
Monday, October 20, 2014

"Sarcasm Hurts " by Jaena F.

            Sarcasm.  We have all dealt with sarcasm before, whether it came from an individual to even yourself contributing to your own sarcasm.  According to the English dictionary, sarcasm is a sharply ironical taunt, to me; it is more like a heaping bowl of thinly veiled insults disguised as humor.  Sure, there is nothing wrong with teases and jokes in life and that it has the value of making life even fun and exciting but when does it come to the point in where you might be actually hurting the person’s feelings? To me personally, I have had my share of the cruel beatings of sarcasm and was always the girl to not really distinguish how to practice sarcasm. I never understood the reason why sarcasm makes one seem superior to their own intelligence and how people are actually proud of being sarcastic. It always leaves me dumbfounded at times in where people topple themselves on to another thinking of “glorious” new comebacks targeting the individual’s weak point. But of course, one shall have the thought of questioning who am I to even have the audacity to spit and belittle the wondrous world of sarcasm and the splendor it has brought upon to the lives of others yet, this is why I am here to explain why sarcasm hurts.
First things first, you’re not the “realest” if you use sarcasm on people who are sensitive to such comments.  As one would say “sarcasm is the lowest form of wit” and people who use sarcasm are usually insecure that they need to hurt other people in order to feel good about themselves is strongly related to one thing that we students are well aware of; bullying.  Bullying, thankfully, has been lessened due to the support from people all around that have a voice to declare that bullying is not okay. But what about sarcasm? Doesn’t sarcasm have the same values at least and in some, maybe the same intentions? Of course sarcasm isn’t bullying, and I as a student am not calling sarcastic people “bullies” but is there really a certain limit in where one word can hurt a person to a certain extent? If we hide such words under humorous structure, is it considered socially acceptable? Or is the declaration of the blatant error of oneself really triumphing to the heart and soul? So does sarcasm really hurt people? It hurts me to see that my point of view may not even be agreed to some readers behind the screen, but a sense of joy and accomplishment will overthrow all the negativity knowing that I can help someone out there who may have went or are going through with constant sarcasm from sarcastic people by giving my opinion on this topic.
            Maybe you are wondering why I have the words sarcasm in bold. When a person spills out a comment to another, who in that time did not know how to react, this has already put them down. Walking to class thinking of that remark, regretting to say what they wanted or needed to say, constantly belittling them that they are stupid, weak, and a big wuss puss for not replying with another low sneer. Sarcasm gets stuck into people and that words do matter and that they can have a big impact. When I put those words on bold you were basically in the mind of a victim of sarcasm. Wherever they went and whatever they did they couldn’t fully function to their full potential just because of that one thinly veiled insult and what they could have done to topple you off. And that is where it really hurts.


  1. Christian Black
    Period 1

    I love your piece Jaena, its crazy how sarcasm use to be seen as a way of insulting people; but in this generation its apart of our everyday life's. We assume that it really doesn't effect the people around us when it really does. There is a thin line that separates harmless and harmful sarcasm, from playful joking with your friends to brutally picking on a certain individual. It really shouldn't be used this way but for some people its the only way they know how to express themselves; the only way to be confident about there own self image by analyzing and commenting one someone else. Amazing job Jaena !

  2. Hey Jaena Baena!
    I liked the beginning of your second paragraph so much. I was laughing for a cool minute. Iggy is the realest. I like the point you got across because, although I do not totally agree with you, I can definitely grasp your point of view easily. I also enjoyed how you bolded certain words because that really gave the reader a central idea to focus on, so they wouldn't get lost in your cordial language. I see now, that some people do use sarcasm to hurt others and I didn't really see that before reading this reflection, so thank you for broadening my understanding of another type of bullying, essentially. Keep doing you, girl (:

  3. You make a great point, sarcasm can hurt people feelings. The one who speaks may not think so but the on who is spoke to can be hurt. Sarcasm can be bullying with your words. You did a great job on this piece and you can really help people think before they speak and help other people who feel the same.
    Bethany Stitt
    period 2

