
Sunday, November 16, 2014

“Noticed or Heard, You Decide” by Kathryn B.

                Being noticed and being heard are two completely different things. To be quite honest with you, I would much rather be heard than noticed. Noticing someone is done by looking at one’s outer shell, their appearance. Not even breaking the surface of what makes a human to be. But being heard, that’s when someone listens. Not only to what you have to say but what you feel, your opinions, and they way that you view things.
                                They care if you are heard.
                This is something not all people are able to have in their lifetime, it’s simply luck… or is it fate? I don’t know, this still makes no sense to me. But it is the most fulfilling thing to be able to be surrounded by people who care… people who hear you.
                But what happens when you are told that you are cared about by so many people, but yet it is as if they still would be unable to hear you even if you screamed it through a megaphone. How does this make sense? When someone cares about you, they listen. They are able to hear you without you even saying a word. It is all empty words, exactly like empty promises.
                Empty words that are the exact same thing as empty promises. And these empty words will be what eventually lead to the demise of an empty person. Now I want you to say hello to that person.
                                It is the one writing this… Hello, I am empty. How are you?


  1. I like the philosophical approach you took towards your blog entry. I like the fact that you strayed away from the common story idea and put something heart-felt on the blog. Good job!

  2. I loved this! I like how you really put your heart and feelings into this so it sounds very genuine. - Tatiana Nunez

  3. I like your thought process. I can definitely relate because I do know how it feels, and the structure of the piece, notably the designation of "They care if you are heard," enables the general message to stick out to the reader: If people truly do care, they would not only notice you, but care what you have to say. Congratulations! This piece was spectacular!


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