
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Choice" by Josh Re

If _ you _ had _ a _ choice _ to _ choose _ between _ having _ to _ never _ sleep _ or _ having _ the _ power _ to _
read _ peoples' _ mind _ what _ would _ you _ choose? _ How _ would _ you _ use _ the _ "power" _ you _ chose? _
Will _ you _ make _ use _ of _ your _ "power", _ or _ just _ waste _ it? _
I _ would _ choose _ never _ having _ to _ sleep _ because _ I _ would _ get _ to _ do _ more _ things _ that _ I _
want _ to _ do _ and _ I _ won't _ be _ tired _ after _ doing _ those _ things. _ During _ the _ day _ I _ am _ at _ school _ and _
when _ I _ get _ home _ I _ have _ to _ do _ chores _ and _ homework. _ By _ the _ time _ I _ am _ done _ doing _ those _
things _ its _ dark _ and _ I _ am _ tired _ and _ cannot _ really _ do _ the _ things _ that _ I _ want _ to _ do. _ Also _ if _ I _
never _ had _ to _ go _ to _ sleep, _ I _ wouldn't _ fall _ asleep _ in _ class _ anymore. _ Sometimes _ I _ fall _ asleep _ in _
class _ because _ I'm _ really _ tired _ and _ when _ I _ fall _ asleep _ I _ sometimes _ get _ in _ trouble _ for _ sleeping _
in _ class. _ I _ like _ sleeping _ but _ I _ shouldn't _ fall _ asleep _ in _ class _ because _ I _ will _ miss _ what _ I _ need _ to _ learn _ for _ that _ day. _ Sometimes _ I _ get _ home _ very _ late _ and _ I _ have _ homework _ due _ the _ next _ day. _
Instead _ of _ sleeping _ I _ can _ finish _ the _ homework _ I _ need _ to _ do _ and _ get _ a _ good _ grade _ in _ all _ my _
classes _ because _ I _ won't _ be _ missing _ any _ homework _ assignments. _ I _ can _ also _ use _ the _ time _ to _ study _ more _ on _ tests _ so _ I _ won' _ fail _ them. _ But _ there _ are _ also _ defects _ about _ never _ having _ to _
sleep. _ After _ you _ have _ done _ everything _ you _ wanted _ to _ do, _ you _ won't _ have _ anything _ else _ to _ do _
and _ you _ will _ just _ be _ bored. _  _
 _           I _ would _ rather _ choose _ never _ having _ to _ sleep _ over _ reading _ peoples' _ mind _ because _
sometimes _ people _ think _ things _ that _ you _ do _ not _ want _ to _ know _ about. _ They _ could _ be _ thinking _
bad _ things _ about _ other _ people _ or _ even _ yourself. _ Also _ I _ think _ reading _ peoples' _ mind _ is _ an _
invasion _ of _ privacy. _ Only _ you _ can _ know _ your _ thoughts, _ if _ we _ were _ suppose _ to _ know _ what _
people _ thought _ we _ would _ have _ the _ ability _ to _ read _ minds. _ I _ think _ that _ reading _ minds _ would _
be _ stressful _ and _ maybe _ even _ painful. _ Reading _ so _ many _ thoughts _ can _ be _ very _ overwhelming _
because _ it _ would _ be _ like _ thousands _ of _ voices _ in _ your _ head _ and _ you _ can't _ get _ rid _ of _ them. _
Hearing _ all _ those _ voices _ can _ hurt _ your _ brain _ or _ just _ make _ you _ be _ crazy. _ Since _ all _ those _
voices _ in _ your _ head _ won't _ stop, _ you _ might _ end _ up _ isolation _ yourself _ in _ room _ where _ no _ one _
can _ come _ in _ so _ that _ you _ won't _ be _ able _ to _ hear _ all _ those _ thoughts _ in _ your _ mind. _
 _           Having _ the _ power _ to _ read _ peoples' _ mind _ is _ cool _ but _ can _ be _ a _ drag. _ I _ think _ that _ never _
having _ to _ sleep _ would _ just _ be _ more _ useful _ and _ less _ painful. _ I _ would _ have _ time _ to _ finish _
everything _ I _ need _ to _ do _ and _ also _ I _ would _ have _ time _ to _ help _ people _ who _ need _ my _ help. _ That _
is _ why _ I _ would _ choose _ never _ having _ to _ sleep _ over _ reading _ peoples' _ minds. _


  1. I really liked the topic of your submission. I think, if given the choice, I would choose the same option you did due to the increased time it would provide me with. However, I do think a sleepless life would be somewhat lonely at times - for instance, when everyone in your home is asleep but you. Your justifications for never sleeping were extremely persuasive though and made me consider the costs and benefits of never having to sleep.
    -Christina Tapia

  2. Oh i never thought of that. I would've personally thought that reading minds would've been better then just not sleeping at all but i see your point. I agree that people can say bad thing about you or other people in their minds and definitely can be an invasion of privacy and i would want somebody invading my privacy. But nice i think you made your point clear and precise.
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per.2 / 3:21

  3. I would choose the never having to sleep. If humans could be awake ,do you know how much more things we can do and accomplish .Great job using details and examples in your essay.

    -Abigail Rich

  4. I can relate to your issue pf sleeping so much! I honestly find it very difficult to concentrate with school and other responsibilities when I pretty much am tired all the time. I really liked how you addressed all possible things that you could do without sleeping. Your points made me realize that we all sleep a lot. Without sleeping, we can get a lot done. Also, I found it interesting in your second last paragraph. In my opinion, privacy is something that we should all value. I enjoyed this piece. To me, it didn't feel only as a personal reflection, but also a pondering the abstract piece.

  5. I think reading minds would be better but i like the fact that you including your opinion. ! I like this piece because it really got me thinking and kept my attention.

    -Erin Napoleon

  6. You actually convinced me that having to never sleep was the better option because at first I chose reading people's minds. Its true that sleeping takes up time and without it you could get a lot more done. I can only imagine life if I didn't have to sleep. It such an interesting thing to think about. The writing and topic of this story were really good.

  7. Good Job. Good explanation on why you chose never having to sleep again. I agree with everything you said.

  8. I agree with you on the choice of not having to sleep over being able to read peoples' minds. I also agree with you that reading other peoples' minds is bad and intrusive because it is like invasion of themselves

  9. I really like how you approached this subject and how well you responded to your own prompt. I also like the productive mindset you have, by choosing to not sleep rather than read minds. I also liked how you justified your decisions by providing evidence and personal experiences. Nicely done!

  10. I really like this piece and I completely agree with your choice! I can't even imagine having the ability to read minds and having to listen to all those thoughts in your head and hearing things you wish you wouldn't have. It just sounds like a nightmare! It was a good idea to explain why you wouldn't choose to read minds because it made your argument clear and made it easy for me to agree with your choice. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said not needing to sleep would allow you to get all the things you needed to done. I don't know how many times I have had to rush to finish things in the morning because I fell asleep before finishing things the night before! I was totally able to relate to your story about falling asleep in class too! You did a really great job supporting your argument and gave good reasons for your choice that readers could relate to and that kept the readers attention! Great job!

  11. wow the fount is crazy but ever detail was good and if this were my story I would want to sleep
    -jakob cadena

  12. I can also agree to your choice of getting things done finished and done right with not having to sleep. -Anthony Navarrete

  13. I loved your fount it is very creative an out of the box. This piece tat you did was amazing I completely agree with you. I would love to have the ability to read minds. I wish I could hear what people where thinking an saying. I think you did a great job keep up the good work.

    ~Laura Tormos


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