  4. Very nice topic to write about .....sarcasm does really hurt and im glads im not he only one that feels this way. i love everything you have done with this story. I especially love how you you have great details to explain why sarcasm is horrible Period 6 - Nais Zjaii Ragsdale

  5. I loved your piece! You gave me a whole new look on sarcasm and the affects it has. At first I was not quite sold on the sarcasm hurts because I myself can be a little sarcastic but as I continued I see how you tied it all together. I loved how you bolded certain words because that really gave the audience an insight on your theme. Thank you for altering my perspective of sarcasm in a positive way keep writing!
    -Leah Hernandez

  6. This is a very impressive literary piece. The emphasis on the word sarcasm throughout the story really hits home on how you feel about sarcasm. Your personal statements about sarcasm helped the writing and established how strong your feelings are. Personally I use sarcasm a lot and I do disagree with certain parts of your statement, though that's more of a personal issue with me not liking blanket statements. I do not believe that any tool of speech can be completely positive or negative, however I do like your reasons for not liking sarcasm. I also agree that sarcasm is no joke, and genuinely can hurt people. Your pathos is very personal and from a first hand experience. I admire that you're able to communicate your personal feelings in a clear manner. You have an amazing and compelling piece Jaena!

  7. this story is good because it tells people the good and bad of sarcasm. Sometimes its good and sometimes it can really hurt someone. I thought it was great! Good job.
    kyle baker
    period 6

  8. Dang Jaena, this is on point. I totally understand and can relate to everything that you said. I admit my sarcasm directed to others can sometimes be hurtful and I know how it feels for someone else to be sarcastic towards me. I really liked the structure of this piece and how the word "sarcasm" was in bold only to express further meaning to the word. This definitely reminded me to watch what I say when being sarcastic whether my intentions are to be funny or not. Thank you for sharing your perspective, you're amazing!

  9. When I was younger, I was completely oblivious to the use of sarcasm and was humiliated for not understanding it. But now, I'll occasionally use some sarcasm when I find it appropriate. So I can definitely appeal to both perspectives of you piece: the victim and the user. I really liked how you just analyzed a topic that occurs everyday. I also find it appropriate that you were able to share your opinion to an audience that uses sarcasm everyday: teenagers. Your piece has made me reflect on my uses of sarcasm, and I'm cringing at the memories. I'll be sure to be more wary of words. Amazing job on your analysis!

  10. To be totally honest, I am a frequent user of sarcasm. I didn't really think anything of it, but reading your blog entry definitely changed my perspective and gave me incite to how people feel on the receiving end. I enjoyed your entry and it was enlightening to look at it from another angle. And I really liked your Iggy Azalea reference. Great job Jaena!

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  11. Hey girl! I cannot agree with you more on the fact that sarcasm hurts and there is a line that should not be crossed. Too often, especially in high school, students use sarcasm as a way to be funny. Some are more sensitive than others, but the sarcastic person cannot control their "humor" and they should try to be more considerate to other people's sensitivity. Sarcasm has affected me and I'm glad someone finally addressed this problem. Overall, great job and nice reference to Iggy.

  12. Great story !! I was really intrigued with this story to begin with because sarcasm is very frequent in everyday life.Now that i think about your right that it is an allusion in disguised. Keep up the good work.

    Jesse jauregui

  13. Merosa Uiagalelei
    Period 5
    Wow this piece was amazing! It really spoke to me, I am surrounded by sarcasm on a daily basis and am guilty of being sarcastic myself. You captured the essence of how I too would define sarcasm. I enjoyed your examples as well they were very realistic. I especially liked your use and explanation of the words in bold. All in all your piece was awesome and you successfully introduced a unique perspective on sarcasm in my view!

