
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"The Perks of Traffic" by Jonathan D

Anyone who has ever ridden in a car has experienced traffic. Wether it is rush hour or an
accident creating delays; whatever the case may be, traffic is inevitable. As a young child, I
recall how much the adults driving me around would complain about the gridlock. Who could
blame them? Being alert for several hours, while moving at a snail’s pace, is not an ideal
situation for most people. However, since I have become a licensed driver I welcome traffic;
without it, I would probably have a mental breakdown!
Traffic slows my life down, just as it does speedy cars. Driving bumper to bumper is
really the only time that I feel truly alone. While driving, my cell phone is kept in my pocket at
all times, freeing me from the hold that instagram, twitter, and text messages have on the
majority of teenagers. With my phone out of the picture, I engage in musical therapy by blasting
the songs of my favorite artist. The blaring radio allows me to get in touch with my sensitive side
by singing along to a Beyonce hit, or embrace my inner thug by rapping the lyrics to a Tupac
jam. Traffic allows me to release built up aggression and anger through the infamous road rage,
which seems to plague just about everyone. The close proximity of the moving vehicles gives
dumb drivers, who in my opinion should not be licensed, the opportunity to cut me off or almost
cause a fatal accident. Only Devine intervention has allowed me to escape any danger; once the
danger has been avoided, I proceed to shout out any obscenity that comes to mind. On the other
hand, the most enjoyable aspect of my personal experiences of traffic is the possible silence that
it can bring.
Although my car does not provide complete silence due to the muffled sounds that
permeate through its frame, it is quiet enough. Quiet enough that I can reflect upon my past
actions, or my interactions with my peers within the latest school day. Over the course of my
weekly driving, I eventually ponder my upcoming events and the direction of my life. So
whenever I inch down the fifteen freeway on my way home from school, I am grateful for that
one hour of traffic that makes my car an idyllic place (in my mind) for me to be alone; keeping
my sanity intact.


  1. Sadly, it's true. The only time when we are free from social media and other "obligations" is when we are sitting in the car exploring our thoughts- and the radio- while sitting in traffic. Even though I am usually frustrated when sitting in traffic because it is making me even more late than I usual am to any destination, traffic does offer a time to gain clarity and perspective on our lives. It presents the chance to simply stop and think.

  2. I must admit, traffic drives me crazy. While I love driving for some of the very reasons you listed - a chance to be alone, think, reflect, blast my stereo, and sing-along to the radio - I cannot stand sitting in traffic. But, thanks to your submission, I now feel as if I have a new outlook on traffic. So, next time I'm stuck on the freeway, I am going to do my best to enjoy it.
    -Christina Tapia

  3. This is such a refreshingly different perspective on traffic that I've never thought about having. I always get impatient, and try to just listen to music to distract myself, but I've never thought about actually getting some hardcore life pondering done! Traffic is actually a great thing to figure some stuff out with, since it pretty much forces you to take some time to yourself. I still wouldn't want to be stuck in traffic that often though, my blood pressure can only handle so much! Hahaha anyways, Great Job Jonathan! :)

  4. Although I don't drive yet and doesn't get the real experience of being in traffic, I can still very easily relate to this feeling as an introvert. I felt that we all need a time out at a point in our daily lives, a time for us to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world for us to collect our thoughts or to simply relax and rest. We all need that time, and we must find ways to get that time. Utilizing the time waiting in traffic to have one's alone time is a very efficient use of time, and in a way makes traffic essential to one's daily lives! Very interesting piece! Great job!

    -Hsing Chang

  5. Having been stuck in traffic with you like a million times, I'm surprised you've never shared such refreshing insights with me, jon. Gosh! Haha! ;P
    Anyway, this entry was a great way to share your "two cents" about traffic. You hit the nail right on the head with this submission, it was a different yet reasonable way to perceive the struggles of traffic. You did a great job detailing the vivid imagery of your daily routines in traffic, which made it even more relatable to all the readers who've been on the same boat. Overall, it was a wonderful entry that highlights the few pros, of such a hated thing, like traffic.

