
Monday, October 20, 2014

"As This Heart Decays" by Mahlon H

"Treat her like a queen." Words from my mother that I've tried to follow ever since I got over that cootie faze that all little boys followed. Growing up falling for this girl, that girl, any girl that would remember my name. "How gullible, do you ever think?" This would always happen because an introvert like myself won't be comfortable if they're complimented about anything, as if it were some sick joke. Kind of humorous if you ask me, but that whole faze would pass.
           As the years past, I slowly began to dig a ditch that expands into the dark abyss of anxiety and fear that will soon consume me.

Intermediate level with half thought feelings towards the opposite sex. "Do I even think?" Course not, don't think just do, be yourself while wearing a mask. They don't like the real me so be something different. Copy others, cheat on those tests, lie about your grades, lie about it all, lock away the me that I once knew, as if I even need him anymore. Look at this knew me, so strong (not), so smart (don't make me laugh), and I heard that one girl likes me (lies all lies).
               Now as my old self falls into this dark hole of despair, I won't acknowledge it, I'll let it bleed, ignore it's screams, let it rot. I don't need that sack of failure anymore.

High Level now with an understanding of the opposite sex. And I think now, I contemplate what I believed what was reality and what is love in the past. The old me is gasping for air, I can hear it's cry, I thought I got rid of that thing. Obviously I won't understand love anytime soon, but I fear I never will. I was with a couple of girls throughout the years, they were alright, for a short time they filled the void that I so foolishly created within myself for all this time, but something is wrong. I'm regaining my consciousness, I'm not the same, I've hurt those who have passed me by, I've ignored others, but most importantly, I've ignored myself.

          My old self has reached out in a desperate attempt to grasp reality. To regain control. As it rises from the abyss,   it's misshapen and torn, in pain, but denies assistance. This depressing, horrific entity is me, the years have not been kind at all.

At the last brink of High level, "before it becomes real", my old self and the new me have merged, by becoming this person that is cold and wretched. "What have you learned?" That I am comfortable with who I am. I no longer need love, no longer seek guidance through others, I want to be alone to embrace the hardships of reality all alone. "Won't you be cold?" Of course, what's so wrong with that? I've grown fond of the piercing cold, as if it were actually warm to me. "But now that you've accepted yourself, won't you want to express yourself towards others?" Only if they pursue me for who I am. I refuse to wear my heart on my sleeve, especially as it leaves such an odor of failure and pain. I will wait for as long as it takes. "Then you won't be needing me anymore?"

                                                                 I never needed you


  1. Hi Mahlon! Well. I really enjoyed this piece. It definitely hurt a little bit, but it was a fantastic representation of what anxiety and self-deceit can do to a person. I like the cold detatchment of the speaker to the piece, because it reemphasizes the idea of what deceit can pull on a person's self esteem. However, it's an extremely well written piece, with gorgeous poetic structure. Congratulations. Chloƫ Miller Period 5 c/o 2015

  2. this story is very touching and so amazing. You made me realize that being yourself is okay and not to copy others. This story has left me speechless. Great job your talented !
    period 6

  3. Wow! this hit me so hard ! I really appreciated that you did not leave anything on the table.It really reminds me of how everyone changes throughout the challenges they go through in life, because life is tough. In the end I really do believe everything happens for a reason, and I hope the best for you.I love the structure of this poem because it made it seem so dramatic and kept me interested all the way through.

    it shows that its doesnt matter what people think as long as you love yourself its alll right !! EXCELLENT
    Nais Zjaii Ragsdale period 6

  5. This story was pretty interesting. I love how you made parts of your piece smaller to symbolize those whispers. It has a definite dark, dismal mood, making the piece even better. You also talked about an issue that's common among teenagers today. This piece is a good way of showing people the effects of not being yourself. It definitely made me think about my life a bit more. Great job!

  6. I loved this piece. Although I'm not quite sure how, your piece somehow resonated deeply with me. The struggle of conforming to society at the expense of losing yourself is something I think many of us deal with at one point or another. My favorite aspect of your piece was the subtle time skips, and the reader could observe the change in mindset that occurred after each level. Overall, great writing.

    Isabelle Huynh

  7. I really enjoyed this piece the way you expressed the person you were talking about and how you used many details made me enjoy it even more. You should keep writing you have a real talent. I would really enjoy to read more.

  8. Merosa Uiagalelei
    Period 5
    This piece was great, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It captured and kept my attention from beginning to end. You successfully depicted the aspects of pain that I have personally undergone myself. The structure was intriguing and only furthered my interest while reading the piece. Your piece was honest and sincere and I believed every word, amazing job!

  9. This was great. It sort of got to me because I can relate to this a little bit. I stayed interested until the end. It was honestly a interesting piece and you would make a great writer with all the imagery that you used! Great job.

  10. Charles Purcell
    Period 5
    Greetings Mahlon. This is a skilled portrayal of the type of inner monologues we all have in our heads, no matter what the subject. This might be an odd thing to compliment, but the experiments in font shaping really helped striking a difference between what appears (to me) as two different mental voices bickering. The smaller and shorter excerpts show not so much a weaker in strength but weaker in spirit conscience, and the larger one wanders, becoming more grandiose as the piece goes on. You've done an excellent job, and I applaud you.

  11. I really did enjoy reading your piece and I'm glad you asked for my opinion on it and I believe your piece was very well written and gave us an insight of how persistence will pay off in the long run.
    -Gabriel Borrego
    Period 4

  12. First off I want to say that the parallelism in your writing works really well like "That I am comfortable with who I am. I no longer need love, no longer seek guidance through others, I want to be alone to embrace the hardships of reality all alone" and I think it really captures how people think when they're doubting themselves and looking at the pros and cons of their actions. I think this works well as a personal story without coming off as the least bit whiny because it relates and resonates with everyone since we live during a time where conformity, same clothes, same hair, same jokes impress people and wins the heart of the girl most of the time. I applaud you for taking a stance against changing yourself and your beliefs.
    Damairis Lao Period 1

  13. Mahlon, This piece was so beautiful! I loved the poetic aspect of the whole thing. It was so touching and also very intimidating. However, it was intimidating in a good way. I appreciate the particular word choice and detail you used. Good job!
    Leasia Spicer
    period 4


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