
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Mί Vida, Mί Futuro" by Hennessy V

The smell of salted cucumbers and homestyle gorditas surrounded me. While my mother was working at Western Jeans and my father working in construction, my two abuelas took the biggest task by raising me while my parents worked full-time to supply me with the future they never had. I would wake up to them in the kitchen preparing arroz con leche, huevos rancheros, gorditas, and bacon. All prepared for what seemed to be a party of 20 when in reality is was usually just my brother and I. I cannot stress enough on my abuelitas achieving a huge task by raising me considering I was more than a handful witnessing a man getting stabbed with an ice pick, my mom was determined to get me out of Los Angeles and fulfill her wish of providing me with a blessed education. As a result to my parents’ disagreements and differences upon where my brother and I should be raised, my mother, brother, and I moved to my other grandma’s backhouse until we had raised enough to buy our own house. Around the same time my mom was working overtime, she met my soon-to-become father, Cesar. He was everything we needed; love, care, laughter, and support. All which was found in our family however, knowing I would have a man to love me wholeheartedly as if I was his own. He supported me at my ballet recitals, changing my sheets when I would have an “accident,” or comforting me when I got bullied at school. Don’t get me wrong, my father loved my brother and I unconditionally; however, he had faced some setbacks that restricted him from us being in his lives as much as we were.
Two baby sisters and a wedding later, we moved to our very first home in Pomona. The transition from constant police sirens down the streets and tragedy to a welcoming neighborhood that became a second family to me has to be one of the most appreciative experiences in my lifetime. As things appeared as perfect as could be, my family and I received tragic news of my father, Ismael Verduzco Jr. He died on a tragic night of April 12, 2005. Unaware of what was going on or what actually occurred to result to such a tragedy changed my perspective of my own life and lead me to feel regretful. Running into that hospital as my mother clenched my hand and with tears in her eyes, she told me, “Be strong for daddy.” To this day, I do not know which father she was referring to. However, I lived with this burden that I lost the opportunity to welcome my biological father into my life. I lived with the idea that I needed to make everyone around me happy; my mother, Cesar, my brother and sisters, and my teachers. Nevertheless, I grew to understand that my happiness is what is most evident. Understanding the hard effort my parents overcame to provide my brother, sisters, and I with a great education and childhood have grown within me and contributed to my passion for assisting others and experiencing many cultures that make our world. I pray to God that my father has forgiven me and is proud of my accomplishments. In addition, my mother’s wish became a reality and has impacted my aspirations in returning the favor to my parents by taking advantage of the academic opportunities I am given to pursue my dream by assisting those in poverty and experiencing new cultures, ideas, and perspectives in literature.


  1. This was really beautiful, Hennessy. I really love the title, and how well you tied that into your piece. It's so great to see how you can use past experiences--no matter how negative-- to propel yourself into a better future. Excerpts like this make me think about what's truly important in life, and that there is always something to learn. I'm sorry about your father, but I think he's extremely proud of you; along with your aspirations and achievements. Great Job! :)

  2. This submission was absolutely beautiful. Reading it, I felt privileged to have a glimpse into your life. Listening to peoples stories always amazes me. I admire the fact that you view your difficult/painful past as an impetus to show compassion and love to others. Though I don't know you personally, after reading this submission, I feel as if I do. Your heart for people is evident and I honestly believe God intends to use it for His glory.
    -Christina Tapia

  3. This must have been a very hard time for you but I'm glad you shared this with us because I can tell your a very strong, dedicated, hard working woman. I know your father is proud of you and is always with you. I understand it must have been hard for you and your family but I can tell you and your family are strong. Your piece made me reflect on my life and how privileged I am. But I admire how hard you've been working to make your family and everyone proud. It shows that you have a caring heart and I know you will be successful in life.

