
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"How To Make Red Hot Chicken Curry" by Arvind G

Curry is one of the main dishes that most Indians eat and there are also many types of curry that someone can get. So many people have told me that they want some curry, either chicken curry or some other type of curry. They have told me to make curry for them. Well instead of me having to make it, you guys should try it out for yourselves. It might be hard for some to make because it takes patience and everything has to be done perfectly or else your curry will turn out to something that you do not want to eat(personal experience). So I will tell you guys how to make Red Hot Chicken Curry which has a satisfyingly think sauce, and for color and flavor red and green peppers are used. There are many ways that you can make this a unique dish by adding something special to it that you would like but as long as you follow the basic instructions things will be fine.   
Things you will need:
A bowl(pyrex is the best, glass is good too)
Heavy Stirfry pan(not too big about medium size)

2 medium onions                                ½ tsp grated root ginger
½ red bell pepper                                1 tsp ground coriander
½ green bell pepper                          1 tsp chili powder
2 tbsp oil                                                   1 tsp salt
¼ tsp fenugreek seeds                     14 oz can tomatoes(fresh tomatoes are better)
¼ tsp onion seeds                               2 tbsp chopped cilantro
½ tsp crussed garlic                           3 fresh green chilies, chopped fresh coriander to garnish
2 tbsp lemon juice                             12 oz chicken, skinned and cubed

    1.     Start with the onions first, dice them up using a sharp knife.
Take the seeds out from the peppers and cut them into chunks,
 not too big or too small because this is the size you will cut the chicken into.
    2.     In the heavy stirfry pan, turn the stove to medium heat and heat the oil and fry the fenugreek and onion seeds until they turn a shade darker. Add the chopped onions, crushed garlic and fresh ginger. Fry this for about 5 minutes until the onions are a golden brown shade. When you see the onions change color them reduce the heat to low. 

    3.     In a separate bowl mix the ground coriander, chili powder, salt, canned(or fresh) tomatoes, and lemon juice. Stir very well for about 2 minutes to get mixed together well and to get the perfect taste. You can also add the chicken into this to get it to have the mixture on it too.
    4.      Now you pour the mixture into the pan and increase the heat to about medium. And stir-fry this for about 3 minutes(if you added the chicken in step 3 you have to stir-fry for about 8-10 minutes).
   5.     If you did not add the chicken in step 3 you can add it now. After adding the chicken you will stir-fry for about 5-7 minutes).
   6.     Add the chopped fresh coriander and green chilies and the red and green bell pepper chunks you had cut.
7.     Lower the heat, cover the pan and allow for this to simmer for about 10 minutes, until the chicken cubes are fully cooked. If it takes too long the chicken might get all dried up and if you turn the heat off too early then the chicken will be left undone.
8.     Serve the curry hot, garnished with the fresh coriander for added flavor.

As you see here that I added peas to my curry, this did not really affect it too much it just increases the flavor of it and makes it taste better. HAPPY COOKING J


  1. This article was very detailed and informative! This is a wonderful step-by-step instruction!! I will definitely try this out. I really like how you described each step in great detail and you had pictures to go with your instructions! I especially like how you listed out all the ingredients and you stated how many teaspoon and ounces we need. The last picture looks delicious! Overall, this article was very interesting! Great job!

  2. Loved the detail you put in this! I really liked the way you put the detail on each step so everyone could get what to do. I might just try this myself sounds yummy! - Alexis Chiong period6

  3. Loved the detail you put in this! I really liked the way you put the detail on each step so everyone could get what to do. I might just try this myself sounds yummy! - Alexis Chiong period6

  4. I was very excited to hear that you were going to write your blog submission on how to make curry, as curry is one of my favorite dishes. I've had curry plenty of times, but I have never had authentic Indian curry, as my family usually buy the Japanese curry blocks. It's amazing how all the liquids of this dish according to your recipe came solely from the tomatoes alone, compared to water when my mother makes it. It also surprised me how only a teaspoon of curry powder is needed to give the whole pot its curry flavor. Nice job, the instructions were straight forward, the ingredients were nicely listed, and the pictures made the dish even more appealing. Thank you for sharing!

    -Hsing Chang

  5. Arvind, this is definitely one of my favorite how-to articles thus far. There are few things I love more than cooking and eating. So, an article which enables me to do both is bound to put a smile on my face! I have always been curios to try authentic curry - according to Food Network, it is amazing. Looks like I will be making curry in the upcoming weeks. Thanks for the recipe!
    -Christina Tapia

  6. I was attracted immediately to the article because I love chicken curry...and now I can make it on my own instead of waiting for my parents to make it! I very much enjoyed this article because it is incredibly easy to follow and informative: I feel like I could easily pull up this article while cooking and refer to it without messing up the food beyond repair.

  7. Arvind, you have no idea how much I love chicken curry! This is one, if not my most favorite "how-to's" and I legit just copy pasted this onto a document so I can save it! I will definitely try this soon! GREAT JOB!

