpreted his life to be after winter. I thought it was cute and creative how you used your own words such as "snoicide" and "snowbabies" haha. Good Job!

  20. This is really cute and I enjoyed how it's not exactly the happy ending that Disney would have supported but there was a reason behind this "extended" ending. Olaf may have the feelings you wrote. When someone is different from the rest of those around them, they tend to feel somewhat disconnected even with those they love. Maybe Olaf may feel lonely being the only snowman. I thought this piece was adorable and great job!

    Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  21. Josie this was incredibly creative and very Disney-like. I have no doubt that within the year we will be hearing about a Frozen 2. I also think the possibility is very high that Disney will put together a short that addresses the life concerns of the lovable Olaf. I really recommend that you add more detail to the story and submit it to Disney. You never know what could happen. :) I hope you continue to write about the things that interest you.
    Adan Chavez
    Per. 4

  22. wow I love frozen and I definitely think they should add this onto the end aha I can watch this movie daily.
    -4th period


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