  4. WOW! Hennessy!!! I absolutely loved reading this! Thank you so much for sharing such details about your life, I feel as if I got to really know you! You have such a kind and compassionate soul and quite frankly, I was shocked that you grew up in such an environment and circumstances. Your story really struck a chord with me and especially so, when you felt that you lost the “opportunity” to let your biological father into your life since I feel may be as well. However, I think ultimately you have to forgive yourself because I am sure your father has. I also, know that not only are your parents proud, but that they will continue to be as you achieve your goals and aspirations. <3 :)

  5. Everyone has a story and I'm glad you were able to share yours. It was very insightful and inspiring to read how you overcame such circumstances. I admire your optimism and future goals. The drive, strength, and good character you have were portrayed vividly throughout your writing. Also this story was very well written and you did a really nice job.

  6. Hennessy this is really touching! It just goes to show that no matter how someone acts in public, yo never know what they've been through behind closed doors.I'm very sure your father watches over you as one of the most proud fathers heaven has ever seen.

  7. Hennessey, I admire you being so comfortable to express your personal life with your audience; that takes more courage than people think. Your optimism about your biological father sets the bar for others who are in the same predicament as you are who want a relationship with their parents and I believe you have opened a wide door for yourself in doing that. Your dad loves you and is very proud of you.

  8. Wow Hennessy, this was so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with all of us and being able to open up and give us a glimpse into your life. I know your father is very proud of you and is watching over you every single day. Good job! :)

  9. This was extremely sentimental and I'm glad you were able to share it! Overcoming difficult circumstances is tough and I was very inspired by your strength. I admire your acceptance of everything and how you incorporated a little bit of your heritage into the piece. Overall, it was very insightful and I feel as though your father would be so very proud.

  10. Your piece is so inspiring! I admire how strong and optimistic you are in facing these hardships and growing from them instead of letting them bring you down. Sometimes the plans that we create for ourselves arent in God's plan for us and although we may not always understand it, everything really does happen for a reason. Im glad that you are still pursuing your dream to travel the world, Im sure your mom and dad couldn't be any more proud of you. Thanks for sharing your life story. (:
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  11. This piece is truly inspirational. I really felt your heart poured into every word you wrote. I could identify with regrets of my own and loosing a loved one. I enjoyed the fact that you ended your piece with an optimistic tone with hope for the future. I appreciate you sharing this. Good job

  12. I teared up, for two reasons. 1. I know this subject is super touchy because you get in a certain mood whenever we talk about your father and 2. because we're really good friends and I'm touchy feely for you. I really really really enjoyed reading this, it gave me an inside view of everything else that I did not know about or did not wanna ask. I totally appreciate that you could share this with our classmates. I could feel my heart clenching and my face muscles starting to hold back tears. I love the way you admire your family and your father, both of them. you're a strong girl and i'm glad i've met you and got close to you over this past year. Love you! :)

  13. Hennessy, your piece made me giggle and teary! I truly love your piece. I love your motivation and your parents motivation to provide you for a great opportunity and a chance to have a good life! Your piece is truly great!

  14. I love it. I absolutely love it. The way you were able to incorporate details of how your abuelitas cooked huge meals for just two people reminds me of my own ama. She tends to over feed the whole family! This was such a well written piece and I'm glad you were able to overcome such a tragedy in your life. I really do wish you the best in your future.

  15. Your piece was very moving and made me want to cry a little. I respect that you decided to share your story even though it seemed hard for you at times. I think its awesome that you desire to help others who are less fortunate and that you want to pursue your dreams and use your academic talents. Great job!

    Alexandra Aguilar

  16. Hennessy I admire your strength through that whole series of events. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to go through so much change and on top of that losing your father. I'm sure your father is looking down on you in awe at the amazing woman you have grown to be.

  17. You are a very strong soul. Despite hardships in your life, you continue to strive towards a better future for yourself. I have had the honor of conversating with you on occasion and I am sure that you have made everyone proud.

    -Alan Medina
    Period 1

  18. Hennessy!! You are such an amazing girl and that definitely showed through this piece. Thank you for allowing us the chance to see into the life you live on such a personal level. Great job.


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