  8. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. Also, I love chicken. This how-to and was very informative. I am definetly saving this recipe! It looks so delicious. Thank you for sharing!!
    -Leia S. period 6

  9. I loved how you incorporated the pictures in your piece. The visual details help me to see what the outcome should look like haha. I would love to try this sometimes and your introduction actually inspired me to try it. You're right, instead of begging you to make curry, I could just do it myself with the help of your recipe. (p.s. yours will taste 100000 times better).

  10. Great Job ! This looks like a very delicious meal and it seems pretty easy to make based of your instructions . The detail helps us know exactly what we need to do and how to make it ,great job.

    -Abigail Rich

  11. This looks and sounds delicious. Your instructions are very detailed and step-by-step. I liked how you described each step with details on how big the cut vegetables are suppose to be and how brown the onion is. That is very useful if I want to make curry exactly as pictured. Yum!

  12. Your how-to piece was very straight-forward and therefore, super easy to follow which is a perfect style of writing when it comes to writing a food recipe! I love chicken curry, so I think I may attempt this recipe in the near future! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Wow! This was a very easy do it yourself guideline. First off, it isn't complicated and it seems very simple. I could probably cook it right now if I had all the ingredients. I personally have never had curry, but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. Very descriptive, to the point and looks simply delicious. The pictures were a good touch, which gave me an understanding of how things should look. I look forward to eating some curry down the line. Good job!

  14. Oh my goodness you are making me so hungry, your curry looks amazing and I can just eat my computer screen right now. Thanks for the detailed instructions and easy-to-follow organization. I will definitely be referring back to this if I'm ever in the mood for curry and happen to have the ingredients on hand!

  15. This is great! Curry is fantastic; I always ordered it, but never really knew what I was eating. However, now I do, and I have you to thank for that. It doesn't seem so complicated to cook. I might actually try it, if i can ever find the ingredients. The instructions are written so directly and straightforward that anyone can really follow along. Good job.

  16. The detail in every step of the cooking process is very helpful, especially to those people who aren't great cooks.
    -Sabrina Rondero

  17. That sounds and looks delicious!!!!! I want to try making it. I don't see how after reading your piece anyone can not try making it (well maybe Matt wont try it seeing as how the recipe takes patience and he has none). Thanks for sharing your recipe :)

  18. Arvind! Curry sounds so good right now! This instructional cooking guide of yours is very-detailed and straight to the point. I like how the steps are easy to follow and the fact that you added pictures made it better! The final picture of the curry made my mouth water. I personally can't cook. I tend to burn everything. I'm just going to show my mother this guide so that she can cook it. haha. Great job! I really enjoy reading instructional food guides!
    - Tia Basa

  19. The quality of the photos are great! I have never tried curry but you definitely made it looks delicious!

    -Hennessy Verduzco

  20. I'm totally going to try this one day. It sounds and looks delicious. I've never had it before so hopefully its as good as it looks. Thanks for the recipe(:
    ~Aaliyah S.

  21. Nice guide Arvind , Dropping the culinary bombs on us indian style! Overall very nice , but the clarifications in steps 4-5 were pretty confusing and could use some clearing up, perhaps compress the different times into step 5 and taking them out from step 4 would do. otherwise i really liked it and hope to try this recipe out!
    -Arturo Ayala

  22. This looks really good. You made my mouth water Arvind. Straight to the point and easy to follow set of instructions. Nice job. I thought your intro was funny. I've heard many times people asking you about curry.
    - Oscar Salazar

  23. As one of the many people who request that you make some curry on a daily basis, I can now see why you would refuse. Making curry seems difficult to make because you need to fine tune things as you continually make it. So thanks Arvind for finally educating me on the nuances of curry making, I will probably stop asking you to make it now that I have no excuse to try and make it myself.

  24. I'm going to go out and fetch these ingredients so I can make it for myself. The recipe is very clear and concise so I should have no problem cooking it. Thanks for the great recipe!

  25. I'm going to go out and fetch these ingredients so I can make it for myself. The recipe is very clear and concise so I should have no problem cooking it. Thanks for the great recipe!

  26. Totally loving this how-to. i will surely try to attempt this and you will most definitely get all of the credit for this. This honestly made me hungry and wanting something close to this recipe. I also love how each step was greatly explained in detail.
    -Jacell Phay

  27. This was a great guide to something that i have never made or tried before. I will most definitely try to attempt this recipe. I liked how every step to this recipe was greatly detailed on how to make it. This also honestly made me hungry while reading and looking at the pictures.
    -Jacell Phay

  28. This was a really great how-to and it seemed really easy to do. For something that i have never tried or made before i will surely attempt to make this recipe. I like how each step was greatly detailed on how to make this recipe. Also this made me hungry and when reading and looking at the pictures.
    -Jacell Phay

  29. I have never heard of this type of dish, thank you for blogging this, i might need to try this one day to experience a new taste. I love curry so I know this will be yummy !!

    --McKynzie Fort

  30. Time to make some CURRY! Yummy yummy! Definitely going to make some. Thanks Arvind! Good job! :)

  31. I've never tried to cook curry before, maybe i'll follow your Chicken Curry guide. Does this also apply with other types of meat of some sort? With the same ingredients and such? Other than that, nice step-by-step guide, the high definition photos are also interesting.

