
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"The Door" by Sarah C

The summer before fifth grade started out as the most unexciting vacation ever. For the first week, my friends and I wandered around the big field out back and played catch, but you can only toss a ball around so many times before you’re sick of it.
Then, one day, we went out to the field as usual, but after walking for 10 minutes we saw something strange on the ground about 30 feet away. After walking over there, we could see that somehow a wooden door had been placed in the middle of the field. It was still attached to a frame, which was odd, but it was tipped over.
“Why would someone just put a door in the middle of the field?” Anthony asked.
“Where do you think it came from?” Charlie added.
“It’s still on the frame. I wonder how someone took the door and frame off together.” Pete stated as he bent down to examine it.
“I bet it’s from outer space!” cried Charlie excitedly.
“That’s stupid, Charlie!”
“It is not! Where else could it be from?”
“Maybe,” I began, “it’s a portal to another dimension and the last guy who used it left it here when it broke.”
We all knew that was impossible, but it was the adventure we’d been looking for.
“I’ll bet if we fixed the portal, we could use it.” Pete piped up.
Everyone agreed. So, we started repairing the door. Pete snuck into his dad’s toolshed and grabbed tools and lumber. He and Anthony designed the portal while Charlie and I followed their building instructions. Three days later the door was standing upright.
“Who gets to open it first?”
“I should get to,” Anthony declared, “I designed it!”
“I did more!” Pete countered.
“I should… because…um…” Charlie stammered.
“We should go in alphabetical order.” I interjected. “Anthony gets to go first.” Anthony stuck his tongue out at Pete, then pulled open the door.
And so it went for the rest of the summer. Each day, one boy would open the portal and we would all step into whatever world he took us to. In September, we had to say goodbye to our portal and go back to school and the next year, our parents sent us to camp and we forgot all about that door until graduation, when we went back to the field and found it still standing.
 “Hey, guys, remember this door?” Charlie asked.
“Oh, yeah” Anthony snorted, “we thought we could go to the moon in this thing.”
“It was so long ago.” Pete said.
“Hey...let’s open it.”
I nodded as I reached over and grabbed the doorknob. I turned it forcefully and… it broke off. The others burst out laughing as I stood with a shocked look on my face. But the door still opened, and for a second, we were kids again. We each hopped through the doorway one last time, not to some strange world this time, but to a whole new adventure.


  1. Wow, that last paragraph hit me right in the feels; because I've actually been thinking like this a lot lately. We graduate high school in less than eight weeks, and as much as I've been wanting this, I can't help but get rather sad when I realize what I'm leaving behind. It's not just school, but the good old days, where you get to be carefree and have adventures to the moon. This was such a simple piece, but it really reminded me to slow down and absorb my time of being a kid, because I know I'm going to be missing it later. I am most definitely keeping my eye out for any stray doors after graduation; FOR SURE. Fantastic Job Sarah! :)

  2. Sarah, this story was so cute!! It definitely brought back memories of summertime adventures back in elementary school. I absolutely loved the ending. With less than two months left of school, graduation is approaching quickly; and just like you said in your story, graduation marks the beginning of a "whole new adventure" for each and every one of us. Nice job!!
    -Christina Tapia

  3. Sarah, this was amazing! It reminded me of my elementary days and how fun they used to be. Now that graduation is coming up, it saddens me how I am leaving all the fun days behind. However, I know that a new beginning and future awaits all of us! It may not be carefree and easy, but this future will definitely shape us into better people for the future. Good job Sarah!!!!

  4. Sarah, this one of My favorite short stories. It made me think of s time back when I was younger. Anything seemed to be possible. I loved how you were able to incorporate reality, yet make it seem so interesting. The ending was perfect. You couldn't have done a better story.
    -Jay Moritz

  5. This brought me back to great memories. This entry was bittersweet to read. It reminded me of promoting from 5th grade. Now I am so close to being in 10th grade and then 12th will come by and I will graduate. This was great Sarah!
    -Leia S. period 6

  6. aww that was such a cute story good job i still have quite a while till i graduate but i know how u look back on memories and stuff i like how made it interesting it was well written
    -ariana jimenez

  7. This was such an adorable story! You really captured the essense of childhood, and it took me back to the times before mountains of homework and responsibilities, back to when anything could be turned into an adventure. It was greatly appreciated, and made me super nostalgic. The doorknob breaking in your hand was an excellent touch by the way, it added the perfect amount of humor to your piece. Really amazing job Sarah!