  6. It's amazing how you were able to make something as terrible as traffic into something that seems almost necessary. I would not have agreed with you if I had read this month's ago. But now that I understand what it feels like to be stuck in traffic while you are the driver, it's relieving to have all that time to yourself. Thank you for making all of us open our eyes to this new, marvelous concept.
    -Jay Moritz

  7. What?! How can traffic create a sense of peacefulness and relaxation. Personally traffic annoys me in so many ways, the sluggishness of cars and the hours of waiting all make traffic a nu-sense. However, I do appreciate the different perspective that you have on traffic. Traffic, I guess, can create a sort of zen where people can think to themselves and reflect back on the day. Thank you for this refreshing new look on traffic and, hey, maybe next time I will be "getting in touch with my sensitive side."

  8. This is a great perspective to look on traffic. As it may be annoying and frustrating to be stuck on the freeway for quite some time I think it is also a meditation for yourself. I loved this piece.
    -Leia S. period 6

  9. wow i like how u changed my perspective on something so ordinary and is in everyones day to day life good job!

  10. I've never really thought about traffic that way before. Now that I realize it, listening to music on my way to and from school relaxes me. It too, causes me to reflect on my day and think about what I have to do for homework. But I still get frustrated with dumb drivers that cause traffic jams lol. I like the way you wrote your blog because it allowed us readers to relate to it :)

  11. Wow Jonathan I could never be able to explain traffic in this sort of a perspective because it is just too frustrating, but I might actually try to think of traffic in this sort of sense just so it does not feel too bad. Great Job.

  12. I was drawn to your piece because of the title since I asked myself: "What perks could traffic possibly have?". I personally don't deal with a lot of traffic, but when I do, I get frustrated. Nonetheless, I appreciate that you manage to see the silver linings and make the most of what seems to be a daily nuisance for many. I believe more drivers (including myself) could make an effort to alter our perspective on the seemingly gruesome traffic.

  13. Man I never considered sitting in traffic as a time to reflect on life. For me its more of a time to reflect on what I am missing out on because of traffic. I am a big fan of singing taylor swift for whoever gives me the "im going to cut you off" stare. Anyways good job in taking a boring activity and making it seem interesting and almost necessary with your use of imagery and first person perspective

  14. Wow, J Dallas! You wrote such an interesting piece! I am not a fan of traffic because I am such an impatient person. However, after reading your personal story, I now will appreciate traffic and all of the opportunities it has to offer. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your "pondering the abstract" piece- it is very compelling and animated! Thank you for sharing the pros of traffic with all of us. :)

  15. Wow Jon, I find this so ironic because you always tell me how much you hate driving, but I can relate because I really like driving alone sometimes because its just time to yourself to think about everything. Good job Jon! And I hope you feel better soon :)

  16. Really liked the piece and i was totally able to relate to it when it comes to me have g to drive home in rush hour from work. There's nothing better than blasting the music and releasing all the frustration from the day and just letting loose in your car by yourself with no one bothering you or talking while you're relaxing. So great!
    Rachael Rubalcava

  17. Your comment about your sensitive side while jamming to Beyonce was great- I totally imagined you in your car- "SURFBOARD!" ^-^ I like how you looked at a simple topic in a new perspective; although most people hate traffic with a passion, you can see the good in it and can make light of the situation.

  18. By the way, I hope you feel better! :)

  19. First of all I want to congratulate you for making a great, detailed, and all around exciting story that kept me amused while reading it. Like I said before, the detail made me enjoy the story, and the fact that you enjoy traffic while most other drivers hate it made the story a lot more interesting. I really liked how you stated that without it you wouldn't be sane, great job!

    -Jose Mancillas

  20. I really liked how you went into detail about traffic and you used diffrent words rather than repeating the same word over and over again. You did a great job !

  21. I like how you changed this ordinary thing into an extraordinary experience.

    Sabrina Rondero

  22. I definitely understand the feeling of traffic ! you captured it all !! I do feel like sitting in traffic brings down my mood and builds up my nerves. I drive in traffic a lot every other day and reading this I saw a few things that apply to myself.

    -Erin Napoleon

  23. This is a very good view of looking on how something so frustrating can be something that can be relaxing.I think i might try this next time Im on the freeway.Good job!
    -Norma Cabrera

  24. This is so true. I think as a teenager everyone needs a break from reality and social media and I think sitting in traffic is a great stress reliever. I've never looked at traffic as a way to relieve stress and this was a creative perspective that you had. Good job.

