
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"How to Ask Someone to Prom" by Tia B

As we all know Prom is somewhere around the corner! Prom is a very special day for a girl. It’s
supposed to be the best day of her life. Not so much for the guy. Guys are pressured into making sure
that their girl’s night is the best. If it isn’t, he won’t ever hear the end of it. Anyways, Prom won’t be
great if you have no one to go with! By the time my blog is posted there will probably be only ten days
till Prom! Better read this quick and follow every step!
Step one: Know who you are asking. First of all, you have to know who you are asking. Is it the really
hot guy, you’ve had your eye on since grade school? Is it the really popular girl that has no idea you
exist? Is it just a random stranger that let you borrow his/her pencil one day in class?
Step two: Follow them around. Once you got your eye on someone special, you must follow him or
her around school. I mean STALK them. You must find out what classes they have and where they
hang out during lunch and in the morning and after school. WARNING!! You have to be real slick
about this. You don’t want to get expelled or anything. Here’s a helpful hint: Bring a camera with you at
all times and take a picture of him or her as they wander around campus. They won’t be scared or
freaked out by you at all. You’ll have the perfect excuse! Just say that you are in Yearbook. (I do this
all the time.) *BE SURE TO KEEP THE PHOTOS
Step three: Stand out in the crowd. This is a very important step. Now that you know where he or she
hangs out, you must make yourself different. You must catch his or her attention. Here’s a suggestion: In
the morning, go to the band room and steal a guitar or any beautiful instrument that you see. I suggest
stealing the grand piano. *If you do steal the piano, make sure you have a friend that is willing to push
you around the school while you play it. *
It doesn’t matter that you are musically untalented. No talent is needed for this step. Now that you have
an instrument, walk this special person to each class playing it and singing to it obnoxiously. This will
totally get you his/her attention!
Step four: Ease the tension. If you have followed the first three steps correctly, this person will
probably be avoiding you! DON’T WORRY! It is a good sign! It only means that he/she is too nervous
and shy to talk to you. If this is the case, go develop the pictures that you took of him/her from step
two. On each photo, write something you like about them. For example, “I like the size of your nose
holes,” or “I like your ear lobes.” Once you finish, go to each of his/her classes early and give it to their
teacher to put on his/her desk. When they read it, they will fall in love with your wonderful comments
and might even want to ask you to Prom!
Step five: Ask. Now that he/she has some type of attraction towards you, it is time for you to ask.
There are several ways you can do it. You could go ahead and buy him/her a slice of cheese or even a
Poptart. Just hand it to them and say, “Take my food and be my Prom date.” If you demand it, there is
no reason for him/her to say no. Another way to ask is you could write a special Prom song for them.
Once you have it written down, sneak into the Activities Office and get on the intercom. Once you have
a hold of the intercom just casually say his/her name and dedicate the song to them. Sing it with
confidence and they will totally say yes!
If you followed all 5 steps CONGRATS you have a Prom date!
In all seriousness, if you know who you want to ask to Prom just ask them! It’s better to risk
rejection than risk having regrets. You don’t want to regret letting one of the greatest nights
of your life slip by.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this article!! It was super interesting and I was hooked from the start! I like how you were very detailed and you offered many different ways in which someone can ask another person to prom! I also really like your humor! Furthermore, I totally agree with you that we should be confident and just ask who we want to go to prom with since "it's better to risk rejection than risk having regrets". Overall, good job!

  2. Liked the details and options you put in this article! Great Work! - Alexis Chiong period 6

  3. Tia, this submission was straight up hilarious. From stealing a grand piano, to commenting on someone's ear lobes, you had me laughing from start to finish. Given as prom was last night, I did not get a chance to test your advice. But, I will be sure to pass it on to all of my junior friends. Nice job!!
    -Christina Tapia

  4. This “how to” confused me! You start out by sounding rather sarcastic and then you bring out cheese and pop tarts! I think that would work very well!
    Anyhow this was a very entertaining to read! Tried and didn't work though so you might wanna update it some time. Still, good job for making it entertaining!

  5. Tia, I really enjoyed reading your piece! It grabbed my attention right away and it was very hilarious. I really liked how your piece was very detailed and full of great ideas. Your advice about asking someone to prom is very helpful and encouraging. Even though Prom already passed, I am sure that people who will attend in the future will surely appreciate this. You did an amazing job!!!!