  8. I enjoyed the fact that the door although, no actual special ability, still brought you to a time in the past for a couple seconds when you walked through it on graduation,but at the same time it also brought you to whole new adventure.I really liked the whole story and the sentimental details you guys had towards the door in it, great job.

    -Jose Mancillas

  9. I really enjoyed this story because it was really cute! I also liked how you added adventure and mystery into it! You did a really fantastic job!

  10. Sarah, this was such a great story! I loved how you ended it with "a whole new adventure," and your timing is very fitting seeing as we only have two months until we are off on our own adventures! I loved how you basically summed up everyone's childhoods with these characters, it made your story very relatable!

  11. I loved the interaction between the children, which was very realistic. I love how children can take an ordinary object, like a door or box, and transform it into something magical. Excellent job on capturing this element of childhood. -Emily Wilt

  12. that last line was so ambiguous! where did they go?! i seriously have no idea! well this piece is very well written and the characters are so complex and relateble! i loved it :P
    - Justin Myers

  13. When all of them gave their reasons for going, I was rooting that charlie got to open the door first, but unfortunately Anthony went first. However, it was pretty funny that the handle just broke off.

  14. More than being good, this story was impactful. Your timeline and characterization was perfect and I’m actually really sad right now. We all started out as small, hopeful souls. Each believing in the impossible and the happy powers of imagination. But then we grow up. We learn about the world and everything it entails. We stop believing and become more like the adults we are supposed to be. Graduation is something I never could have imagined happening to me, but its right around the corner, the door nearly in reach. Wow. I guess, as Mr. Reisman says: “Enjoy the next phase.”

  15. This totally speaks to me, Sarah! Youth seemed so easy and with graduation around the corner, it is hard to imagine that this is the end of childhood. But it really does mean that there is another adventure for every one of us as we figure out life, almost as if to say "when one door closes, another one opens." I really liked it! I liked the characterization used for the boys and your syntax makes the story flow really well! Good job!

  16. I really loved this piece Sarah! It was really cute and gave all of a fresh new perspective, considering we're going to graduate next month! It's crazy to think that we'll all be "growing up" and going different places for college, but it's nice to look back and remember everything that has got us to this point. Good job!

  17. This was so great Sarah! I can't even imagine the countless adventures they must have experienced with the door. It was a very wise choice to have the door be like the portal into their imaginations. Then bringing them all back to the door years later when they are opening the door into where the real adventures are waiting.

  18. Great piece of writing. I like how it uses this door to reveal your future and your memories as a kid. I love the end how it leaves the reader wanting to know what adventures the friends went on as older kids.

  19. This speaks to my inner child and my inner fearful adult, about to embark on a new adventure. This story was truly beautifully written, the plot and message were very clear, not muddled or nonsensical. I found myself smiling as I read this, and also felt the anticipation of what is to come from life's next adventure. Well done, other Sarah! ;P

  20. Your piece was very amusing. As I was reading, I felt myself go back into my own childhood. I liked your vivid use of imagery and the sequence of your story. I like how the characters were able to reflect back on their experiences as young adults. You also added a unique twist at the end in relation to the portal. Well done I really enjoyed it.

  21. Wow! This story is a life lesson. Everyone has thier own memories they charish the most. I love this story great job on it. Maybe i should try to make more memories before i graduate.
    _Ashleigh Perez

  22. I loved the story and how I can remind you of being a child
    -Noah Valdez

  23. Not fair! You can't be a good writer and a good artist! Share some talent for the rest of us! Touching story. I think we all have these moments where we look back at when we used our imagination more and just feel so nostalgic.
    -Kevin McCondichie

  24. This was purely amazing! The connotation of the story is what really took it to the next level. As a reader, we could see the door for what it is, in a literal sense, and nothing more. Or you are able to look deeper and see what you really mean by this "doorway." Especially with all of us seniors preparing to open the door to our new paths in life, we are all able to easily relate to the characters. Great piece.


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