  25. Taking time out of our lives to decompress a little bit is something everyone should do, even if only for a couple of minutes. As many of us cant something like traffic which forces people to slow down is really calming, i get this feeling when i walk home sometimes, you just think and kinda tune out. Nice piece, good job.
    -Arturo Ayala

  26. In a traffic jam i do the same thing... even though im not the one driving I sing as loud as i can and after the songs when there is nothing good left on the radio i reflect and think and even though i am not alone in the car I sit really close to the window and just stare at the scenery and just think it is kind of nice. I never thought about it in your perspective and its cool that you could make a story about traffic being a good thing. Great Job.
    ~Aaliyah S.

  27. This is extremely accurate! There really aren't many times that we get to be by ourselves because we're either at school surrounded by peers or at home surrounded by family; so with traffic, its like a mini-break from everybody. It really is time to think at reflect or not think at all and just relax.

  28. I really like your topic. It’s so relatable, at least for me. I drive everyday of my life and I’ve never thought of it like that. In my mind traffic has always been something that keeps me from reaching my destination. It allows dumb drivers to make dumb decisions and forces me away from my phone for God knows how long. Your narrative though, has changed my opinion. You’re right. In traffic is where I can unwind. If I choose, there is silence. If I choose, I can admire the beauty in the small things I never stop to see. It’s kinda cool, this traffic thing. Thanks for pointing it out:)

  29. I really like your topic. It’s so relatable, at least for me. I drive everyday of my life and I’ve never thought of it like that. In my mind traffic has always been something that keeps me from reaching my destination. It allows dumb drivers to make dumb decisions and forces me away from my phone for God knows how long. Your narrative though, has changed my opinion. You’re right. In traffic is where I can unwind. If I choose, there is silence. If I choose, I can admire the beauty in the small things I never stop to see. It’s kinda cool, this traffic thing. Thanks for pointing it out:)

  30. I like car rides, but I don't know if I like traffic. I do get what you mean though. I think there is something soothing about being on the road alone with your thoughts and music does make it better, except I don't really have an inner thug to embrace like you do. That part was funny, I liked this piece. Good job.
    - Oscar Salazar

  31. I really liked your perspective on traffic, although it is incredibly annoying and frustrating, it is unavoidable. So I think it is great that you're able to find and take advantage of such important relaxation and "me time" when the opportunity presents itself.

  32. Okay, I literally laughed out loud and clapped my hands like a silly little seal when I read “at a snail’s pace”... is that weird..? But yeeesh, this. is. just. great. You are like Meursault and George Bernard Shaw, but in a great way. You’re basically representing an idea that’s totally in opposition to what society has set up as the norm. I think it’s just so great to know someone, at least one person (and that person is you) to be so accepting to traffic. I think the main reason is because I’m the complete opposite. Traffic jams stress me out, I’m impatient, and I have the worse WORSE roadrage. And because I know you somewhat personally and I know that you have a liking for traffic, it makes me feel like changing myself! The way you talk about traffic like this makes my heart almost warm… and saying that literally makes me feel like the grinch. But I mean, you are good with your words and writing! I always enjoy reading the essays you write in class because it’s just… i don’t know, like great. Your piece just shows the beauty of traffic that everyone is too blind with road rage, impatience and anger to see. Good job jdallas! :)

  33. Great topic. I would've never thought to write about traffic much less about how enjoyable it is. I never thought how traffic can be used as a time of relaxation and let yourself go. Obviously you just have to be careful with people who don't know hot to drive. The imagery in the middle part of your piece is great. I really liked your piece.

  34. This topic is very intriguing. Now that I think about it, driving to and from the various places I go is the only time I get to just think about the world around me. I'm sure many other people feel the same way. Great Job!

  35. I really enjoyed this article and it was surprising to me how as I read, I found myself agreeing with what you were saying. Coming from a person who dislikes traffic, because I can sometimes be an impatient driver, that is not what I expected. I don't think I will ever be able to drive in traffic with a bad attitude again, thank you so much.
    - Percy Starks

  36. I like your perspective of how you think about the relaxing side of traffic, it does seem like the perfect time to escape your worries, but theres always so much on my mind that sometimes traffic makes it worse for me and I'm even more on edge. Thanks for sharing though i will keep this in mind.