  6. wow that was really funny and entertaining lol now for sure the guy I'm gonna ask is gonna say yes (; i like how i was never bored or wanted to stop reading good job
    _ariana jimenez

  7. Sometimes guys are nervous to ask a girl to prom but this is inspiring and encouraging. Your advice can be very helpful to those who would like to go to prom in the future. Great Job .

    -Abigail Rich

  8. I was laughing at this piece. This is totally what I would do senior year ahaha. I loved the stalker part. This is hilarious. Great Job! =)

  9. Well this was good I guess... except that that step about following them landed me in School Jail (its like disney jail but with schoolwork and stuff) haha. This was really funny. I mean like you said its a little late but who's to say I cant use it for college right?! I liked how it had a false sense of seriousness in it

  10. Wow, Tia! Your Instructional piece is very encouraging and entertaining. Your energetic and passionate tone is very compelling and had me laughing from start to finish! I wish I would have read your piece before prom to try these tips out! ;) Great advice and great job, girl!

  11. Tia, I love you so much. This was so great and funny! I seriously enjoyed reading it. After writing this, I hope you had a great time at prom!

  12. I thought this piece was hilarious but I have to be honest I was a little lost at the stalker part and I couldn't quite tell if you were serious especially when you brought out the pop tart and cheese! Crazy but it made me smile!
    Rachael Rubalcava

  13. Tia this was hilarious; which option did Randy go with? ^-^ I loved the comedy in this piece, and how you exaggerated everything to make people realize asking someone to prom really isn't that big of a deal and that they should just go for it! :)

  14. Tia, your personality just shines through this piece! It has all of your quirky, funny qualities embedded in its contents. This was super entertaining to read and made me chuckle a few times, as I pictured myself actually going around and doing all of these things. I think in a way, this how-to article could be a great idea; after all, if you find someone who says yes to you after all the nonsense you put them through, you have yourself a keeper! Overall, great job on this, I'll pass it along to all my younger friends. :)

  15. This was a really cute submission Tia. It had the perfect amount of humor to make it enjoyable. Honestly, If a guy pulled the "Take my food and be my prom date" line, I don't think I'd be able to reject them. It's cheesy enough to actually work. lol. Great job. :)

  16. This piece was great Tia. I will definately take you advice to heart! But something I think you should have toldneveryone it to not only follow them around at school, but follow them home aswell to be able to learn more about them. I find this to be more effective as long as they continue to take pictures and make sure to incorporate some ofnthese picture when asking the person to prom. ;) haha this was a great article Tia :)

  17. I think I should have used these tips to get myself a prom date. I like how you poked fun at some of the extreme lengths people go to for prom asks. Sometimes it seems like they're too over the top. At the end of the day, you don't have to stalk someone for a whole week to get them to go to prom with you, you just need to be sincere. Thanks for reassuring everyone, and showing us that taking a risk is a good thing. Fantastic job!

  18. This is inspiring for most guys who are nervous to ask a girl. I kind of picture this piece in a cute teen magazine. This piece was very entertaining and worth the read !

    -Erin Napoleon

  19. So where was this when I need to help out many guys asking their prom date? lol This piece is very funny and not stressful at all. I love to step by step of how to get a date and asking. Good Job.

  20. This is honestly such an enjoyable piece and with prom passed, it was a great way to reminisce on the ways guys asked girls to prom! Loved this piece.
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  21. This is definitely different from your usual "how to" lol. I think if you were to follow some of these steps you might scare them away but if you end up getting a prom date it'd make a great memory. I like your approach for the blog, totally different from just a usual story.

  22. It's a little late for Prom, but I hope still applies for asking someone out! Good use of satire, or at least I hope this was satire and you encouraging people to stalk potential dates across the campus. (For those of you reading, Surdan will murder you if you steal her grand piano). Anyways, clever story, I loved it. -Emily Wilt

  23. Tia this is very funny and strange and slightly disturbing and i love it :p. You did very well in creating what i assume to be a sarcastic "how to" entry although one can never be sure. it definetely made me giggle like a little girl.
    -Justin Myers

  24. This piece was great, entertaining, and humorous. Your use of sarcasm and parody of serious how-to articles was original and creative, especially with a topic that most seniors can relate to at this time of the year. I truly enjoyed this piece, great job.

