
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Community Service" by Laura T

Some high schools around the country are making community service a graduation requirement. A lot of schools make it mandatory that students complete a number of hours. I think it should be so everyone gets good experience for a job.
            It is a good idea for students to do community service. I think it is a good idea because students get to see new things in their community. It teaches responsibility for students and will impact their lives. They wouldn’t be so greedy when they got a new phone or when they didn’t get the shirt they wanted. Communities would be a safer and better environment. It will get students an advantage for a better collage.
            Students should be forced to do this. Yes, students should be forced to because it would help the community. People or families who need support if they don’t have any help. It proves to kids that you can make things better, when you put in effort. They could be there for families who need support if they maybe are a single mother or father of children. It will show no madder what you can always be helpful.
            It teaches them responsibility that most students don’t have yet and they need. Yes, It teaches students how to be responsible on how they help others. Like helping pass out food to the local food banks. It would change their attitude in life. They will be grateful for more things and won’t take to many things that other families can’t have. Students should have to do community service as required as a job.
            I think it should be so everyone gets good experience for jobs. A lot of schools make it mandatory that students complete a number of hours. Some high schools around the country are making community service a graduation requirement.


  1. I agree with you, community service is important. Even though it is not a graduation requirement at EHS, students on campus can still get involved in community service. On campus we have many clubs that present members with community service activities: California Scholarship Society (CSF), National Honors Society (NHS), Key Club, Red Cross and many others.

  2. I just recently learned that some high schools require a minimum number of community service hours to graduate. In fact, the high school my brother is currently attending requires community service. Like you, I believe that this requirement is extremely beneficial. Not only will it provide assistance to those in need, but it will also expose students to unseen poverty and hopefully foster a feeling of gratitude.
    -Christina Tapia

  3. I absolutely agree. Ive seen alot of irresponible students who have done communtiy serice which not only changed others or the enviroment but also changed his or her life which is great. So good statements on your piece. :)
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per.2/ 3:35 pm

  4. Community Service has taught me so much about the importance of helping the community. When I volunteer I never worry about "oh, how many hours am I getting," I really do try to help as much as possible so the event goes as well as possible. Community service has become something that I enjoy doing not something that I am obligated to do. Overall I really do agree that community service is a great way for students to receive some work experience and build character.

  5. At my middle school to graduate you had to have 12 hours of community service and to be honest it was a lot of fun because u are helping people and also u can do it with your friends so I totally agree - Egypt <3 Wishum

  6. I liked your arguments in this piece. I agree with your points of community service making an impact on both the community and on the students. As a student who gets involved in the community, I've learned that helping others isn't for my benefit, but for their own. Requiring students to participate in voluntary service would force them to learn the joy in helping others, the joy in putting another's needs before their own. Good job(:

  7. I agree, if community service is done with the right the student at the right place it can be a life changing event. Community service has personally made me see another side of society that i never would have thought existed. Its nice to know that school are requiring community service because it will make a difference.
    -Erin Napoleon

  8. I do agree that community service should be a mandatory graduation requirement because it teaches young adults responsibility and that they can have a positive effect in there community. I really enjoyed this paper because I feel that you took the opposite side of what many teenagers actually feel.
    - Percy Starks

  9. I really like that you see this much value in community service. I completely agree with you on the idea that community service should be a requirement for graduation because I have done community service and understand how rewarding it can be and how it can change the way people see things! It was a great choice to focus on how a community service requirement would help not only students but the community as well. You did a great job supporting your argument and I found it easy to understand and support your reasons for making community service a graduation requirement. Great job!

  10. Christofer guerreroApril 7, 2014 at 3:34 PM

    I agree with this statement for a lot of reasons. This shows the teens that they have to work not only mentally, but physically as well in order to graduate from high school.

  11. It is so good to see so many individuals actively participating in their community. I think community service can be a very rewarding experience for anyone and can shape out so many values to students nation wide. It was really interesting to read your views on students needing to take action in their community.

  12. Ive never done comunity service before, but i think it its a great way to prepare the young for the responsibilities they will have as they get older.

  13. I agree with you. people should do community service before they graduate high school cause they would be helping out a lot. good job Laura (:

  14. I also agree on service community e and should be a activity all schools should do for students to have responsibilities in the future. - ---Anthony Navarrete

  15. I liked your argument in this essay. Also, I do agree that community service does help for the young and will help them when they get older, great peice!

  16. I agree with you. Community service will help the students get ready for the world.


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