
Monday, December 9, 2013

"Four Years" by Shaefer T

September 12, 2013
High school.
How could I even begin to summarize that to someone in one concise answer?
Truthfully, I couldn’t. Summarizing my experience at high school would be like trying to answer
the infamous question of “What is the meaning of life?”
It’s almost impossible, am I right?
In all four years, I can honestly say that I’ve made friends, lost friends, had my heart broken, had
the urging feeling to pull my hair out, and had the desire to disappear.
I can, however, also say that I’ve learned so much, grown so much, and challenged myself to
new levels. Yet, I still can’t say I’m proud of who I am.
The sad truth is, I live in a society of teenagers where sadness is normal. Even suicide and
self infliction is a norm. It’s sad, yes, but it’s the truth.

However, I think we all have felt a new level of sadness, disappointment, and struggle. Ever
since I’ve entered high school, I felt a change internally since freshman year and up to now. I’ve
looked at the world in a different perspective. I become more impacted by things and it’s as if I
can actually feel the pain that I hear about or that I observe in my surroundings.
By the end of the day, I always find myself pondering about the little things that occur in my life. I
used to just let every day pass and put a smile on my face because nothing ever really seemed
that bad for me. Even though, ironically, I had more serious problems then, than I do now...but I
won’t go into detail about that.

Now that I’m older, it seems as if different situations just impact me more. I know I was happier
then than I am now. And I never really figured out what it was that made me happy all
this time
I’ve been trying to find that source of happiness again and
I still haven’t figured it out.
Writing this now, it saddens me to realize that I’m running out of time. I’m running out of youth. I
mean, I turn eighteen in three weeks! I graduate in 9 months…I will be in college this time next
year with a whole new batch of strangers.
And all I can think is, “Am I ready?”
Others would argue that I am, but I would very much disagree. I’m scared, and I’m lost, and I’m
confused on what I want to do and where I want to go. I have an idea of what I need to dobut
that’s the safe path. I know what I want to do, but there’s so many factors holding me back...
Trying to explain my thoughts and feelings to my parents is the most difficult thing in the world. I
know many of you would say to me that I should just follow my heart and try to achieve my
dreams. And yes, I could do that. But I don’t have the strength or courage in me to completely
defy my parents. They’ve worked their butts off for me and I know how difficult it must be for
them to deal with me, a spoiled, upper middle class, teenage girl.

In my life, I’ve made so many mistakes in what I’ve said or what I’ve done. I end up hurting people
if I say the wrong thing or say it the wrong way, and that actually ends up hurting me. I know I’m
not perfect, nor can I please everyone but I don’t think anyone could ever possibly understand
how much it hurts for me to upset others, especially those I care most about.
And even with those arguments where I lose communication with people, we end up resolving
our disputes, because we know keeping our relationship is more important. But college is just
around the corner. Our future is around the corner. Time is flying so fast that it makes my head
dizzy just trying to keep up with it.
It’s not just the fact that I’m leaving or moving on with my life. It’s the fact that we all are leaving
and moving on with our lives, and we’re moving on in different directions. It’s very true that after
high school, you only stay friends with about a third of the people you’ve met in high school. I
know it may not seem like a big deal to others. I know we all meet new people anyway. But when
you’re an only child like me, your friends become your family. And I’ve got to say, as small as my
“family” is right now, they’re the best family I could ever have. It makes me so completely and
utterly disappointed and upset that this is all ending. My parents have always told me time and
time again, that high school was the best four years of their lives. I never believed them.
However, writing this now, and knowing I’m almost done with these four years I wholeheartedly

It’s hard to explain to you all how I feel or who I think I am, because these are all thoughts that I’ve
had for these past four years already. However, as a music lover, it is only fitting to tell you the
lyrics to “Rivers and Roads” by The Head and The Heart would be the best way to explain how
I’ve felt for these years and how I feel now.
I don’t know if it’s because I’m sentimental and nostalgic, or because I feel like I hold a lot of love
in my heart, but I can say I enjoyed high school despite the tiresome obstacles it comes with. But
to my friends...I love you all. To my teachers and friends: whether or not we we see each other
again, I just want to thank you all for making high school one of the best experiences I’ve had up
to this point.

I don’t know where I’ll be, or where any of us will be in say, ten years. I only hope that God will
lead me to my promised land and guide me when I need strength.
And to everyone reading this, I hope the same for you as well.
So to the seniors reading this, enjoy everything now. I know we’ve been waiting for the end, but
when it’s said and done, we’re going to reflect back on our days here and our days in our youth.

