
Monday, January 26, 2015

"The Thought of You" by Vymian S.

            It is currently July and it has been 2 years already but as I board the plane I take out my camera and look through the only photos I have of you. All these thoughts and memories came rushing in from the time I met you to the time you left. Five hundred days we spent together I know it wasn't the best at all times but I would never regret a second that I've spent with you. Now you're in paradise, you lived your life to the fullest and spent every moment like it was your last. Everyday will be different without you here physically but mentally I know in my heart that you're here watching me through every step I take.

Every night I would cry myself to sleep because I regret not going, I didn't know that it would be the last time I would be able to see you. Knowing you was the best thing that had ever happened to me. You were my rock and the reason I looked forward to another day. What will I remember most about you? Of course it would be that smile of yours that could brighten up anyone's day.

Nothing will ever be the same without you here to push me to accomplish things and live life without any worries but I will live in the present not the future and not the past. God's bound to call everyone up with him one at a time...everyone has their time and it sucks knowing that all your loved ones are going to be gone one day, but one day you'll be up there with everyone. I went to the point of questioning why God takes everyone away. I haven't found my answer yet but as long as I know that I'll be with you again that's all that really matters.

 As long as I get to see that smile of yours again, I'll live my life with no worries and spend every day like it's my last so that when I am with you, you won't feel like I spent my whole life doing nothing, regretting every chance I should've taken…instead I'll tell you all the things I accomplished knowing that you were still by my side. It truly hurts not having your loved ones here with you on earth, but don't forget that they're in a better place. With God.

 It hurts to accept that you're really gone still but it’s the right thing to do. I just really wish that I didn't have to lose you this way. It is now 7am and as the plane has reached its final destination I got in my car and drove as I got to the cemetery I lay at the same spot you were buried and stayed there for hours and hours talking to you. It has been awhile but the thought of you will always brighten up my day. I love you forever and always.


  1. I absolutely love this topic that you have chosen. Its very deep and there are many people that feel the same way you do. -Nais Zjaii Ragsdale

  2. This was one of my favorites stories by far. Everybody has been there so time in there life and need someone to lean on. Great story.
    ~Mia Tolliver
    period 2

  3. Wow I thought this was a great story Vymian. I really love how I can see true emotion when yo wrote this, like from personal experience. i thought this was a truly touching piece.

  4. This story was really interesting and it shows the struggle that many people have gone through. I love how when it starts you can tell this is going to be a very meaningful. The quotes you made were really beautiful. I can tell you have put a lot of your soul and feelings into writing this story and you did a spectacular work.

  5. Wow. Very deep, honestly I could see this turning into a movie! Very descriptive and detailed. Great job!
    Josie Starr
    Period 2

  6. I loved the whole story, it has a very deep, loving message. That at some point in everyone's life they meet someone who changes their life forever, and that's what I felt in your story. So, amazing job

    -Kimberly Tsuyuki
    Period 6

  7. Your story was very good and easily relates to a lot of people because it happens to everyone. I really liked how you expressed the pain and confusion people struggle through during hard times in their life using contradictory statements such as "They are in a better place" and "Why does God take people away?" These contradictory statements really show that during these times there is a major internal conflict in people and they struggle to find truth. One improvement I would suggest is to stay in the same tense through out the entire story, but other than that awesome.

    Eva Badal
    Period 1

  8. This story can relate to many people because this happens to everyone. This is an outstanding piece of writing, it was very deep. Keep it up.

  9. I loved this story it was really good! It was detailed really good. Good job!
    -Sukhmeen G
    Period 2

  10. Wow. This story can relate to a lot of people today. Also, it was very powerful and deep. Great job! You should write more stories!
    Per 2

  11. Really good story keep up the great work made me think of the people i love really enjoyed it !
    Kyle Baker

  12. This story was very detailed. Overall it was a great story keep it up!
    Joseph Mendez

  13. this story is so sad but true. I like that you wrote about this it is not missing anything. Great job
    ~Clarissa Rojas

  14. I'm not sure why, but I get a very dreamlike vibe from this. Not sure if that's relevant or helpful, but in any case I thought the writing style greatly enhanced the message. I appreciate the lost and found nature of some of the questioning, and overall shows a great deal of promise. Keep it up!
    Charles Purcell
    Period 5

  15. I enjoyed your heart felt story. It is a story many people can relate to. I do not believe your writing has any flaws.
    Jobelle Dauz
    Period 2

  16. Although I haven't experienced something like this, I can see why stories like this could mean a lot to somebody somewhere. As we get older we all will eventually realize that our time here is a short one, and that we need to take advantage of everything life can give us. Treasure what time we have with others as if it were our last, because it very well might be. Live your life in a way that makes people remember you, or at the very least all the good times you had with them.
    -Justin Presto
    Period 2


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