
Monday, January 26, 2015

"Memories" by Sean M.

This is an autobiographical account.
The night of the Homecoming game, my friends and I decided to venture on a hike after the game. We called these hikes "night hikes" (I know, sounds basic, but what else are we supposed to call it). As we were readying to depart, I remembered that I had a flashlight in my back seat, so I ran back to get it. As I shut the door, I noticed that my pockets were a little lighter than when I had come back. The time it took the door to shut seemed like the longest 2 seconds of my life. Yet, as long as those two seconds seemed, I could not react fast enough to hurry up and stop the door from closing. And there sat my keys on the seat, inside my locked car.
All my friends laughed at me as I was forced to get a ride home from them. I didn't laugh; I was too salty to laugh.
As we reached my house, I remembered that I had been responsible enough to lock all doors and shut all the windows. And my house key was also locked within my car. We went around and looked for any unlocked windows. Luckily, I had accidentally left one unlocked. There was one problem however, I hand no way of getting to it. Then, the brilliant idea occurred to me: why don't we just stack the trash cans that are on the side of my house, then I'll be able to climb up.
After we stacked them, I began the ascent, and about halfway up I noticed that the makeshift ladder was not as sturdy as I previously thought. It began to wiggle and that's when my friend asked if I would like to get down. I replied slowly and stupidly, "Yeahhh," for fear that if I spoke too fast I might lose what little balance I had. Just as I was shifting my weight down, the trash cans gave and I fell. One ended up hitting me on the head, but that was the least of my worries. Mind you, that it was around twelve at night when the booming crash happened; I don't know why my neighbors didn't call the cops, suspecting we were burglars.
Anyways, I wizened up and went next door to ask my neighbor for his ladder. He graciously gave me an eight-foot ladder, but it was about twelve feet to the window. So I used my "redneck ingenuity" and stacked the ladder on the trash can because it gave me the unaccounted for extra feet. I ascended one more time, slipped off the screen, and cautiously crawled through the window victoriously.
There are a couple things I learned from this experience. First of all, don't be stupid and lock your keys in your car. Secondly, it is memories like these that will last forever, and one day you'll be able to look back on when you're forty and laugh. So my advice is to go out and do stupid things with your friends while you still can (just make sure it's legal, I've been down that road and it's not fun) because next year when you're all at different colleges you guys won't be able to do all the things you can do now.

"Stay foolish" - Steve Jobs


  1. Well done! Many people fail to enjoy the time they have in their youth with their friends and family. It was easy to relate to a funny story like yours, I'm sure at one time or another we have all done something regrettable that at the time did not seem funny but later served as a great laugh. I agree wholeheartedly that these memories define us and perhaps everyone would be a little better off if we kept that in mind every time we do something stupid.

  2. I enjoyed the young fun and stupidity that every teenager deals with or should deal with in their life that this piece encompasses. The thing about having to go through a window on the second story of one's house is something I can relate to when my friend and I got locked out of her house. Your entry was simple but contained a lot of elements that developed a well written ad structured piece that came off as funny and relatable. Each moment led to the next and step by step you revealed another moment to share with us.
    Madison P.
    period 4

  3. This entry was quite funny yet educational. I could really feel the shock you felt as you turned to find out you locked your keys in your car and the subsequent struggle you felt as you needed to get home. I also felt that the message of going out and enjoying life was also very poignant. I feel that many kids sometimes let themselves get caught up in drama or too much schoolwork that they never take the time to have fun and enjoy life with their friends and family. It is important to have fun in life because you wont always have the time nor the opportunity because of the increased responsibilities of life as an adult.
    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  4. I really enjoyed your piece. It was very relatable and kept my attention from beginning to end. I also liked the way you tied the whole piece together, it reminded me that instances like this could possibly be the last we'll ever have. All in all well done!
    - Merosa Uiagalelei

  5. This was great because it reminds us to all live in the moment while we are all young. We have so much time to create a memory so why not now? It's quite interesting seeing somebody's anecdote of their life experiences. Keep on living in the moment. (:
    -Joey Roest

  6. Sean, this was an absolute pleasure to read! I loved the use of current vernacular and familiarity in the writing. They both made the piece much more enjoyable to read and gave me a few chuckle too. Not only was your comedic storytelling on point, but also your piece had a message you wanted to share,which was great. Amazing job!

    Isabelle Huynh

  7. Really good story Sean, It made me laugh a few times and you also got your point across during it. Really enjoyed it.
    Kyle Baker

  8. YO haha this was really good and the idea behind it is great. I loved how casual this is and how I can actually imagine you saying this in an active conversation awesome job!

  9. I really enjoyed this piece! It was very casual and relatable. Your points that you made at the end were great! I totally agree with you about going out there and making whatever great memories you can make now, especially before going off to college. I like how you made a semi serious matter, with leaving your keys in your car, to a funny story and added the details about how you attempted to get into your house and how much of a failure you were at that your first time aha. Also, I liked how you made it to the sense where people could picture you saying this as a conversation. Well done on this piece!

    Idalys Martinez
    Period 1

  10. Sean, I loved how you progressed the story. The beginning had me cracking up since we can all relate to when we have done something embarrassing in public before. Honestly, you are a very creative person because despite locking yourself out of the car and leaving your keys in the car, you were able to come up with a fantastic idea of the trash can. Despite it not working, I am glad you were able to resolve the situation. Also, I liked how in the end you came up with a moral of the story, concluding everything nicely. Great job!
    Tedman Nguyen
    Period: 1

  11. This story made me laugh a lot it was really funny. Hahaha I like how you went to your neighbors house at 12. That's pretty funny! But I totally agree with what you're saying when you say do things while you still can especially while you're still in high school. I really like how you quoted Steve jobs in the end as well! Also great use of imagery I just saw you climbing on the trash cans in my mind! Great job!

  12. I love how you used "redneck ingenuity" to solve a problem! With modern cars having built in wi-fi and GPS and all those perks, you would think there would be a simple solution for the people who lock their keys in their car. I guess we are stuck with traditional keys for the time being.


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