
Sunday, November 16, 2014

"You Know…?" by Anthony H

You know that feeling you get when you’re really into someone?
You know, the butterflies that last for weeks, sleep being the one thing that can make them go away, if you’re lucky enough to get any sleep?
You know, when your heart will probably give out by next week from how fast it has been beating?
You know, that feeling of wanting to throw up and poop your pants at the same time when you see, hear, or even think about them? (I mean that in the best way possible.)
You know, when you don’t think about anyone else; just them, all…the…time?
You know, when you get a text and hope to God for their name to light up your screen, but it never does?
You know, when you put your music on shuffle, and coincidentally, all of the love songs decide play, one after another?
You know, the constant breath-smelling and hair-fixing before every time you see them?
You know, when you rehearse in your head what you’re going to say to them, because you’re so nervous that you might stumble on your words, or forget what to say?
You know, that moment when you realize you’re totally screwed, because it’s like you’re a completely different person?

Oh, you don’t? Yeah, *pssssh* me neither, that’s stupid.


  1. You know… I totally feel you on this! All puns aside, it really is a rollercoaster experience with feelings, I’m pretty sure every person has gone through this at least once. I can relate to all the things you have said literally, especially the love songs (drake). However, I’m sure that one day it will be all worth the things you go through! Stay you, because you’re great! Good job, this hit me in the feels. :)
    Tedman Nguyen
    P: 1

  2. Honestly such a great piece. Totally relatable as well, because no doubt every single one of us has gone through those feelings and the way you introduce those quirky little things such as the hair fixing and of course the pooping of the pants gives a vivid description to the emotion of your piece. Really enjoyed it and the sarcastic humor at the end was truly the cherry on top to this. Awesome job!:-)

  3. This feeling is completely and 100% relatable to probably everyone in some way or another. It’s very difficult sometimes to just feel all this all the time not knowing if you’re on their mind too? How are we to know what to do with this fluster? This weird infatuation that is different than anything before? I mean, I feel you. It’s unlike any other emotion we have as humans & possibly the best one we even have! The tone of your mini story/poem was displayed wonderfully! Good job! The structure of it also brought a more comprehensive & intriguing sense to it. The way you described how you felt for this special person made your piece very genuine as well! Again, feelings are weird, & sadly I at the moment have given up on my own, but I hope that this feeling helps you open yourself up more & benefits you! But remember, all of it, no matter what may happen down the line, good or bad, will help you one way or another! ALWAYS keep that in mind! AGAIN, excellent job! I really enjoyed reading your piece Anthony!

  4. I just want to cry reading this because I can absolutely relate to you, haha. I love that feeling and I love how in the ending, it was not the response I was expecting to get from you. I like how you described the feelings such as "throw up" and "poop your pants" because it has a different connotation than what people perceive it to be when they first read it. This was such a cute piece and I hope that you show it to that significant person you're indirectly speaking about *wink wink*. Keep up the good work!

  5. Bruh this is the ultimate Simping story. All these feels are actual feelings that most people feel and the fact that you were brave enough to talk about them is amazing. Good job!

  6. The minute I started reading this, I immediately began mentally asking myself the questions from your piece. I loved how you utilized questions to get the reader to relate more to your piece instead of stating all the details or things we do when we like someone. The best part of this was just how on point you are about the experience of beginning to like someone. I have to admit that I was cheesin' the whole time reading this because every single question was something that I, or anyone else reading this, would do. The way you ended this, though, was just hilarious. You really shifted perspectives and I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or you were just playing off the stereotypical feelings we get when we like someone, but I suppose it could go both ways. Good job!

    Period 1

  7. Anthony you're too guts! I love this piece and the use of repetition of "You know". Especially in the end when I thought you knew too but you made it seem like nobody knew at all. The sarcastic tone in the end was very funny because you're not making it obvious at all right? I'm just kidding! I loved how it was meant for everyone to relate because we all have those feelings with that significant other. Overall, you did a great job!

  8. Anthony, the first time I read this was at lunch when Ellamae started dying of laughter next to me. She read the piece out aloud, and the sarcasm tone was not missed. Even though your tone came off as a bit sarcastic, the questions that you were asking your readers were legitimate and extremely relatable to anyone who has had romantic feelings for someone else. Really funny entry, great job! :)

  9. This just about killed me with laughter because you speak the truth good sir. These emotions are something no one wants to admit, but eventually the truth prevails! it is a very simple entry that cuts straight to the point, but it conveys a strong message. The sarcasm just emphasized everything in this entry and I really enjoyed reading it!

    Katelynn Gutierrez p.4

  10. This piece was too funny! I have had these occurrences in my life and could totally relate. Your use of repetition in using "You know" really drew me in and it's ironic because you sarcastically say you don't know, but wrote as if you did. You really put your voice into this and I know because as I read I could hear your voice. The way you described the emotions was funny too because so many people have felt this feeling. Overall, great entry! I enjoyed it and it was a funny read. Different from the rest, Good job!

  11. Anthony,
    I really really really loved this! Honestly i feel like i was your audience. I could relate to your piece in so many ways and i think your use of repetition was perfect. I also loved the ending. It was probably my favorite part because it tied everything together. You did an amazing job. This needs to be on tumblr or something.
    Leasia Spicer
    period 4

  12. Anthony, I really loved how this piece perfectly captured the sarcastic aspect of your personality. I found all of the points and emotions you brought up to be extremely relatable especially for people in our age group. Your vivid use of imagery allowed me to share in your accurate experience of what it's like to be really into another person.

  13. Wow! Great job Mr. Rivers! I really enjoyed how this piece was simple yet very powerful. As teenagers we go through a phase where we believe that there will never be a person as special as the the one we currently like. By repeating "you know", you allowed readers to relate to your piece. Most importantly, your sarcastic tone shifted the story from being a gloomy romantic piece to a romantic comedy type of story. Overall great job and if this story actually relates to you at the moment, I hope this person you speak of will realize how much you care about them.

  14. The precision with this piece was fabulous. You knew exactly who the target audience was for this blog and you hit the nail on the head with the relatable topic of teenage love. This piece perfectly captures the personality of our age group, as well! Of course almost everyone has had this happen to them, but it is some sort of taboo to mention it or people just don’t want to hear it. Overall, I found this entry to be a humorous, enjoyable read. Great job.

  15. The anaphoric "You know" and the ending with "You don't" shows this buildup of anticipation and then sudden disappointment at the end, and this is wonderful because it really is reflective of the actual situations around which this poem is about. We hope to find others that relate and find disappointment when they don't. Well done!

  16. I really enjoyed how this piece was written as it brings up the point of how us as teenagers are always looking for someone that feels the same way that we do wen we are going through a phase such as this one. This also brings up the point of how teenagers are always looking for their significant other at such a young age when in reality they should slow down and be able to enjoy their youth rather than worrying about something such as that.

  17. I do know how this feels there is sometimes good and sometimes bad but there is always someone there for you. Good job.
    Kyle Baker


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