
Sunday, November 16, 2014

“Back to Thanksgiving” by Kamau O.

I remember it like it was yesterday I was sitting with all the Native Americans watching a huge boat come towards our land. So the Native Americans and I were just staring looking at what it could be from a distance. So we all hid just in case and went to sleep to protect ourselves but also stay rested. So the next morning we noticed the boat never came towards us so we just observed at where the boat was. We noticed they were also people but they looked like scary people. There were lots of people from that boat for months. But then we started seeing less people because lots of them were getting sick and dying some from the sea, diseases, and starvation. But we started to help them by throwing food at them and they didn’t know who or what it was. So every day we would throw potatoes, corn, fish, and more.
So the tribe told the chief we should help them survive in our world so the Chief went out towards the people and told them about everything to their captain and everybody started to surround the Chief and Captain. So after they were done talking the two nations of people all socialized and had fun together by throwing food at each other. A whole year has passed and the Native Americans trust the Pilgrim to stay in our land. So every year during the fall before all the crops die and it’s time to make new crops the two nations have a huge pot luck from all the food after saving some they haven’t eaten. And for some reason they did this every year without a name for this big harvest. But all the food from this harvest lasted days because of all the food that was made. So next year the people decided to call this big harvest Thanksgiving they called it this because every year there crops grow healthy and good. But about two centuries later Thanksgiving didn’t even become a real thing or holiday.
Two centuries later the original people from the first Thanksgiving came to the nineteenth-century to make this a holiday so the chief for the Native Americans and the leader for the pilgrims came to George Washington and forced him to sign an Amendment to make Thanksgiving a big thing and a holiday and the Amendment is called Thanksgiving Matters.    


  1. Good Job, i like how you tied in the history with it. Maybe a little more detail . but good job :)

  2. Noah Martinez
    Good job, it was cool how you went back in time.

  3. This was a very educational story with lots of detail and references to history. Great story and great job! Keep it up Kamau!

  4. More people should read this story, it is great because it tell how thanks giving was 'probably' made. anyways, kewl story! Also, it's thanks giving, wonder why everyone thinks it's christmas already, we need to slow down! Which is also why I'm glad you made this story.

  5. You did a great job Kamau!!! This story was detailed and I liked that. I also liked how the story was on the topic of Thanksgiving and somehow connected to our past history
    ~Period 2

  6. Nice man! I learned a bit from this story i liked it
    -Angel Gonzalez


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