
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"The Chocolate Cake" by Jill D

Tired of your everyday, boring chocolate cake? I have a recipe for the most scrumptious, mouthwatering chocolate cake around.
To start, it is best to get all ingredients and utensils out on the counter.
1 Box of Devil's food cake mix
1 (4 ounce) package of instant chocolate pudding mix
5 eggs
16 ounces of sour cream
2 sticks of butter
1 tsp almond extract
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
Powder sugar (optional)
Kitchen-Aid mixer (for mixing your ingredients together)
Rubber spatula (to scrape every last delicious morsel of batter out, because you don’t want to waste a bit)
12 cup Bundt Pan (to cook the cake in)
No stick cooking spray (so the cake pops right out)
Measuring cups (to measure ingredients)
Measuring spoons (to measure ingredients)
Small Bowl (to crack your eggs in)
Small microwave-safe bowl (to melt your butter in)
At this point turn your oven on to 350◦ to preheat, and grease your Bundt pan with the no stick cooking spray, so that they are ready when you are done mixing the ingredients together.
**Note: don’t mix your ingredients until the very end**
Next, open your box of devil's food cake (yes you need to let that devil out, because this is one devil of a cake) and pour it into your Kitchen-Aid bowl.
Then open your instant chocolate pudding (because what doesn’t taste awesome with pudding in it?) and add that to the bowl.
Crack your eggs in a separate bowl, one at a time, being extra careful not to get any eggshells into the cake, because the cake does not need anything crunch detraction from the cake delectable taste.
Pour the eggs on top of the mix so far.
Now at this point, get your measuring cup and measure 16 oz (or 2 cups) of sour cream and add it to your bowl. (The sour cream combined with the pudding cause the cake to be extremely moist.)
Pull out your microwavable bowl and unwrap your butter, placing the butter into the bowl and putting it into the microwave to melt. When it is mostly melted, pull the bowl out, being careful not to burn yourself, and pour the butter over the other ingredients already in the bowl, making sure to scrape out every last ounce of tasty butter, because like Paula Dean says, "there is never too much butter in any recipe."
This next ingredient is the one the pulls the whole cake together, 1 tsp of almond extract. Measure out the extract and pour it into the bowl. (I personally a dash more because my family loves it.)
And last, but not least, measure out and add 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips. (I personally prefer Nestle, but you can use any.)
Finally you may begin mixing your ingredients together for 2-3 minutes to make sure it blends well together. Use the spatula if needed to get ingredients stuck to the edge of the bowl so everything mixes together. Turn your Kitchen-Aid one more time to make sure everything is all mixed together.
When mixed completely, it should have a thick mousse-like texture. Yes, self restraint will be much need at this point because you are going to want to dig in.
Use your spatula to scrape your batter into your Bundt pan, spreading evenly or even cooking. Place in the oven cooking 50-55 minutes.
When timer goes off, test to make sure the cake in done by sticking a toothpick into the center of the cake. The toothpick should come out mostly clean. When it does, pull out of the oven, letting set for 5-10 minutes to cook slightly. Place a plate on top of Bundt pan and flip it over quickly so that the cake will release from the pan.
(Optional: dust with powder sugar)
Now your heavenly cake is ready to be eaten.


  1. Oh my mouth is watering! Putting the pudding mix in the batter is genius. It will add flavor, create consistency, and keep the cake moist. The sour cream kind of took me by surprise. I wouldn't think that sour cream would mesh well in cake, mostly I associate it with Mexican food, but I guess it must work. I must try it out!

  2. After reading this, my stomach is rumbling. My mom and I are addicted to desserts. Ever since I was little, my mom has lived by the motto that there must be at least one home-made dessert in the house at all times. So, it looks like both she and I have a new recipe to test out.
    -Christina Tapia

  3. Why did I not learn about this sooner?! Just reading it made my mouth water. When I read the title, I was determined to read this piece. My little sister loves baking sweets, so I'll definitely show her this recipe. Than you for sharing this recipe on making probably the best chocolate cake ever!
    -Jay Moritz

  4. I want some cake now! I like how there are additional ingredients to the basic boxed cake mix to make it less boring and more moist and scrumptious. I also love your commentary throughout the recipe. The quote from Paula Dean made me laugh a little too much! I also liked how you start with Devil's Food cake in the beginning and end up with a "heavenly" cake. This recipe will not only be very delicious to make, but useful to release possessed and evil spirits.