  25. Oh my. This has Yearbook written all over it! The stalker tendencies give it away! It’s funny cause this is really what everyone was talking about before Prom! Dates and asking and all the drama in between. All of us have been here before and the struggle is an experience one can never forget! Your step by step instructions helped me relate because I remember the steps I went through to ensure I had a date to the dance this year. I literally staged a game of Hostage and asked him at a park and it was so crazy! Haha. I feel for the guy who steals a piano in his attempts:)

  26. Tia, this was hilarious! I first started reading it thinking "Oh, maybe this is an instructional article for guys so they don't get in trouble with their girlfriends, lul." Buuut, it wasn't. I like the whole unisex aspect of it. In that case you made this post a lot more relatable.

    Despite the ridiculousness of it all, I thoroughly enjoyed how you managed to instruct the reader on almost every little step, and even encouraged them by saying things like: "don't worry, you're doing it right!"

    You had me laughing in awe because I couldn't handle how serious you made everything seem, no matter how incredulous it is in reality. You had this tone that makes the reader treat you as if you were ten years older or a "prom expert" because of how serious you made it seem... Especially when you tell the readers to "trust you." Like qurl, c'mon. I will not be getting myself a prom date following these steps, I'll get myself a restraining order LOL.

    But I'm sure it gets your main message across, which you seamlessly inserted at the end...and it's a great message too! Life's too short not to take risks, so if you want something, get it!

    Great job, Tia. Maybe I'll save this post in case someone ever asks me for help on asking someone to Prom, lul. Ily! <3

  27. Tia. I love you so so much. This article was seriously the greatest thing ever. Gosh, after reading this, I WISH someone did this to me! I really enjoyed your sarcasm, it made it really humorous and enjoyable. You had me dying when you brought up the fact that you're "taking pictures for yearbook," mostly because Lillian does that all the time and she shares the picture with me LOL! By the way, since prom has already passed, I find this to be the perfect opportunity to say you looked beautiful at prom!

  28. Oh my gosh Tia, your sarcasm had me dying with laughter. Especially because of your comment about using Yearbook as an excuse! As your photo editor, I would be giving you the evil eye, but as your friend, I would high-five you right now. This is actually helpful though! I like that it's from the girl's point of view! Great instructional Tia!

  29. This is really cute. If I was a person who was planning to ask someone to prom or planning to go to prom, I would definitely follow your advice. Breaking this entire process into separate steps makes prom seem less stressful, which was one of the reasons I avoided the idea of it. The humor and sarcasm included in this piece made it extremely entertaining, especially the part about having no musical talent. Good job!

  30. Your methods of finding a prom date are creepy, yet they sound effective. I hope you had a prom date. Good job!

    -Jonathan Dallas

  31. Your methods of finding a prom date are creepy, yet they sound effective. I hope you had a date for prom!

    -Jonathan Dallas

  32. Your methods of finding a prom date are creepy, yet they sound effective. I hope you had a date for prom!

    -Jonathan Dallas

  33. HAHAHA oh my goodness gracious, Tia! This was such a hilarious piece. The comedy you put in here (while making this slightly realistic) just had an added effect onto all the humor. You picked the right time to sign up to be on the blog, because it fit perfectly with all the prom craziness that was occurring at the time! Good job!

  34. Haha I enjoyed reading this piece. You're steps were pretty funny. In the beginning I thought your piece was going to consist of legitimate steps on how to ask somebody to prom and it wasn't until you began to describe how you should take pictures of someone that I realized this piece was meant to be comedic (hopefully). Great job on making me laugh :)

  35. This was so cute! There were all the right elements about what is needed in a "how to" guide for someone to follow but also comic elements! And I agree totally agree with you ! People shouldn't be afraid to ask someone to prom just because they are afraid of being rejected.

  36. WOW!! This is was hilarious! I was expecting something serious but I got something totally different! I love this, It's really good and well writing!

  37. Tia, this was really cute I'm a sucker for a good pick up line, and the you used was really good, it was not only cute but funny, and had me laughing.

