
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Love" by Abby R

I believe in finding love at first sight. Finding that special someone is a desire of people all over
the world. Humans want love and to be loved by someone. Love at first sight is very rare and
doesn’t always occur, but if you find it you have your soul mate, your forever.  I have read and
heard of stories of how people fell in love instantly with their spouses. For example, in the play
 “Romeo and Juliet” Romeo sneaks into a party and sees Juliet for the first time. Instantly Romeo
was in love with Juliet and would do absolutely anything for her.  Their families were enemies
but that didn’t stop them from being married. Nothing in the world can break the love and
the inseparable bond between Romeo and Juliet. Love is beautiful thing, we need it to survive.
Our love shows our real characters and that we can love. In conclusion love at first sight can
change the person you are for the better. You would be surprised how much love can affect
your future and the future you. 


  1. Great job Abby! I agree with you 100%. I have always believed in it when our teacher had us talk about in class and give our reasons. It's good to know someone else who agrees with me. I believe we should all have that hope because you may never know. I also liked how you mentioned the story, it really gives more proof that it's real. You're right about humans wanting to find love in their life, it's only natural. Well done!

  2. I believe in love at first sight to. I liked how you incorporated Romeo and Juliet to your story.

    Devin Jennings

  3. I have always been skeptical of love at first sight. Granted, the media is constantly hyping it up and portraying it as common, but then again, the media is intended to be entertaining, not factual. But, I do believe that we as people can develop love for another individual within a very brief span of time. If we have the chance to observe the heart of another person and what we see brings us joy, then I think love naturally follows.
    -Christina Tapia

  4. That is true and of course everybody wants love or somebody that loves them . But i do have to say that sometimes no matter how much we wish love can be at first sight , its not always true because if that was so everyone in this world would or could have a person to love. But i absolutely agree with you so nice. :)
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per. 2 / 3:13 pm

  5. At first I didn't really believe in love at first sight because there just based on looks but after I read thus I have a new look on things -Egypt <3 Wishum

  6. Good Job!! I agree with you as well, I guess you’ll know its true love at first sight when you find it. I liked how you used “Romeo and Juliet” as your example, I think it was a good example because they didn’t let know one get in the way of there love. Great job!! :)

    -Natalie Anguiano

  7. I 100% agree with you that love affects a person drastically whether it be a good way or a bad. I like that you used Romeo and Juliet as an example but I feel like to really set your piece off you should have used a few more! Good job.

    -Erin Napoleon

  8. Abby! I truly enjoyed reading about your opinion on love at first sight. I agree that love is a beautiful thing and that we do need it to survive! Without love there would only be hate and no one wants that. Feeling loved and loving someone else is truly one of the most beautiful experiences out there. I love how you backed up your beliefs by incorporating Romeo and Juliet into your post. Great job Abby! I hope you find your Romeo one day :D
    - Tia Basa <3

  9. I love this post. I think the definition of love is different for everyone. Sometimes there's love at first sight and other times it takes awhile for people to notice that "love" was right in front of them the entire time.

  10. Although I don't really believe in love at first sight, I do agree with your statement that we need love to survive. A lot of people today think they can make on their own but they really can't. I think love is a necessity to maintain your health and sanity honestly. Because getting through your day is so much easier when you can wake and go to sleep knowing somebody loves and cares about you. Good job on your entry :)

  11. Good job. I didn't believe love at first sight, but after reading this you made me believe that you can find love at first sight.

  12. I liked your optimistic perspective on love. I agree that love is a wonderful necessity in life, whether it’s romantic love, family love, pet love, or friendship love. Love makes the world go round. Good job on capturing that in your informative and easy to follow post!

  13. This piece made me smile. As a hopeless romantic, I find myself wishing that love at first sight is real and that Romeo and Juliet's story (minus the family issues and dying) is not something just for the books. That being said, I understand why many people don't believe in love at first sight so I applaud you for sticking to your guns and believing it could happen. Your piece was clear and easy to read and it was a great decision to use Romeo and Juliet as an example because it's a book everyone reads in high school! Adding your opinion on love also allowed me to understand your perspective on love and what it means to you! Great job!

  14. Christofer guerreroApril 7, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    I agree with you as well because I personally understand. Great job and keep up the good work.

  15. i enjoyed reading this piece, even though i myself do not believe in love at first sight, kind of enlightened me on the perspective of people who do believe in love at first sight, i hope that i see more of your pieces in the future.

  16. Good Job Abby, I could see where you were trying to go with piece, and I too think that love is a beautiful thing, but I must say that many of your sentences were inconsistent, and seem very fragmented, but your idea for this piece was really good.

  17. Your piece was very beautiful. I agree that true love does exist, and that there are few people fortunate enough to find it. I liked how you compared true love to Romeo and Juliet. It gave readers the opportunity to visualize and strive for true love. It was wonderfully said. Good job.

  18. I can agree with you. love at first sight can be rare but also special. I like how you used Romeo and Juliet as your example for this. it really brings out the whole meaning of it. good job (:

  19. Your piece was very beautiful! I loved your whole explanation of love and your use of specific examples added support to your piece. I really liked how you explained the whole concept of "love at first sight" because I do agree it seems like a fantasy at times. If I could recommend one tip, I would say to try to be more consistent throughout your whole piece. Overall good work!

  20. Even though I do not believe love at first sight, it was nice to see the argument in this. I liked the comparison of Romeo and Juliet and I thought that it was a great example.

  21. Interesting concept. Don't believe in it myself but I think your piece has helped me understand people who do better, Not sure Romeo and Juliet is the best comparison since it ended in the deaths of many people, including the lovers, and Juliet was only 14 at the time, but still a pleasant read.
    -Kevin McCondichie

  22. I can totally agreed. I also believe in love at first site. I loved how you explained your reasons with "Romeo and Juliet". I really enjoyed your piece! Good Job!

  23. This is amazing very well done! It shows compasion and i love the comparison to romeo and juliet! Vey well job! -deja p.2

  24. I really like this one because it shows that you still have something to live for in the future. It also shows that if you have once loved someone there will always be someone that will love you, no matter your situation or condition.
    Kyle baker
    period 6


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