Even in all the fatigue, stress,and sadness, there is always a shining moment there somewhere.
It might just be buried ten feet deeper than you’d expect. Just remember you can never get this
point in time back again once it’s done with.

And as Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in
a while, you might miss it.”


  1. Though a may be a freshman i can agree that the world that we all live in is rapidly changing every day and if you hold on to the past you might just get left behind.

  2. Soooooo I almost started crying a little bit....You just summed up the fears, thoughts, and doubts of almost every senior. It is a terrifying thought, but it is true; time runs out. You captured this thought process perfectly; I couldn't have expressed my own worries and doubts/motivations more concisely than you have here.

  3. Oh my gosh, when I first read the beginning, I was like, "Thank you, finally somebody points out these things." Although I knew the experiences and the struggles you went through, throughout high school, almost "firsthand", I still felt that I was the only one who felt this way. Maybe all I needed was to see this typed down on the screen or something. As your story progressed, I felt more sad and emotional, which I kind of felt was what you, as the author, intended. I enjoyed that you wrote on a topic that related to the general population of high school, which helped in the flow of the story for an easy and enjoyable read. Your writing technique is superb, I did catch the lack of some necessary punctuation and the lack of a necessary space, but I know they were just really small mistakes. Altogether, I really loved this!
    You are such a sweet, genuine person, and there's no doubt in my mind that you'll go far. You're exactly in the place God wants you to be, remember that, and know that God will always take you to that place.

  4. Your piece was so relatable that I can't even express it in words. I share some of the same feelings you have written about. I also really like the quote by Ferris Bueller which happens to be one of my favorite quotes. I'm glad you were able to share this reflection and I'm happy that in the end you had a hopeful optimistic tone. Good job.

  5. This personal reflection probably spoke for a majority of us seniors' internal problems and challenges about the future. The common Latin phrase "tempus fugit," meaning "time flies," is indeed very true. I connected exceptionally well to the part where you mentioned how you felt like time is going by too fast and there is no time to plan and felt incapable of executing the plan even when you have already made one. I too felt the same way, and I too have conflicting ideas about what I want to do in the future than my parents. However, after my parents finally let go of this topic, they've told me to "do what you think is best for you." Simple, yet meaningful. That's the phrase I always recall every time I need to make major decisions for myself. Regarding the thought about the future, I think the major problem for lot of us is that we worry too much. We always think of the negative consequences more often than the positive ones, as I felt that we are in a way trying to distance ourselves from the the future, which is something unknown and unfamiliar to us. So look at things on the bright side! This stuff might make no sense to you, but it's just what I have in mind. Anyways, well done with the reflection!

    -Ben Chang

  6. The last two paragraphs were excellent. I also liked the Ferris Bueller quote, that movie is great. It is crazy to think that the four years is almost over and that they went by so fast. I also liked how in the middle of your piece, the story changed and you began talking directly to us. Good job

  7. Wow this was amazing!!! It was well-written, detailed, organized, and completely relatable!! I can totally relate to this entirely since I'm also an only child and I feel like my friends are a part of my family too. I'm also scared for college and I'm scared that I won't be able to see most of my friends again. It saddens me a lot. High school has definitely been a roller coaster and I've learned so much from it. I'm glad that you stayed strong throughout these tough four years and I'm sure you will succeed no matter what you decide to pursue in. Overall, great job!

  8. Wow, Shaefer! I really enjoyed reading your personal reflection. Your transparency touched my heart. I can relate to you because I consider my friends my family as well. One of my best friends says that, "Friends are the family you choose." I believe that to be true. I loved your overall message: enjoy every moment of every day, because life is precious. Great job, girl.

  9. SHAEFER. THIS WAS GREAT. I feel like with some dialogue: BAM, we now have a coming of age/ high school movie. Your reflection was so deep that I know you were sharing and expressing something personal, vulnerable, and genuine. It's true. High school does change people. We all struggle externally and internally as we try to figure ourselves out and the world, but that Ferris Bueller quote just hit a soft spot for me. Your writing was so simple, yet cohesive. Good job! So, I thank you, Shaefer. :)

  10. Hey Shaefer :) as you know pretty well by now, I too struggle with the horrible dreaded deadlines, the extra-curricular activities, the high expectations, and the seemingly immovable grade point average that we all wish we could raise with the push of a button. Its incredible to realize that all those cheesy Disney movies and low-budget Blockbuster films are all correct in at least one aspect, high school can never be experienced again. It is definitely a different territory. As much as middle school tried to prepare us, we were all frightened little freshmen, lost and trying to grasp how to get through all four years of homework, social status, and discovery. you piece has made me ponder what high school means to me and I agree with you. I used to think it would take forever for me to graduate and now forever is gone in the blink of an eye :) I wish you the best of luck in the future and I know you will figure it out.

