
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"A Day of Being Small" by Hewie V

If I were small for one day, then that day could turn out to be an adventure, or a nightmare. This is all depending on what day it is.  For example, if it were a school day, then it would be catastrophic because of my incapability.  My school day would turn out to be a little something like this... I shift and turn tying to fall back asleep, but my alarm made sure that I didn't.  As I stretched out my arm out to turn off that annoying alarm, I noticed that the alarm wasn't there. Eh? Why isn't it there?  I desperately tried to climb out of my sheets, but it was an unnecessary struggle that I've never had to deal with before.  Once I grasped the top of my sheets, I try to throw them off, but yet again, it requires such tedious and unnecessary effort but I realize that I can't lift up the sheets. As I start to panic a great deal (the alarm doesn’t help).  You know what? I'm just going to get out of my bed and "asses my situation". Whoosh! I go off my bed, but instead of the usually, take a step down, it felt like I just jumped off a single story building. OK, ok, looks like something is definitely wrong, obviously, duuuhh.  Well, turns out that that either A) everything grew about 100ft or B) I shrunk down 100x. I should see where everyone is, but first, I must have to absolutely, positively turn off that ANNOYING alarm that's been buzzing for at least 20 now.  Hmmm, now where is the alarm? Oh! It's only up my nightstand that's ONLY 100ft above me. Should I even bother turning it off? Yeeaaahh I definitely should, but first I must tread through the thick strands of the carpet. Ok, here I go!  With a great big smile on my face, I make my way over to the night stand.  Step after agonizing step, after having to do the arduous task of moving the strands of carpet to the side, just like going through a thick and dense jungle, I make it to the base of the night stand.  It was huge!! I mean, I have to tilt my head all the way back just to see the alarm that put me through all of this trouble.  Well, better get started.  I'm so glad that I'm in gymnastics I've done indoor rock climbing before, because this'll be a piece of cake.  The only challenge now is to find proper footholds and handle holds. Due to my smallness or  everything being bigger, the small scratches on the night stands seemed like good foot- and handholds, so, I made my way up to the alarm.  Woo Hoo! I'm half way up there.  I decide to make a mistake by looking down. Huh, if I fall, I'll die for sure.  With this mind I think that this is truly a cool adventure, now my limbs are reimbursed with energy with the thought that this is an adventure, rather than a life or death situation. THUMP THUMP THUMP.  I wonder what that is... Oh look it’s my mom.  Her footsteps make me lose my balance. "HEY HEWIE, YOU AWAKE?" her voice seeming so deep booms through my room.  Unfortunately, this makes me lose my grip and I begin to plummet back down from where I first started. Oh, well you look at that, I'm going to die in a few seconds guess this really has been a life or death situation, not a silly situation, and I also guess that I shrunk about 100x, and nothing grew.  Oh look the floor. Too bad the alarm was never turned off. SPLAT!  I died.  However this would not have happened on the week end because there would be no alarm to turn off.


  1. Now I know for sure that I will never want to be that tiny. That was some adventure just to try and turn off the alarm. Too bad your character died.

  2. I LOVED this what-if story!! It had me laughing all the way through. I read a series of books back in elementary school called "The Borrowers" that had to do with tiny people. I found their daily struggles both interesting and entertaining. I think you did a wonderful job of conveying the difficulties that would present themselves to a miniscule human. Great job!!
    -Christina Tapia

  3. NICE. I had so much pictures plotted in my head due to your short story. It was very creative and funny, also cute. Great piece. I love how there was lots of humor and personality in this story. It was well detailed and i enjoyed it. :)
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per.2/ 3:13 pm

  4. Wow! This was such a fun story! I laughed multiple times as I read and laughed especially hard when I read the last sentence. Great use of detail to show how hard everything would be if you were really small, it proved that you really thought about what would happen because you took the time to describe things like how hard it would be to move across the carpet. I also really liked how you added in your own comments throughout the story because they made it funny and helped me to picture someone that small trying to get up in the morning. The ending was my favorite part because of the way you described how loud your mom was and because of the fact that you added how you felt as you were falling which made the situation easier to picture! I didn't think you would have actually died, I thought maybe it would be like a Honey I Shrunk the Kids type story and your mom would have found you, so it was a shock to me that the alarm clock situation actually led to your death in the story. Great job!

  5. Interesting story, i usually have a hard time turning my alarm clock off, even if im NORMAL size.

  6. I believe that this story was very interesting mainly because it makes me happy that i am very tall and how it would be bad if i was as small as you were shown in the story.

  7. Your story was sooooooooooo entertaining. You have such an amazing imagination to be able to create this piece. I love how you made the readers feel as if they were 100x smaller. Through vivid imagery you were also able to demonstrate the challenges that come with being so small. I also enjoyed the diction you used when you described the carpet and the dramatic fall. The last two lines were absolutely hilarious. Good job.

  8. Good story. Your writing is awesome and this piece was very fun to read!

  9. After reading this I never want to become that tiny, amazing peice. I like how you brought up the idea of the alarm clock.

  10. Imagine if everyone was this small... this makes me think of "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids!" I liked how you used inversion of expectation at the end by saying that it was the weekend so there wasn't an alarm to turn off. Your imagery was really good and I liked how you wrote the story as if you were telling this to a friend. The addition of your mom made me smile bcause I can imagine my mom going into my room and screaming if I was okay and then I'd probably fall out of bed or something (not a nightstand 100 feet bigger than me). I really liked it! Good job!


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