
Sunday, November 16, 2014

"High School Tryouts" by Joseph M.

There was this kid named Matthew, he was the best baseball player you could ever see. Soon was high school tryouts and he was so confident that he thinks he could make varsity as a freshman. Tryouts were in 2 weeks. There was one thing that stopped him, witch were his grades. The report card comes out the same week as tryouts.  At that time his GPA was a 1.9 and he tried to bring it up quick as possible. He needed to have a 2.0 to be eligible to play. Matthew had tests for each subject the next day and that night he studied the most he can do. He found out that out of all the five test he took he passed one. A week later he got his report card and his GPA dropped to a 1.4. Tryouts were the next day. The coach was disappointed in him because he had so much talent. He made a deal with Matthew and said if you do good with us you don’t have to worry about your grades, I just want you on my team. So turns out he does make varsity, and his parents were so proud of him but never knew about his grades. Soon his parents got the report card and right away pulled Matthew out of baseball and told the school that the coach was letting him play with a GPA under 2.0. Turns out the coach gets fired and Matthew is never playing baseball until he gets his grades up. Out of his years of high school, he did pick up his grades and got a full scholarship to a division 1 college in his junior year. Later that day he thanked his parents, and never gave up on his academics or baseball.


  1. Great job! I really enjoyed the story !

    imalla ramirez
    period 6

  2. This was a good little story. Maybe go into more detail. But other than that, good job.

  3. This was good story and inspiring story and i loved how he got on the team got his grades which is really good and academics first. But you did need a little more detail but overall great story.
    Juan Acero
    Period 6

  4. Nice Story. I thought the conflict was very clear and your writing style is great.
    Josie Starr
    period 2

  5. Great story Joseph. The story was a little short and i thought you could of used more figurative language. Overall great story

    by Jesse jauregui

  6. good story, this relates to many students in many schools who are interested in sports. Keep it up.

  7. Nice job! I liked how your story explains how your grades need to be good to play sports.
    -Angel Gonzalez

  8. This story was very interesting to read. Your sentences were brief and to the point, but I could imagine the scenarios in the events clearly. I liked the ending and the lesson you want the readers to know. Through hard work, perseverance, and dedication you can accomplish your dreams. Overall, great piece!

  9. Madison Pierce period 4
    This is such an inspiring story. It reminds me of the movie “The Blind Side”. I loved how you slowly revealed all the steps her took to reach his final goal. The end result was worth it after all her worked for. It proves to not give up and even if its hard the turn out can be rewarding.

  10. Really Good story. I know the feeling of that pressure. Its not fun but good job all in all.
    Kyle Baker


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