  11. SHAEFER! THIS WAS GREAT. I feel like if you were to just sprinkle some dialogue, BAM! This piece would transform into a coming-of-age/teenage movie. Your simple language was easy to follow and flowing, yet conveyed such deep thought and reflection and I think that is because you were sharing and expressing something personal, vulnerable, and genuine. It seems like we're all trying to figure out ourselves and the world during these four years, but I do think there are better ones to follow. Good job, and thank you, Shaefer.

  12. Like Sarah said, I kinda teared up a little reading this. You did a perfect job at typing out exactly what I imagine is going through the minds of seniors everywhere. Knowing that the end of this chapter of our lives, high school, is literally around the corner is terrifying to think about. After all, for the past three and a half years, it's all we've known. But I'd like to thank you Schaefer, for taking the time to try to put the turmoil within into words. Reading this really helped me figure out exactly what I'm feeling. Great job. :)

  13. Shaefer, this piece was just so ACCURATE.. I think all of us can really connect to all the feelings and emotions that you're having. Especially since I am also an only child, I know EXACTLY what you mean by your "friends are [your] family," because I feel exactly the same way about my friends! But don't be afraid, because you will definitely go far in life Shaefer!

  14. This is my life ! You literally said everything that I have been thinking since senior year started. It's crazy how a lot of us are thinking the same things and although we say we are ready to move on, deep down we aren't. Knowing that our senior year and high school career is coming to an end is such a scary yet exciting thought but its something we have to get used to. You did an amazing job.

  15. Shaefer, I love this! I know a lot of seniors now can totally relate to it because we are all going through the same transitions. The future is scary, and ending this chapter in my life scares me so much. But I know that it will be okay, and I know you'll be okay :) Good job!

  16. Wow!Your piece caught my attention by how much work I can see you put in it by the details.I couldn't agree more with this story.Good job! -Alexis Chiong

  17. The whole time I read this, I couldn't help but reflect on how I've changed since I started high school. Everything you said in your reflection has happened to me too. I've gained new friends, lost friends, experienced sadness and stress. I agree with your message 100% because reading your piece made me realize that the end of my high school experience is near & I need to enjoy my time now that I can. Great job!

  18. I agree with this post one hundred percent! Senior year for us is an extremely huge milestone and does determine the rest of our lives. I remember when I was growing up, I could not wait to be a senior in high school. Now that I am here, it is almost as if I do not know what to do with myself; I have so many responsibilities as well as I have to start preparing for my future. I sometimes envy my younger siblings because they have no cares or responsibilities yet. And I also agree with us seniors still trying to understand who we are individually.

  19. great job. i can totally relate to this in many ways. without my friends to get me through high school i beleive that it woulda been really diffucult. good job on the structure and wording you used

  20. Shaefer, this in short was perfect. With all the stress that's been going on lately with finals and colleges and just thinking about the future, this really does reflect the mindsets of almost everybody. I know i'm thinking about what happens after high school, where I'll be going, where my friends will be going, and if we'll ever cross paths again. I feel like that last line, the one from Ferris Bueller, really sent the central message, which is to be in the now and worry about everything a little less. I really relate to this and it is always comforting to know that I'm not alone in thinking about stuff like this.

  21. Shaefer, I feel like this piece was a written reflection of you as an individual. From your natural musicality, to your loving heart, I could see little facets of you all throughout it. I agree that it is somewhat saddening to think about leaving all of our high school friends behind. But, at the same time, we have all the newness of college to look forward to. Try not to stress girl, you are going to be just fine!!

    Christina Tapia

  22. I genuinely enjoy this piece. It's such a great personal reflection. I give you props for openly reflecting on the reality of high school. High school isn't about maintaining a social life. It gives us students time to learn about the harshness of reality. I really like how you admitted that high school does have its downs because it's that transition time where we students learn more about the world that's around us. This piece is completely relatable to any high school students. I think we can all say that we've been disappointed at some point during high school just like how you mentioned it. You've conveyed your experiences with high school so well to the point where I actually think I can define what high school really is. Overall, well done.(:

  23. This is so reflective for any high school senior. In different ways we have all been through different struggles and triumphs. Lol don't feel like your running out of youth! We still have a long way to go in life. High school is just a place we are suppose to make mistakes and learn from them so that we don't go off into the real world and screw up. Shaefer you are a very talented and successful person and you will most definitely do well throughout life :)

    -Erin Napoleon

  24. Reading your piece, Shaefer, was almost as if I was reading my own thoughts. As a senior class, I believe we can all relate to these thoughts and emotions. The time seemed to escape us and like you expressed, our time is running out. We graduate in just a short five months and we have to be ready to face the world. This was a great piece. Good job.