    --McKynzie Fort

  37. I like how you took a negative and managed to make it positive. This idea really resonates me because I feel you, sometimes you just really need to be alone. Allowing yourself to ponder your own thoughts with no outside bombardments is needed every once in a while. Great vocabulary and descriptive imagery!
    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  38. I liked your story, the ability to drive makes us feel free from our worries due to concentration of our surroundings. I do also agree about the slow traffic, but, not everyone has the same mindset. People, such as myself, tend to be impatient, which most of the time leads me into a road raging maniac going 5mph in traffic. I would also worry about the gas, although it may only be about 5mph, it still consumes as much gas as a 20 year old Ford Explorer. Aside from all this, there are some similarities with you and I, although I hate traffic.
    Great Topic by the way.

  39. I don't think I have ever heard someone say good things about traffic so this piece was really interesting! Your comments about other drivers and road rage made it easy to relate to and added humor to your piece which kept my attention, and yet your positive comments about it gave me a new perspective on traffic. Your writing was clear and concise and your point was easy to see from the beginning! Great Job!

  40. wow John this was an interesting piece. I believe you are the first person I know to actually enjoy traffic. I do completely understand that part about road rage and the drivers who should not be licensed.

  41. Wow this is in fact a really deep article. I really like how you turned a common pain into something deeper and valuable. This paradoxical idea of finding time through traffic has really shone over the aspects of life that keep us busy and always moving. The way I interpreted this, I can see how people are moving too fast and are always in a sense of urgency that they never find this time to just stop and find serenity. Really good read!

  42. I love how you found such a positive outlook on a negative issue. Traffic seemed like a huge waste of time to me especially when your in a rush, but if don't really focus on the stress of the situation like you did it doesn't seem so bad. Great job! -Haley Brown

  43. I really enjoyed this! I think everyone has had an experience in traffic, and I like your different perspective on how it's able to give you time to relax and reflect on everything around you. Sometimes it's hard to not become frustrated in traffic, but we can all take a moment to think about everything. Good job!

  44. It takes a real appreciation of the world to be thankful for traffic. It was nice how you gave light to the little things that we forget like the sounds of the car or the things the crazy things that happen when we drive on a freeway. I also liked how you made it personal by specifying what kind of music you jam out to so we can relate to it. Next time I'm in traffic I'll be sure to think of this.

  45. Wow, I really enjoys your insight on the perks of traffic. Your perception is different than that of most people and you make a great point. If most of us saw unfavorable life events in the same light as you do traffic, stressing over the small stuff would definitely diminish. Thank you for your share of perspective and I definitely can say that I agree with you with regards to traffic when I really ponder upon it.

  46. It is really refreshing to have such a postive viewpoint on traffic because everyone typically despites it. But seeing your insightful point of view has made me rethink how bad traffic might not be afterall. I do agree with you that being alone in a car is really the best place to have alone time, and I could enjoy some traffic for myself now. (: Great Job!

  47. I loved this. When most people think of traffic they think of the hassle it causes people in a rush to be somewhere and how annoyingly slow everything is but you brought to life the other side it can give. This is a great perspective to traffic and the release that alone time of any kind, any where can give an individual. This was great, good job!

  48. I love this piece because it shows that if you think of the positives in situations, it will always be a good situation. Most of us hear the word traffic and we want to pull our hair out, but you take traffic and make it a positive time to rejoice in life and be peaceful. Great job!

  49. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. Traffic could be horrible and I think its great that you are able to step back and view this monster that annoys so many people in the world, optimistically as a chance to self reflect. I'm starting to drive now and I totally agree that although it feels weird to not be able to go on my phone for a while I enjoy it. Great Job!
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  50. DALLAS!!!!! This piece was so good, almost like poetry, the way your words came together was really good, great job with this piece!

