
Monday, May 5, 2014

"Just the Beginning" by Kahlia C.

It’s strange to think that in just a couple of weeks the late night studying, the lunch
time shenanigans, and the classroom friendships will be over. I can’t believe that I’ve been
a student at this school for four years. This is the last year. This is it. This is when all of our
hard work will tie up into a bow and send us off to college or wherever else our lives and
dreams take us. It’s surreal, this feeling I have. I’ve been wishing and wishing for the days to
go by so I can finally leave high school and graduate. I’ve been wishing and wishing to
finally be an adult. I’ve been wishing and wishing and wishing, but now, it’s kind of funny that
I wish I hadn’t wished those wishes at all, because in the end, all I really was wishing away
was time. I don’t feel different. I still feel like the same person I was a couple of years ago. I
guess I’ve matured a bit, but it’s happened so fast that I didn’t even notice.The saying, “time
flies when you’re having fun”, sure is true, isn’t it?
The last chapter is here.
The last page where I question everything that has happened and what is to come.
The last line that I read over and over again because it’s too hard to close the book and
start another.
Soon I’ll have to start the next book to the “Story of My Life” series. Who knows what these
new pages will hold in store for me? Will I still be the same after its all said and done? Will
my friends still be some of the most important people in my life or will I look back at
yearbooks and think “Hey, that used to be my best friend”? Will I become a success?
Gosh, I sure would hope so.
Once the last name is read and the caps are thrown into the air, it’ll be the start of a new
beginning. I think that’s what I like the most about all of this, the word “beginning”. It’s such a
simple word, but it’s full of assurance that there is more to come and wow... there is so
much more. There’s an entire world out there that’s waiting for us to explore and find out
who we are. With new beginnings, it’s hard to know where to start and it may have some of
us feeling somewhat lost but, while writing this, I remember coming across a quote:
“I stopped telling myself that I’m lost.
I’m not.
I’m on a road with no destination, I’m just driving with hope that I’ll find a place that I like and
I’ll stay there.
I’m not lost, I’m on my way.”
We’re on our way, seniors.
We’re on our way.


  1. Kahlia, I think you did a great job of summing up all of the thoughts that have been running through our heads these past few weeks. It is crazy to think that we will be done with high school in two weeks!! But it is also exciting to think about all that college has is store for us! The quote you included was neat - it tied up your submission nicely.
    -Christina Tapia

  2. I really enjoyed reading this article. It was inspirational and it gave me hope for my future. The future will be a new beginning and a whole new experience. I can connect with how you said you were wishing that high school would be over. Every year, I would wish for the year to end so that summer can start. Now, everything is happening so fast. We are almost going to graduate and head of to college! This journey will be challenging but I'm also looking forward to it, too.

  3. Although I can't fully grasp your post because I'm not a senior yet, I understand your story and love both the message and theme. However, my favorite thing about this post, beside the fact that it is well written and very inspirational, is that you compare your life to a book. I also really enjoyed that you put a really good quote in it, which made it all that much more inspirational. Great Job.
    Jose Mancillas
    Period 2

  4. Kahlia your piece couldn't have been more perfect for us seniors. You incorporated several of my thoughts and I'm sure the thoughts of many others. I love how you talked about the word "beginning" and when you said the last line is here. All that you said is just so true and you shared it in such an enlightening way. And that quote you shared was absolutely great. I like it so much and it has given me a different perspective about life after high school. Thank you so much for sharing this. Wonderful job.

  5. I think this quote is very cute! and I have to agree with you, its only the beginning for you guys. good piece. I really enjoyed it(:

  6. Wow great story Kahlia. Even though I have read a couple of blog entries about graduation and what life will be like after leaving high school, every blog has its own distinctness and trademark that make each unique. In this entry you used a great elongated metaphor of how life is just like a book each period of your life a page written in you book of life. The quote at the end, ended the story in a philosophical manner which really makes you think "what does that really mean?" A great story. Nice job.

  7. Ahw. Thats a lovely piece. For one reason i feel like senior year is like a year full of emotions because its like a flashback of the past 4 years of school that you have gone through such as drama, great times and your worst, and now its finallyvover and you look back and you you think about the great times and all you want to do is rewind it and relive it with your friends. But now your graduating and moving on, growing older and wiser. Its almost like starting a new era of life, only its the beginning of something that never ended. :) Congrats
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per.2 5/10/14
    8:57 pm

  8. Darn you Kahlia, this hit me right in the feels. It really is starting to hit; that we're all leaving and starting new lives. This piece pretty much summed up how I've felt this past year, and you're right--the only thing we're wishing away is time. But that last quote is super reassuring, and it helps me feel better about this new independence after we graduate. Thanks for reminding me to really soak up this last week we have at Etiwanda. I'm gonna go cry now. Really, really great job!