  5. Oh my goodness, Jill! This chocolate cake sounds fabulous! You did a tremendous job giving very specific directions. I loved reading your directions because your diction was so lively and energetic. Thank you for sharing such a great recipe with us! I can't wait to make this amazing chocolate cake! Great job, girl! :)

  6. HOLY MOLEY! I wish my family would bake chocolate cake. Sounds so DELICIOUS! The instructions were easy to read and easy to follow. Generally I'm not a fan of cake, but the fact that you put a whole new twist into baking cake, I just have to try it. It sounds like you have a passion for cooking! Thank you for sharing your special recipe, maybe next time when I have all the ingredients needed to bake, I'll tell my mom to throw in some pudding and sour cream. jaja. Good Job!

  7. Oh Jill, this must be the funniest recipe I've read thus far! Apart from being easy to follow, your comments made me laugh especially the devil 's food cake pun, the Paula Dean reference, and the need for self-restraint. Your last line was a superb ending and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! Good job!

  8. Well, my taste buds are tingling with excitement at the thought of trying out this recipe! In my family, baking desserts is an everyday occurrence, and I know we will all appreciate this twist on chocolate cake. You did a great job at making sure every step was clear and concise, and so overall make it very easy to understand. Really good job with this. :)

  9. This was a fantastic article. It was explicit in detail making it difficult for readers to find themselves confused at any step. This honestly sounds like a really good recipe and I will definitely try it. Great job. :)

  10. You did a good job on this piece!! This cake sounds really good right now and it doesn’t look that hard to make so I’ll try it.. I love to make desserts especially cakes soo this is going to be fun!! But over all u did well!!

    -Natalie Anguiano

  11. I'm not really a fan of desserts but that made we want some chocolate cake! Thanks for posting the recipe and the instructions!

    -Erin Napoleon

  12. Ooh this sounds super good! I must try this right away. Good job on explaining each step.

  13. Jill! As I was reading your blog submission, I was eating a chocolate chip cookie.I thought that was funny. LOL. It's probably not. I think I'm just sugar high. Anyways, baking a chocolate cake sounds like something I want to do right now! Your instructional guide is very precise and straight to the point. I honestly can't trust myself with baking because one time I tried to bake some cookies and I ended up burning all of them. I thought it was interesting that you added sour cream and pudding to the cake mix. I personally haven't heard of that, so I thought that was cool. I like how you said that we had to let the devil out because it is one devil of a cake. That made me laugh. I also like how you brought one of Paula Dean's sayings into your instructional guide. This guide truly made my mouth water! Good job, Jill!
    - Tia Basa

  14. Oh my, 2 sticks of butter and 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips?! Sounds very unhealthy... but you know what they say, they more unhealthy something is, the better it tastes... like doughnuts :D. That's why i cant even imagine how delicious this cake would be.

  15. HAHA after reading Arvind's submission this sounds like a great recipe for dessert. This does sound much better than an ordinary chocolate cake. I would love to make this for family parties or any parties to be honest. With ingredients like these this will definitely get your sweet tooth going.
    -Jacell Phay

  16. YUM! I'm craving chocolate cake now. I feel like cake of any kind is such a staple for American households and everyone is always looking for new recipes to spice up the existing ones they already have. This seems like simple recipe that can really change a basic out of the box cake.

  17. That sounds so great!!!! I cant wait to try this myself. That really does sound so good!
    -Alexandra Urena

  18. Ok so I tried this and I just failed hard lol well thanks for making this it was a lot of fun to try and fail at. Next time ill just let my mom take care of the baking. :)
    -gabe sandes

  19. I literally just checked my pantry to see if I had any chocolate cake mix or pudding! Unfortunately I don't have any but I'm definitely saving this recipe for future uses. Your step-by-step instructions make the recipe so easy to comprehend and follow. Thanks for sharing this secret recipe with all of us! ;)

  20. Hey Jill! Great job! This is a great way to end dinner! I just might end up making this myself! That will hopefully not end up in a burnt house.... Anyway, your descriptions were so detailed that you didn't even need pictures. I could imagine myself making this. Thanks for the key details like letting the devil out.

  21. I think I am hungry now... Too bad I can't bake to save my life. The "devil of a cake" line made me laugh, that was great. Sour Cream in a cake recipe sounds strange, but hey, if it works, may as well use it! Pudding in the cake sounds perfect, because you are definitely right, pudding does make everything better. Maybe when I learn the ropes of the kitchen, this recipe may be whipped out the closet for a good use. Great execution.

  22. I am not really a fan of chocolate cake, but something about the way you described this cake made me crave it. Great step by step that allowed easy direction following. Everything was clear and gave me confidence that i could actually bake this. Thanks for the recipe.

    -Alan Medina
    Period 1


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