  51. Wow, this really makes sense. I usually hate traffic, but your piece will certainly make me reconsider my original ideas. You did a fantastic job with your piece.
    -Lauren Williams

  52. Wow, this really makes sense. I usually hate traffic, but your piece will certainly make me reconsider my original ideas. You did a fantastic job with your piece.
    -Lauren Williams

  53. In the beginning of reading this i was questioning how can anyone enjoy traffic? Right away i just quickly remember all the times i curse at people cutting me. However, I took a deep breathe and continued on reading, and i think second guess myself and really enjoyed what you had to say! I never really thought those were the times were i do think to myself more often and i feel like i could separate myself from my phone. I love how you point out road rage, that is my only therapy and allows me to blow off steam. Really enjoyed reading this!, good job!

  54. Jonathan, you're one of those one in million guys who find joy in the worst things to exist, which is an amazing talent. I think you gave me a new perspective to traffic, tbh, i'd be the one cutting you off and probably the girl who does not deserve her license, but that's besides the point. I like your topic choice, it was very creative because I never would have thought to talk about traffic in a sense that you do. I guess you taught a lesson, kind of like "let's just all chill out, not cuss at people due to road rage and enjoy the inevitable traffic that takes over the 15 around 3-5pm" Good job Jonathan!

  55. this was a great story, you turned a negative outlook on traffic into positive and actually can look on the bright side of traffic.
    Alyssa R.
    period 2

  56. I must say, you are a really beautiful and eloquent writer! I'm a late bloomer, so I've barely had my license for a couple of months, but I can completely relate to your perspective on traffic. I love driving solo, and being isolated in my own little space with my own music and my own thoughts is therapeutic. We get so caught up in our busy schedules, it's nice to take things at a slower pace. Even if it's against our will. As sad as it is to say, it is really one of the few moments I have to myself. Though traffic does get a little tedious at times, your piece will always resonate in the back of my mind reminding me that it's not all too bad. ALSO, I see you getting down to Beyonce. Go on J. Dallas! AINT NO SHAME IN YOUR GAME. good job!

  57. Hey Jonathan! I loved how you discussed singing in the car during traffic, because I absolutely agree that without that, I would go absolutely insane in traffic. I appreciate your positive view on such a negative subject.
    Jack McDonald
    Per. 4

  58. Good job, I was really able to connect with this. Another good thing about traffic (if you're not driving) is on the way to school you can get some homework done!

  59. Wow I seriously have never thought about traffic in that way before. So many people complain about waiting in hours on non-stop traffic where as you write this article of your optimistic attitude towards it all. And if there's anyone who has a right to get annoyed with traffic its you having to drive all the way from Eastvale to school and back everyday! Now I know why every time you never complained about having to drive so far all the time. Great Job JDallas and thanks for opening up my eyes to this perspective of life.
    P.S. Get well soon, we all miss you! :)

  60. Wow your piece was truly amazing! I honestly loved how you took on a new perspective on the issue of traffic and highlighted the positive perks that comes with it. Your incorporation of diction and vivid imagery brought so much life to your story that I could "feel" the sensations and experiences you have while driving in your car. I honeslyt could relate to this piece so much because despite the fact traffic seems horrible, I do enjoy just being able to be by myself in the car. I loved how you mentioned it was a distraction from social media (excellent point!) Great Great Job! :)

  61. This is so clever and is just great. The fact that you took something seen as an everyday annoyance by society was turned into a great story and piece of writing. Godd job.

  62. The subject matter of your reflection was greatr as it pefectly reflects my own expierences. I loved how you welcomed an associated traffic jams with peace. Overall, great job, it was both interesting and easil relatable.

    -Marcopolo Anzora

  63. Interesting perspective on traffic as I personally cannot stand traffic and sitting bumper to bumper. maybe next time Im in traffic I could use it as a way to calm down and relax. good piece!
    - Cody Molla

  64. Dang you got a lot of comments on your piece bro. But yeah details, details and details is what i like about this piece. Everything you talk about in here is so clear and understandable. Good job

  65. I've never even though about traffic as a time to get away from the world. I'm always worried about being late to school or to work, that my road rage is on it's level! This piece is so good, that honestly, I can't tell if it's meant to be sarcastic or sincere. Either way if creates a statement! Nice job!

  66. very optimistic piece! you seem like you enjoy life no matter your situation. i love the first sentence of the second paragraph "traffic slows my life down..." we all need to slow down every once in a while to regroup ourselves. thanks for a new perspective on traffic.

    -Alan Medina
    Period 1


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)