
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"How to Tie a Turban" by Harjot G

 Tying a turban isn’t easy especially when comes to having it on for 7+ hours but don’t get me wrong, it is pretty cool tying one especially if you want attention. So there are basic steps you need to follow but first of all you need the following materials.
1.     A comb
2.     Some long hair (If not, a potato will work but not recommended at all)
3.     6 meter long cloth (Fabric) 
4.     Under piece cloth
5.     A spoon (If you have long hair)
6.     Water

So once you have those “materials” in your possession you will need to start the tying process. (Warning: If you tie it too tight there is not going back because that is what I go through ever morning) This process takes around 15 and also depends how big your head is and how big of a cloth you are tying. So lets begin the process.
1.     First of all comb you hair downwards if you have long hair. Then tie it up on the top of your head very loose and flat. If you are using a potatoes then you have to use the under piece cloth to hold it still. Make sure the potato is small. If you don’t want to use a potato you don’t have to.
2.     Next you want to tie the small under piece cloth just to make a top layer on the top. If you don’t have long hair just continue on.
3.     If you want good results you can wet the cloth to make it firm and graspable.
4.     Then get your 6m cloth from one side and slide it from the top of your head to the back of your left ear and then into your mouth to hold it.
5.     Then the longer side of the cloth you start making a banana shape from the sides. Take the cloth and take it over your left eye along your head over your left ear.
6.     Then take it from the back to the right ear and over that.
7.     Then take it along the back of your head horizontally to the front of your head and going straight across your forehead.
8.     Then just keep wrapping it pretty much however you want to. The design is up to you.
9.     As you come to your last end of your cloth it should end up in the back where you can tuck it in. It shouldn’t be in the front for no reason at all. It will look ugly in the front.
10. Then tuck the last piece in.
11.  Now with the spoon make your adjustments of the curves and lines in the turban however you want. If you have long hair then use the end of the spoon to tuck it in.
12. After all the designs are fixed and you are satisfied then give a pat on your back and feel bad for me because I do this everyday.

I’m not saying I hate tying a turban but it’s just a lot of work and uncomforting at times. So there’s nothing wrong with it but its time consuming but worth it. But here are some recommended things that would make you look better in a turban
1.     Beard and mustache (Recommended for men only)

So if you enjoyed this “How to”, please leave a nice comment below and thanking me for all this work I have down to make you look more attractive. If you have any questions please ask me in class.


  1. I barely make it to school on time and I usually just throw my hair in a pony tail (taking a total of 3 minutes tops). I would have to wake up extra early if I wore a turban which would be disastrous because I love sleep and try to get every minute I can in the mornings. I have a new respect for you Harjot!

  2. Harjot, I had no idea so much effort went into tying a turban! I generally have just enough time to put my hair in a bun without being late to school. I can't imagine having to set aside fifteen minutes every morning to tie a turban; I've got to give you props. I really enjoyed how your made the submission humorous. My favorite part was the recommendation regarding a beard and mustache.
    -Christina Tapia

  3. Wow Harjot, I never knew it took you that long to tie a turban. I have long hair and it frustrates me at times when I try to pony tail it. I should have no reason to complain now that I have read your submission. Looking at the steps of your piece, it seems that you really take your time and put the effort into tying the turban. I appreciate how your steps are very detailed and clear. You did an amazing job!!

  4. This Instructional Piece is fascinating, Harjot! I never knew how complicated and time consuming it was to tie a turban either.You did a great job giving very specific directions. Thank you so much for sharing your tips. I am very interested in wearing a turban now so I just might have to take your advice and follow your tips! ;)

  5. Dude Harjot, I can relate to you so much because of this! I mean, its not really time consuming to put my scarf on (takes about 4 mins) as it is for you. But I really liked this because I forever wonder how you get your turban so perfect! Good job :)

  6. I love how you used humor in this piece; the mustache comment made me laugh. Your directions were very clear and easy to follow, and if I ever have 15 minutes to spare, I'll try this out for fun!

  7. This is funny and informative at the same time. It is ironic how you don't have to worry about fixing your hair, but you still have to spend time tying your turban.

    Sabrina Rondero

  8. LOL Harjot this was great. I love your ironic undertone throughout the piece. The fact that you were so adamant about the potato made me laugh, and the mustache part lol! This was really interesting to read, good job.
    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  9. This was very interesting Harjot. I believe now I can tie a turban. I have known you for years now, but never knew how difficult the task was. Props fro doing it every morning.

  10. Good work Harjot! I'll appreciate your turban everytime I sit behind you now.

    -Jonathan Dallas

  11. When I first read this piece, I thought it would be a straight-forward, informative piece--but you proved me wrong! The added humour made this piece enjoyable to read, while giving the audience more insight! I can't imagine having to do this every morning when I wake up so late, so kudos to you! Oh, and I love your comment about your mustache. It put a smile one my face!

  12. that's really cool! I never thought anyone could make learning turban tying could be so funny!! really good job that's very descriptive and detailed good job!
    -Alexandra Urena

  13. I loved that you chose this "How To" because its not only very informative and helpful but it shows a part of who you are! I love learning about different cultures and I think its great that you were able to share a part of yours. Also great job at making it simple enough for everyone to try it out, I can just picture all the guys with short hair with potatoes over their heads hahaha! Great Job! (:
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  14. I'm not going to lie; I totally attempted to make one on my head. The results were... interesting (I need practice and a beard). Also, nice job making the instructions humorous! There was never a monotone moment! Great job!

  15. This how to was very informative and entertaining. I liked the humor towards the end. I never knew the specifics and time it takes to tie a turban. Nice job.
    -Cody Molla

  16. Wow Harjot I have to give you props for being able to keep up that routine day after day! I tried to follow along and was unable to finish as I got confused around step 4. Thanks for sharing this!


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