
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Trolls" by Alyssa R

       There was a magical place that no one knew about. Two girls named Lilly and Jessica were exploring the woods one afternoon. They heard really loud noises but there was nothing around. Eventually they figured out that the noise was coming from underground. The noise sounded like happiness. They were confused from where it was all coming from but then they came across a wooden door that opened to the underground buried with leaves. Once they opened it they couldn’t believe their eyes. There were tons a little trolls everywhere. It was a different, whole new world. All the trolls had different rain bowed colored hair, exactly four feet tall , and bright green eyes. As soon as Lilly and Jessica walked in everybody stopped what they were doing and there was nothing but silence. Lilly broke the silence by saying hello. The king of the trolls asked how they found them. Lilly said she and Jessica were just taking a stroll in the woods and they found a wooden door. After Lilly, Jessica, and the trolls talked for a while the trolls accepted them in. The trolls begged that Lilly and Jessica wouldn’t say anything about their little, magical place. Lilly and Jessica agreed and could see why they loved it so much. There were streams of water surrounded by houses and stores that the troll would boat down. The sky was bright blue and the sun played music for the whole town. All the trolls were fascinated by Lilly and Jessica because they had never seen a human before only in pictures. Lilly was curious and asked the trolls how they got here. None of them knew they just popped out of sky and the place was already built for them. The trolls themselves wonder how they got there. They thought  it was the wooden door since that’s the only opening but when they opened there was a bear ready to eat then and ever since they haven’t opened it. The sun was going down and Lily and Jessica were about to leave until one troll convinced them to stay. He them a list of reasons to stay, no school, everybody’s nice, and you can do what you want. Lilly and Jessica stayed there for about ten years and wonder how there families are doing. Sometimes they regret staying because of how much they missed on life. One day Jessica came down with the flu for about a month and wasn’t getting better. They decided to go back so Jessica could get better. All trolls were sad that they were leaving. Once everybody said their goodbyes and they opened the wooden door they were amazed. It was just like where they had been. They told all the trolls to come out and that it’s safe. In less than minutes Lilly and Jessica turned into trolls. They found their families as trolls and everybody was happy.  Nobody still doesn’t know how the whole world turned in to trolls.


  1. Wow I was shocked when everybody turned into trolls. That would be a trippy experience for me.

  2. This short story put a smile on my face. In reminded me of a current day fairy tale - something along the lines of Ella Enchanted. I found the ending quite satisfying because the girls were able to enjoy the happiness of the trolls' world along with their families. Nice job!!
    -Christina Tapia

  3. That was a cute, short story about how everyone in the world became trolls. It had me laugh a little bit. I like that you were very creative on your part and i felt as if i was reading a fairytale/ folks story on trolls . Great job. :))
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per.2/ 3:29 pm

  4. Good job on your short story!! I liked it a lot it was very facinating to read, i liked how at the end of the story you added a little twist to it. That was very creative!! I don't know what i would do if that happended to me , i would probably be excited and terrifyied at the same time but in a good way!! :) But otherwise Great Job !!

    -Natalie Anguiano

  5. This story is very mystical. I imagined the trolls being very adorable; however, I'm not sure if you intended them to be so. This was a creative piece to read. I really liked the imaginative elements because it brought the story to life. There were a few errors in the piece, such as the awkward phrase "noise sounded like happiness." I'm not sure what happiness sounds like, but it allowed me to make up my own sound of happiness. A few grammatical errors popped up here and there, but they weren't major. I think with a bit of revising, then this piece will be better. Overall, I enjoyed this story and its creativity.

  6. What an interesting ending. Its funny to imagine the whole world as trolls. Also I like when stories have happy endings. This was a really good piece and the descriptive imagery in your writing added to that. Nice work!

  7. this was an interesting fantasy story with a heartwarming ending. althought the fact that everybody turns into trolls is somewhat shocking and unusual to many it shows a far reaching imagination on your part. well done.

  8. Good short story! I enjoyed reading it. I wonder how the world turned into trolls.

  9. I really liked this story! Great use of detail in describing the trolls. I think that made the story even better because they just sounded so cute! This story was full of surprises and I liked every one of them! First of all, I really didn't expect trolls to be what they found underground and second of all, I was surprised by the fact that the trolls accepted the girls. I was really shocked by the ending and I found myself wishing that you would have written more because I have so many questions! Great job!

  10. This was such a great story! Of course by default, I put myself in Lilly's shoes because I'm Lillian. But by the time I got to the end, I re-read it a few times to make sure I wasn't a part of some hypnosis or something. It was truly a wonderful tale, and the employment of imagery and descriptive diction really helped illustrate the image in my mind. Thank you for taking me on weird and psychedelic adventure!

  11. I like that everyone was a troll at the end.

  12. I liked this story mainly because of the mental images i came up with in my head( i pictured the trolls being that face that comes up when you are mad).

  13. Lilly and Jessica are brave but yeah this was a good story ha the word troll is just funny to me
    -jakob cadena

  14. This story had a great plot and had many different ways of describing trolls as humans and a good ending!

  15. This story had a great plot and had many different ways of describing trolls as humans and a good ending!

  16. I think its really funny how everyone turned into trolls. it made me laugh. I also like how you used imagery because when I was reading it I could picture every detail that was happening. it had a great plot and climax. good job (:

  17. Good story. I like the way you gave good descriptions of the trolls.

  18. The story had a great plot, the description of trolls as humans was great, also great ending!

  19. First let me just say wow good job! this was an amazing ending I loved the story an I never would have thought of trolls as humans. but an excellent story lots of details. you made me feel like I was in the story an I loved that. Excellent job!!

    ~laura tormos

  20. Good story idea, i like how the girls just walked in on the trolls and everyone was just silent that was funny. Great story tho and the ending was good.


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