
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"The Road to Victory" by Joshua B

      On a hot sunny day in 2012 the Etiwanda High School Boys Basketball Team was

gearing up for the pre- season. After a disappointing loss to Long Beach Poly in the semi-final

game last season, Etiwanda was focused on one thing and one thing only, winning a CIF

Championship. Would 2013 be the year for Etiwanda? After all, the only other time Etiwanda

had won a CIF was in 2008. For the graduating seniors on the team there was a burning desire to

leave a legacy that would connect them to Etiwanda for life. The pre-season began with the

starting point guard injuring his ankle. This was a devastating blow to the team and fans. Who

would step up and lead Etiwanda in his absence? Critics and haters whispered, “it was over” and

Etiwanda would fall short of achieving a CIF Championship again. After losing two tough

games in pre-season, Eitwanda had to learn how to play together. They had a few transfers from

different schools that were good but didn’t know or understand the coach’s way of playing. They

went through the league undefeated until played Rancho for the third time. Many believed Ranch

o had help from the refs, the loss would be the reason to push the Etiwanda basketball team

harder than last year. Through hard work and dedication the team rallied and ended up co-league

champions. With the starting point guard back from injury, Etiwanda began their journey to

success. They sailed through the first two rounds and once again had to face Long Beach Poly in

the semi-finals. The game was scheduled to be played at the campus of Long Beach Poly. The

team traveled to Long Beach and came face to face with the team that shattered their hopes the

year before. The gym was overflowing with family, faculty, alumni, students, and die hard

basketball fans traveling from all over to support and cheer Etiwanda to victory. In an OT

thriller Etiwanda defeated Long Beach Poly 58-55! It was an exciting moment and everyone

celebrated the victory. The celebration was short because the young men and coaching staff

needed to stay focus. Etiwanda would face a tough competitor Mater Dei High School. On 3/2/

13 the Etiwanda High School Boys’ Basketball walked into the Anaheim Convention Center

ready to battle the mighty Mater Dei High School for the championship. The crowd roared and

chanted in support of their Etiwanda Eagles. It was an exciting game from start to finish.

Etiwanda took control of the game from the start; however Mater Dei would not go down

without a fight. The end result was a 54-51 win for Etiwanda High School! The crowd and

players errupted with joy as the Etiwanda Eagles won their second CIF Championship in the

school history. Their season began with a goal and ended in victory.


  1. I liked how you put the essay together, and how you got some information about 2012 champions.

    -Justin Hoffman

  2. Wow! This article was great! I was hooked from the start since I was curious to see what would happen. The suspense built up as I continue to read and by the time I read to where Etiwanda beat Long Beach Poly, I was extremely excited! Then when I read that Etiwanda beat Mater Dei, I was thrilled ! This article was very detailed and informative! Great job! It feels great to know that the Etiwanda Eagles won their second CIF championship!

  3. I remember this championship with great detail. I was at the game when Etiwanda defeated Mater Dei High School and it was an amazing game. Your story really captured the excitement of the game but also demonstrated a professional tone as if this was an actual review in a newspaper. The description of the season and the obstacles during the season also demonstrated the review like tone of the writing. Overall great job.

  4. Niceee. I really like how your piece was informative about the 21012 basketball championship. it was almost like reading a newspaper . :)) -Funmi Sule

  5. Nice work. This piece was a symbol of pride for the players that played that season. Great job.

  6. I really enjoyed your piece, especially how you included real life events. The theme was very relate able even to someone who isn't in sports. Overall I think you did a great job.

    Marcopolo Anzora

  7. i thought this articel was great. i remember the whole season like it was yesterday. i attended every single game with my friends and we were a big support in the student section cheering on the boys. the championship game was crazy and security has their hands tied trying to hold all of us back from rushing the court. this was an amazing experience and i had such a good time. wouldnt take it back for anything. good job.

  8. After reading this piece, I felt guilty about skipping the basketball game last year. Your use of imagery was outstanding; I felt like standing up and cheering on multiple occasions. Way to sport your eagle pride!!

    Christina Tapia

  9. I felt like I was reading an ESPN article! Your enthusiastic and suspenseful tone throughout the entirety of the piece kept me interested. You explained the struggle and effort the team put into winning CIF very well. This was super well written! Good job :)

    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  10. Great job on your writing the way you told the story was great and how you used facts to write this is even better good job keep up the great job.

  11. I remember this from last year. This was a very exciting moment when they beat Long Beach. I really like how you put intensity in this story. I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  12. This was very good. I was connected very much to the excitement. I knew what was going to happen in the piece, but I was still very much intrigued by it. Well done.

  13. It was like I could hear the pride throughout the whole piece. I really admire the excited tone you had cause I read it in that style as well, which made the story much more interesting. It honestly sounded like a magazine piece in a sports magazine but a little more interesting just because it was about our own school. It also reminded me how much fun this season is going to be :)

    -Alyssa Che

  14. i really thought i was reading a magazine you wrote it in a great way i like it -egypt wishum

  15. It was so well written that i thought it was copied and pasted from a EHS Article

  16. That was a good inspiration story. It tells to not give up on your dreams. Always try hard to accomplish those dreams of yours anything is possible. If you put mind to it and always give 110%.


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