  9. Kahlia!!! This is so good! This describes all my feelings about graduation oh my, I can't believe it's all going to happen so soon. We've sat next to each other in almost every class we have and it's seems ridiculous to think that that won't be possible next year :( You're use of choice repetition, form and imagery really help to tie together your extremely accurate piece, and you did such a good job!!

  10. Kahlia!!! This is so good! This describes all my feelings about graduation oh my, I can't believe it's all going to happen so soon. We've sat next to each other in almost every class we have and it's seems ridiculous to think that that won't be possible next year :( You're use of choice repetition, form and imagery really help to tie together your extremely accurate piece, and you did such a good job!!

  11. Ah crap. Dude you hit me right in the feels lol.

    What first intrigued me with this post is the whole sentimental aspect of it. I'm a sucker for nostalgic or sentimental things. Hence my tumblr blog title/heading lul.

    However, I loved your little metaphors. Also, #thatendingtho. It was perfect. Thanks for the reassurance, dear.

    Also, you should listen to "Down In the Valley" by THATH. I got all giddy and especially sentimental reading the last two lines you wrote.

    Marvelous piece!

  12. This was a beautiful piece. Many seniors I've talked to have had the exact same feelings. I hope you the best on your journey.
    -Leia S. per 6

  13. Thank you Kahila for expressing that sinking doubt and nervous butterflies we are all experiencing as graduation approaches. Your piece was extremely relevant and well written. -Emily Wilt per 1

  14. Kahlia, this was a wonderful piece. I still can't believe that we are going to graduate very soon. I used to always wish that I would graduate already and become an adult. Now, I really wish that I had more time. Time does fly by quick and I believe that it is important to cherish these last moments. I really liked your quote at the end. It reminded me that my life is about to get better. We may be graduating, but our lives do not stop there. We will be facing new challenges and collecting new memories. I can feel success coming our way.

  15. Wow wow this was such an amazing story it had me breathless the whole time I loved it excellent story keep up the good work!
    Laura tormos
    period 2

  16. Your piece actually made me sad in a good way because it made me think back to all the times I wished I was out of high school because I was tired of doing work. Now that I look back I wish I could take back all my wishes because even though I had bad moments in high school, it shaped me into the better person I am today. I really loved your quote at the end because it made me think of how just because I'm graduating, it doesn't mean my life is over it just means that my life is at it's highest point.

  17. Kahlia! I love how I could relate to your post! I’m sure most seniors do. It’s crazy how we’re about to graduate in less than a week. It’s surreal that this is the last month of commenting on blogs. Everything has gone by so quick. It honestly doesn’t feel like it’s been four years. It is definitely crazy how time flies! It is the last chapter of high school and soon we will be starting a new beginning. I really like the quote that you use towards the end. It’s true. We aren’t lost, we’re just on our way.. Great Job, I really enjoyed reading your written piece! (:
    - Tia Basa

  18. This is such a great piece, girl! Wow, Kahlia! I really enjoyed reading your story because I can relate to you. I was always wishing for the days to go by faster and faster too. Thank you for sharing such a positive and encourage message: "We are not lost. We are on our way, Seniors!" I love it! Love the quote! Great job! :)

  19. Those last few lines were really touching and ut istrue how we are so close to finally graduating. You put a lotbof honesty into this piece and i liked its sincerity. And also that alliteration there with the word "wishing" ;) that was cool. Great job

  20. It's funny how we all feel the same way. Graduation is upon us! The end is near! And yet...I kind of wish there was more time. I'm ready to be done but I'm scared to move into this new chapter in my book, just as you said. I like how you used repetition to emphasize your unsureness and juxtaposing emotions. Based on what you wrote, I think I really get how you feel. Graduation! Ahhhh! :) -Ravenn T

  21. This is very true! I remember when I was in kindergarten, I've always wanted to grow up fast so I wouldn't need to go to school. It is such a silly wish now that I look back on it. As time passes, things change. Whether this change is good or bad, we must endure it and hope for the best. That quote quite true--we won't know what the future holds for us, we can only hope for the best and live on with our lives. Good work!