    -Alexis Santiago

  25. Wow! Just wow! I think you pretty much summed up almost every seniors' experience. Its really sad to see this all end but hopefully we will all be moving to a bigger and more exciting chapter in our lives. Very nice job on this!

  26. Wow! Just wow! I think you pretty much summed up almost every seniors' experience. Its really sad to see this all end but hopefully we will all be moving to a bigger and more exciting chapter in our lives. Very nice job on this!

  27. Nice writing that you wrote and i agree that we live in a fast paced world and that if you go to do something you might just fall behind great job keep up the great work.

  28. As I read this, I can't help but agree with you and cry a little. I think all seniors are on the same boat as well. I look back on my four years, and I don't know where all the time has gone. You did a great job writing this. You addressed different problems, but it all flowed very well. I hope you do find your path in life. I hope we all do. And I hope that we all can enjoy these last few months we have of childhood. Good job!

  29. Wow. I kind of hate you for writing this because now I'm all sorts of nostalgic. I've literally thought about this for the past month what with college apps and all that. I related to nearly every single part of this. It's so scary to think that this time next year, we'll all be in completely different places. We've been so used to seeing the same faces every year. It's a huge contrast between the ages of 17 and 18 and it doesn't even feel like that big of a difference right now. I'm so glad you put all of this into words because I can wholeheartedly relate!

  30. With our lives in high school almost coming to an end you just summed up all the fears and worries that many of us have. I liked the Ferris Bueller quote at the end. Good job.
    -Oscar Salazar

  31. Shaefer,
    I love this so much, I can't even begin to explain. It's like you took everything that I've ever thought about in high school and wrote it down so precisely, so eloquently! It's upsetting that we're all so ready to leave this place that we tend to forget that we're leaving behind a big part of our life. I know you'll do great in whatever you decide to do in life Shaefer, whether it be nursing or music, or a singing nurse lol, I believe in you! (:

  32. I really related to this piece, because at the beginning of the year, I felt the same exact way. I did not want to leave and felt overwhelmed that it would all soon be over, and I was finally going to apply to colleges. I'm just curious to see what you would write about now. I feel like I am now more ready to leave.

  33. Man! This explains my life so much; amen to you Shaefer. I really loved how you so eloquently put the thoughts that SO many of us have into words, and I could honestly relate to everything you were saying. This was very well written, and your sense of growth was a nice way to finish. Great job!

  34. Shaefer, even though I read this prior to your submission, I still felt a lot of feelings going through me when I reread your piece.
    I want you to know that you are a strong individual and that you've definitely grown throughout the course of 4 years.
    And like I said at your debut, you'll go far in anything you strive for in life.
    Your concluding statements, "Even in all the fatigue, stress,and sadness, there is always a shining moment there somewhere.
    It might just be buried ten feet deeper than you’d expect. Just remember you can never get this
    point in time back again once it’s done with," and quote really wrapped up your entire piece and gave us, as the audience, a realization that life goes by fast and things may get tough, but if you step back and look at the situation, you'll make it through.
    The organization of this piece went smoothly because it was expressed in a sense that the audience would follow your thoughts.

  35. Shaefer, even though I read this prior to your submission, I still felt a lot of feelings going through me when I reread your piece.
    I want you to know that you are a strong individual and that you've definitely grown throughout the course of 4 years.
    And like I said at your debut, you'll go far in anything you strive for in life.
    Your concluding statements, "Even in all the fatigue, stress,and sadness, there is always a shining moment there somewhere.
    It might just be buried ten feet deeper than you’d expect. Just remember you can never get this
    point in time back again once it’s done with," and quote really wrapped up your entire piece and gave us, as the audience, a realization that life goes by fast and things may get tough, but if you step back and look at the situation, you'll make it through.
    The organization of this piece went smoothly because it was expressed in a sense that the audience would follow your thoughts.

  36. I think this piece speaks for everyone who is a senior, and serves good for those who have not yet reached that step. High School is both fun and hard, there are days when i just want to give up all in all it's been great, and you did a gob explaining it.


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