  14. Jaena this story hit the spot! I really like how you tackled something so acceptable and common today when it shouldn't be. It really opened up my eyes.
    -Jacob valdez
    Period 4

  15. That was great! It really opened my eyes to how sarcasm can affect others. I fully understand what you mean by 'It sticks with you" because whenever someone gives a sarcastic answer to me, it always sticks in my head. However sometimes sarcasm can hurt and that will stick with you even longer. I loved how you emphasized how sarcasm sticks by putting certain words in bold type. Really good writting!
    -Daniel Alaniz Period 4

  16. Marian Hollinquest
    Period 1
    Great job, Jaena. You have highlighted well the basic communication grounds of which I use with my own mother! You argue the point well that, though it is use simple to point out the humorous contradicting ideas they have, it also has a negative effect on the person they are targeted at.

  17. P4
    I loved this entry. It brought up a common topic and made me think of it differently, as I usually think of sarcasm as more of joking or bantering. It made me think about sarcasm as a bullying technique, even if it is not meant to be, and how it really can hurt in some instances. I also liked how you bolded sarcasm and also other words towards the end that emphasized how sarcasm really can hurt.

  18. I remember once in Link Crew, we were told that the Latin derivations of the word sarcasm mean "to tear at the flesh," and I think that your use of description concerning sarcastic remarks fit the definition well. I also love how this reminds me of the one Why We Read Literature about understanding others' views better from reading their works. Your exemplary writing offers wonderful argumentation and serves as a blueprint for arguers to come.

  19. It's great to find those who can speak out about real life situations and actually speak from intelligence and not social status. Yes, sarcasm isn't essentially bullying. Yes, there is a limit to it. It impressed me to see the connection you put inbetween it because generally today people choose one answer in a headstrong fashion and don't think about any other factors. This provides a great argument for how some don't understand how impactful their words can be. -Joey Roest

  20. Wow this was a really good Jaena! I loved how you showed that sarcasm can really hurt someone. Also, I liked how you bolded sarcasm to prove your overall message of the story. All in all, great job. Keep up the great work.
    -Philip Ahn

  21. I love this Jaena the way you used sarcasm in your story its great i thought that sarcasm is something that is very funny ro someone could make a joke it could be fake or it could be real depends on what the joke is going to be or whatever it is then i realized that sarcasm can actually really hurt someone or put them in pain

    Omid Raziani
    Period 4

  22. Very nice Jaena! This is definitely something that I think is important for people to learn or understand because in the generation we have today, sarcasm actually has become the new bullying. Even though most people don't notice what they are doing, it can affect someone dramatically and be very harmful. Your emphasis on the important words really drew out the emotions that would come from an affected person. Thank you for writing this and hopefully you write more!

    - Frederick Sagoe

  23. Can I just say how beautiful and true this is? Sarcasm is always something in contemplate in my mind. You basically outlined the entire basis of sarcasm. I liked that bolded the word sarcasm every time you used it. It gave emphasis on that particular sentence. I have dealt with sarcasm from friends, peers, teachers, and myself. You're right it does hurt. Because at some point it's not just sarcasm anymore. Your piece highlighted the negative effects of sarcasm and how it can come off as offensive or defensive. Amazing Love!
    -Katheryn Valle p.4

  24. Madi Cordura P.1

    I just want to start off by saying thank you. It's refreshing to know that others feel the same about sarcasm. Sure, it is all fun and games... To an extent. Sarcasm really does hurt, and when people are constantly sarcastic over and over and making you the center of their jokes, it starts to take a toll on you. This was amazing and very impactful on me! I love how you chose to boldface the word sarcasm. Every time I saw that word, read it, I felt it. I definitely felt the pain behind it and how hard it actually hurts. I also felt the pain and guilt from being sarcastic sometimes, myself.
    You are an amazing writer!! Everything was perfect about this piece I am absolutely in love with it!!
    Another one of my favorite parts is when you were saying how you know there are some who won't agree with you... Just for the record, I do agree with you:)

  25. Margaret Moyer
    Jaena I completely agree that sarcasm is really painful and personally as a person i'm not good with it. I agree that just being sarcastic doesn't make you a bully but there is a very fine line before it begins to hurt. I love that you bolded the word sarcasm it not only gives emphasize to your work but also gives readers almost a 'save point' where there we reading making it easier to follow to get the point across.


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