    -Hsing Chang

  22. This is such a wonderful piece!!! The timing in which you decided to write this piece is absolutely perfect, since we'll be walking down those aisles and graduating NEXT WEEK! This makes everything even more relatable to us seniors. Your writing style is absolutely beautiful with the constant repetitions, emphasizing certain points such as this being our final chapters of our high school career. Your piece mainly seemed to be focused on the ending of this chapter in our lives, which was why I found it peculiar at first by your title "Just the Beginning." However, by the time I was finished reading your piece, it stood out to me that you managed to make the two opposites, the beginning and the end, connect with one another beautifully and seamlessly. Outstanding job!

  23. This is amazing Kahlia! It didn't really hit me until this last weekend that we're graduating in less than two weeks. It's crazy to look back at all that we've gone through in the past four years and even further and realize that we're starting another chapter in our lives. I really love this piece and I love the quote that you used to tie it all together! Amazing job! :)

  24. Awesome piece. I am a freshman and have a long way to go and so much to learn and there is so much that this world has to offer and we just have to be ourselves. The End Is Where We Begin...

  25. This is Beautiful! You are such an outstanding writer. I love how you used form to separate your thought and even repetition to try and and cement certain thoughts and feelings of our ending chapter on life. I love the quote you used, it not only changed the way I feel about graduation, but it changed the way I look at life. We are not looking for a set destination, but a place that we choose for ourselves. Ah, I can't tell you how much I love this. Amazing work!

  26. Kahlia, I love how relatable you made this. I know I've definitely been guilty of wishing away time. But now, with the end of life as we know it (sounds so apocalyptic) drawing nearer by the second, I admit that perhaps I was too hasty in my wishing. You really reminded me of how important every moment is, whether it be past or future. And though we will all miss this part of our lives, some more than others, I know we will all make the most of our next chapter. Great job! :)

  27. Reading all these posts about graduation and how things are happening so quick and how everything feels so surreal, is just getting me so emotional. And though it's applicable to everyone, well this piece to seniors in particular, and though it's in many ways cliche, I can't help but feel like I can't get enough of it. And it's weird this way... I feel like reading all these posts brings back things that I wouldn't be able to bring back myself, which are memories really.. And it really is weird to say that I can't bring back memories, but being where I am right now, at this very moment, I really can't find myself bringing back memories of the past. They're all suppressed, and I don't know why. Maybe it's just because it's all the bad memories, haha. And of course, even though they are bad memories, they are times that I feel really guilty about for wishing away precious moments. This post really hit me right in the heart; it's good that there's always someone there to remind us to live with the moment, because before we know it... we'll be 80 and wishing we were still 16 going on 17. But I mean... at the same time life sucks and we wish it away because we only want the good, but still haha. I honestly don't know where I'm going with this comment, all I'm doing is babbling. But ahh, great job Kahia! Your use of pathos really got everyone feeling at sentimental and emotional, which is kind of cool, because all you see at school are peoples with the face of a wall, trying to hold back any feeling of emotion.

  28. it is so sad that you're mourning finishing school, it makes me appreciate high school much more!

  29. Wow! Reading this gave me goosebumps. Its funny because I realized today after we all got our freshmen letters back that I really didn't want it all to end. How easy it is to ditch class, the friendships, and the easier life. I think we all just wanted the stress part to be over, but honestly, its just the beginning. Good job!

  30. This was a very inspiring reflection and I believe that you were able to connect with every senior. I really liked how you described each new experience in life as the next page in life and I can't believe it either! We push to get through the stressful parts of Senior year, but at the end look back and wish to get more of the great times we had. Your reflection truly embraced this idea. Great job.

  31. Nice stuff, im sure we've all sat down and though about this exact thing these last couple of months. Where will we go? how will it be? What will it be like? its good to know that your'e not the only one thinking about these things and something like this is a nice reminder of that fact.
    -Arturo Ayala

  32. It hasn't hit me really hard that we are graduating in less than two weeks until now. It isn't until the clock is ticking and time has run out that we start thinking what friendships we might have and which ones are going to be left behind. This piece really makes me reflect on what i have done for the past four years. Good Job!