  38. Tia this was adorable. When I started reading i, I was like what in the world is she talking about, this is so absurd, but when I got to the end I was like this was too cute. You did a really good job developing you ideas and conveying the main idea at the end. Really great job.
    -Lauren Williams

  39. Oh gosh, Tia.
    This was hilarious.
    While reading the first portion, I was just like, "Qurl, but you said that dances are more fun without a date."
    But then I was like, "HAHA, OH. SHE TOTES KIDDING. THAT SARCASM."
    But I mean, some tips were pretty awesome, and could work with a little bit of adjustments to make it more casual and nonchalant.
    I loved the message of this submission, how anyone should just ask someone if they want to, following the "NO REGRETS!" route in life!
    Awesome job, Tia!

    Seohyun "Joy" Jeon
    Period 4

  40. I was smiling the whole time I was reading this, I actually thought you were going to do a serious how-to for prom asks, but as I read along I finally got your humor. Is it sad that it took like almost half of your piece for me to realize you were kidding? I loved the sarcasm, and your real application towards school. Now I know why you're always carrying around your camera!! lol. I liked your humor and your writing sense, it had a very close personal touch of yours to it. Good job babe! :)

  41. Ok so if you all of a sudden see this happing next year when I'm able to go to prom (i think) in will actually do this and in will make sure that when I'm singing the song over the intercom to give you a reminder that this was all your little joke that is actually happing. Be prepared for next year ;) because I'm so going to do this.
    -Gabe Sandes

  42. Sarcasm through the roof, and i enjoyed every single bit of it. Everyone can relate to the whole situation of wanting to grasp someones attention, but I think your methods of obtaining it are a little unorthodox, hahah. I wish someone asked me to prom with cheese and a poptart! Too bad this was our last highschool dance :( GREAT How-to, Tia!

  43. I love your steps! Like its not even exaggerating! Prom is soo special and I probably did a few of these steps myself. I love the humor and sarcasm throughout it. These are really good tips! I can always count on Tia for good ideas!

  44. this was really a creative way to ask someone to prom. you came up with some great ideas. good job.
    -Alyssa R
    period 2

  45. Oh my goodness! I am on the floor laughing (I might've been laying on the floor when I read this though)! This is definitely the funniest one I've read so far! The tips are absurd, but they totally make sense! I like how your ultimate message from this was "just do it." Aside from the Nike slogan, you've made a great point!

  46. Ahhhh this was so cute! I loved your comedic take on the entire situation. You clearly got your point across that asking someone to Prom isn’t as hard as it seems, girls just want to be asked in one way or another! Some guys should definitely take your advice for future askings ;)

  47. Tia, your piece was so adorable! I loved your step-by-step structure and personal commentary included in the story! One of my favorite elements was the humor you incorporated because it made it so relate-able while adding some laughs! You definitely showed your brave and carefree attitude through this piece and I loved it! Great for prom season, good job :)

  48. Great job Tia. I loved how relateable your piece was as everyone has struggled one time or another with this issue. Your piece was both fun to read and eductaiuonal. Overalll, I think you did a fantastic job with presenting this idea.

    -Marcopolo Anzora

  49. Instructions weren't clear enough, got my head stuck in the washing machine again... but in all seriousness, very nice little piece. I know a bunch of people who certainly could do worse than following your steps.
    -Kevin McCondichie

  50. i thought this piece was great and well written and had that sense of humor added into it. being in the situation imin with a girlfriend im always thinking of new ways to ask her to dances and in the end i just try to be creative and unlike every one else. lol i liked this a lot though good job

    This was great! I was thinking at first that this was gonna be serious, but you shone throughout your piece. The humor that was spread throughout the article was a great way to ease the stress that many feel when Prom season rolls around. The POP TART was a great touch!! Just demand it hahahaha that was hilarious

  52. Oh my goodness! This is hilarious! It's crazy how this probably would have helped me getting a date to prom... oh well! I'm glad youw ere able to make something so important to us girls so funny! Everyone worries about whether they will have a prom date or not, that they'll do anything to get one! I guess desperate times really do call for desperate measures.

  53. Hahaha, this was definitely a hilarious "how-to." I loved the use of sarcasm throughout the piece. Everyone wants to get asked to prom in a special way and I think it was funny that you ridiculed something that so many people stress about at times. Good job Tia!

    Alexandra Aguilar

  54. I love this is so cute when I go to prom I might just use this it is s a great way to ask someone. I loved how you used sarcasm it was really funny. I like how it was real about like the school life it wasn't fake it was true about school. I liked your humor in this story you had me wanting to read more the whole time. excellent job on your story keep up the good work :).

    Laura Tormos


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