  32. You are truly heaven's sent Arvind. Additionally, you made my mouth water and my stomach grumble. Thank you for the step-by-step process. The detailed explanation made it extremely easy to understand the instructions. Your introduction to the recipe also helped me understand its background and what I'm making too! Thanks a bunch, namesake!

  33. Being Asian, I've had my fair share of curry. But I can say, in disappointment, that I have NEVER had Indian curry. Thank you so much Arvind for giving me the opportunity to try it with this recipe of yours. I appreciate your attention to detail and precision. Your steps are pretty foolproof and I am so thankful for that because knowing me, I would probably mess up on the first step. Overall great job. And also, I understand that you shared this recipe so we could make it ourselves, but I would much rather prefer that you make it instead lol.

  34. Hahaha how did I guess that you would write an instructional article in how to make curry? Anyways, this is a really thorough guide in how to make the curry we all bugged you to cook for us. Now we can leave you alone and make it ourselves! Good job! :D

  35. Arvind you had very good details, it makes me want to try some curry! Good job!

    -Jonathan Dallas

  36. WOW! I want to try making some curry now! I've always tried instant curry made by Asian companies, but this just looks absolutely delicious! Thanks for the crazy details, and the pictures helped a lot too! Good job with this!

  37. I've officially made it my goal to make this for my family! The instructions were easy to follow along with and you made the ways of cooking it flexible. The pictures also helped so that i know what its supposed to look like at the end. Great job!

  38. This is proabably one the best how-to's so far! You used alot of important detail and it was very easy to read. In fact, even I could try making this on my own! Great Job Arvind!

  39. Wow! great job!! that is so detailed and descriptive. I just know that this is going to be delicious and amazing!! I love to cook and I cant wait to make this and try it myself!
    -Alexandra Urena

  40. I am actually surprised that this recipe is on here, I grew up eating this kind of food and chicken curry is one my favorite foods. Seriously, after I'm done writing this comment I'm showing this recipe to my mom.

  41. This dish looks and sound very good. I think I might try to cook some now. You did a very good job in explaining each step at a time. Great Job and thanks for the dish.

  42. Wow, Arvind! This recipe looks delicious!
    It's very informative with its step by step instructions/recipe/guide as well as eye appealing with its crisp and high definition photos!
    I definitely will try to make this, and I will totally add peas to it since you said it makes it taste better.
    Thanks, Arvind! Awesome submission!

    Seohyun "Joy" Jeon
    Period 4

  43. dang now im hungry I could use this one day but yeah this is really good and detailed
    -jakob cadena

  44. Reading this while I was hungry was definitely not a good idea lol. I really enjoyed reading this, your directions were super clear and the pictures were a great visual aid to your piece. I'm glad you used your food choice as something from your culture, it added a unique touch to this how-to post. I will be sure to try it out sometime! Or I mean my mom will because I'm actually super horrible at cooking with directions lol. Good job! :)

  45. So this is the second food I tried Making today and like the first I failed so bad. I some how was able to skip step 4 about raising the temperature and it went so bad I got confused and stopped and just focused on the cake witch I still failed at :(
    -Gabe Sandes

  46. Never in my life have I had chicken curry, but I currently have the biggest craving for it right now, all thanks to your How-to article. Very descriptive and easy to follow. Each step is carefully explained, and the amazing quality pictures add even more depth. I'm seriously inspired to try this recipe out personally. I think you did an amazing job with this piece!

  47. Wow I give you props for knowing these step-by-step instructions Arvind! My mom makes this dish all the time and yet I have no idea how to make it! I should definitely pay more attention haha! Your instructions were so precise and detailed and will be so helpful for anyone who would like to make it in the future. Great job! :)

  48. Apart from your piece being great because it was about food ( I love food), you had excellent step by step directions that made your directions very clear and precise. Your incorporation of pictures also made your instructions easy to understand. (plus made me hungry) Thank you for your wonderful piece and for sharing your family recipe. I definitely want to try to make red hot chicken curry sometime soon! :)

  49. Would literally make this myself after reading this. Very clever and well written, sounds like it came right out of a cook book.

  50. I loved you piece because of how interesting it was. The fact that it incoperated your Indian heritage was fascinating and I really enjoyed learning about different culture. Great job on making the piece interesting and easy to read.

    -Marcopolo Anzora

  51. hmm i thought that the directions were good and well written. i once tried curry at an indian restaurant and i wasnt a big fan butt maybe i should take this recipe into consideration and give it another shot.

  52. Nothing new here, move along. Haha just kidding. But good details. Everything is accurate as far as i know.

  53. When I got to the end of the instructions and saw the picture of the curry, I immediately picked up my computer and asked my mom to try making this this week. The instructions were clear and the picture made me soooo hungry. This is way more efficient than you making curry for everyone! Thanks for sharing this knowledge!

  54. Very creative and clever idea that was well written and is good enough to be thrown into a cook book. I might even try to make this myself Good Job.

  55. That looks delicious! Next time I'm in the mood for switching things up in my diet I will definitely refer to this. Hopefully it'll look as good as it did in the picture!


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