  33. This is the same realization that we have all come to at the end of our senior year. One of the things that made this piece effective was the fact that it included very, short simple sentences. These made the reader have to stop and think and let the emotions sink in. The use of repetition impressed upon the reader the importance of what you were trying to say. Repeating the last two lines of your work helped to emphasize what you were trying to say. And including yourself by using first person voice made it very relatable. Good job.

    Joel Guzman

  34. This is exactly how i was feeling about the graduation and leaving high school, in went by so fast and Im excited to leave but sad to say its over. I hope the future brings about many bright things. This was an excellent piece to write because it reflects on our lives and our new beginnings.

    --Mckynzie Fort

  35. This piece really captures the contradicting feelings teenagers have towards the end of high school.
    -Sabrina Rondero

  36. I'm sure if the freshmen read this they would be confused. Good job explaining what most people have trouble conveying.
    -Kevin McCondichie

  37. It's so sad that just last week, I was wishing the same thing and I wanted it to be over. Thank you for writing this piece, not only is it beautifully written, conveying things not many people understand, but you were able to touch the hearts of all the seniors and it's good to know that you know that we are all on our way. Thank you!
    Taylor Robles

  38. Your piece had me on the verge of tears! It was absolutely beautiful. It's honestly amazing how quickly these four years have went by and how fast reality has hit. I can agree so much with this "surreal" feeling you are experiencing because its crazy to think that we are entering adulthood soon! One of my favorite parts of my piece was when you mentioned this idea of the "last chapter" but said in actuality it is the beginning. You carried this idea along with the metaphor of the road, and how us seniors are taking are steps into this new pathway. It was the icing on the cake for your piece and really made me realize that we have so much more life to experience; this is just the beginning. Great job!

  39. Awh, this is so great Kahlia. I too, see this as "just the beginning". I believe your words definitely speak everyone's thoughts. This chapter in our lives is over, but hopefully there will be more to come and more to see as we are all on "our way". And I also really liked the quote you used, good job!

  40. With graduation right around the corner it seems to be all that’s on anyone’s mind. It just it me this week that we have less than 10 days left. Your piece was beautifully written and a reminder for myself to look at the bright side of this entire situation and that its not the end, just a new beginning. Great Job! ☺

  41. this is a beautiful piece that really sums up many of the emotions of graduating seniors. Personally i cant wait to go to college. I would rather skip the summer and just go. But for some it will be very poignant to leave this school. Well done. I especially loved the quote with which you ended.
    - Justin Myers

  42. This is a nice introspection of yourself right before graduation. We are moving on and this is a piece that the audience can relate to. I liked the repetition of the phrases "the last" and "wishing and wishing". It is all appropriate at this time for everybody. This is what we are all thinking. Good job.

  43. I really enjoyed the way you articulated your piece. You presented our time in high school so long yet so short. I also like how you made connections to what the future can hold for us. You did a really good job. Thank you for sharing your insight.

  44. Wow that was a very powerful I'm tearing up great way of expressing and reassuring yourself of the future.
    Great message of even though no one knows what the future has in store we should never feel lost or sad about it to always stay positive and reassured that everything is going to turnout great. Absolutely loved reading this especially so close to the end of the year we're graduating!!! Great Job!! -Haley Brown

  45. Khalia this was beautiful, i almost cried. Nice use of pathos, i also really liked the repetition of phrase because it emphasis how this really was the end . Great job Khalia -Haley Townes

  46. The timing for this blog entry is perfect! I completely agree with feeling like actually graduating is surreal. I really like that you thought about how you were feeling when you wrote this piece because it made it extremely relatable and I felt myself nodding my head in agreement as I read your story. The quote you chose to end with was yet another great choice because it completely tied your piece together! I also think it was really smart to use rhetorical questions because it gave the piece a stream of consciousness feel and I think it allowed you to capture how most seniors think and feel right now. I also liked that you ended on a positive and hopeful note because I think for many seniors the closer graduation gets the more uncertain and stressful it becomes. Nice Job!

  47. Perfect entry for the last blog. I actually got a little sad as I was reading it. Its crazy that so many of us were wishing that school would just end and now that its here we don't want it to. But its time for us to move on to bigger and better things. Great job !

  48. Great entry for the last blog submissions. This is literally my feelings about graduation and moving on to our next chapters in life.

  49. This is probably one of my favorite blog entries because I can relate to it in so many ways!! This is such an emotional time right now and I feel like it's just starting to hit all us seniors that the year is over! I love how you incorporated that quote because it added a even deeper meaning and made me connect even more! Great Job!
    -Bailey Lynch

  50. Kahlia THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL! That quote at the end really had me tearing up, the structure of this reminded me of a poem and it really was poetry!

  51. Kahlia, this was an uplifting piece for me to read.
    I love how you connected our lives to being stories in a series.
    One book done, another book to start on.
    Time. Although time flew by quickly, it's time for a new beginning.
    The quote utilized at the end to connect everything together was great.
    We /are/ on our way.
    Amazing job! c:

    Seohyun "Joy" Jeon

  52. Ooooh, this gave me chills knowing how true this is. I like the parallel syntax you used with "wishing and wishing" and I like how you used actual examples of what we did during our time in high school. Good use of repetition and good use of your voice - I can actually see you telling everyone this. Good job!

  53. Kahlia, your piece was great and very well written. The sentiment behind your words truely touched me and allowed me to reflect on my own thoughts. Overall, you did an amazing job.

    -Marcopolo anzora

  54. i really loved this! i am only a freshman going to be sophomore next year. this made me realize more that i need to enjoy my years in high school and not waste them because of how fast the time goes by.
    -Melissa Delgado

  55. Wow your piece really throws nostalgia in all of us. We can all relate to this and the fact that a chapter of our lives are now starting to finish. Graduation is but a week away and it feels like it was just a few days ago that I entered this school as a lost freshman that is unsure of whats to come. Your piece conveys this similar sense of uncertainty of the future as we start a new story of our lives; We are all back to our freshmen selves, unsure yet eager to see what life has in store for us after high school. Good job!

  56. I don't know whether to feel depressed or just in shock that we're finally graduating. Your post made feel both emotions super strongly. It's certainly crazy how much time flies. I remember meeting you on the first day of school our freshman year in P.E and now here we are, seniors, 4 years later. I loved this post because it was super deep, definitely applies to all the seniors reading it. Good quote at the end too baby girl!

  57. This piece was great, also a feeling of high school life as a senior. We've come so far in just to see ourselves graduate from high school. We can't stop time, and just keep moving forward. Cherish our last bits of our high school life for the next few days of school left, It's almost time to step into the real world. As how I saw your piece.

    This really got me thinking about graduating, I should have done more during these past years. Great Piece!

  58. Okay, stop it. Kahlia, it is too early for this. You can do this after we graduate and get married and retire. When we are all in nursing homes, that is when you can be nostalgic and think about high school ending, okay? That is how it works.

    But really, Kahlia. You summed up all of my emotions toward graduation. I get what you mean about how you're the same person you were four years ago, but now you have all these responsibilities and decisions to make. It's scary and most of the time, I'm convinced that I'm not ready. But you're right about progressing and continuing and embracing what's coming. That's the only way we're all going to get through this thing.

    -Chelsea Martinez

  59. I really enjoyed reading this because I feel like it reflected a lot of the seniors attitudes towards graduation. The thought of starting a new life and new beginnings is exciting yet daunting for many of us, and I really feel like your piece reflected many of our thoughts.
    Thank you for this writing this thought provoking piece.
    - Percy Starks

  60. I've been so emotional the last couple of days and this did not help. It was really well written and you summarized the thoughts and feelings that a lot of us are having. I really like the ending, "road with no destination". No one really knows where we are going to end up in life. - Oscar Salazar

  61. This is so true but sad. It is unbelievable that these past four years have gone by so fast. I like the repetition of the word "wish" and how you used a quote in the end. Good job!
    -Alexandra Aguilar

  62. Time does fly Kahlia. I remember the first time I met you and how much you hated me. I think you still do deep down but at least now it's not as obvious as before.

  63. Kahlia you hit it dead on. This is definitely just the end of the beginning and you were very right in saying that we are filled with questions because I find myself questioning how certain decisions would have altered my present and my future; then I find myslef questioning the possibilities of whats to come. Good job!

  64. It really is starting to hit me now. We are graduating and moving on in life.It's weird to think that we will never hear that school bell again or ask to go to the bathroom. It's time to mature and be successful. Good job, I really liked this piece.

  65. This was just great. You summed up the recurring thoughts I'm sure all of us are having right now perfectly, and I love your positive outlook on the future and what's to come. the idea that we're not lost, but we're on our way is gold . I totally needed this read!
    -Danieh Abu Alrub


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)