
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Ashlyn Gardner" by Melissa D

Recently, on December 4, 2013 a little girl named Ashlyn Gardner

shockingly passed away. She was a 3rd grade student who attended

Etiwanda Colony elementary school. What happened to her and her

younger brother affected me, and made me think a lot about different things.

Many people who live in and around the area know of this tragic event. It

was even on the channel 5 news. Ashlyn was on her way home from school

with her little brother. They were crossing the intersection at Banyan and

East Avenue, and while crossing the street in the cross walk, they both had

been hit by a pickup truck while in the intersection. Immediately after being

struck they both got treated by paramedics. After all that happened, her

brother thankfully was not injured severely. He was transported to the

hospital, as well as his sister and was released the next day with minor

injuries. Tragically, because of Ashlyn’s severe injuries she died that

Wednesday evening.

I heard more details later when I got home that day. It was around

9:00 PM when my brothers and I were getting ready for bed, and my parents

were watching TV. My dad called my brothers and I to gather with him and

my mom. He played a recorded message that was sent to Etiwanda Colony

and Summit Intermediate schools. One of my brothers attends Colony, and

the other attends Summit. When I heard the boy was going to leave from the

hospital, because he was fine, it made me so happy and relieved. Then when

I heard that the little girl had died, it really hurt me. My family and I got

emotional and saddened. Death can be very emotional for anyone, even if

they didn’t know the person. Also, knowing she was so young and having

her whole like ahead of her made it even worse. I can’t imagine what her

family and friends are going through. My younger brother Jonathan is in 4th

grade, and only 1 year older, and we can’t imagine anything ever happening

to him. We would be devastated. I had viewed the scene of the accident

while on the bus on my way home from school. Traffic in the area was

moving really slow, and everyone was stopping and trying to figure out

what was happening. I felt worried, because I did not know what happened,

and I wanted to know. Then I saw someone lying on the street, but I

couldn’t tell who it was. There were so many cars, emergency vehicles, and

many people. When I got home, right away I told my parents what I saw,

but they already knew from my younger brothers that a little girl and boy

both got hit by a car. It made me cry, because it really hurt me, and I could

not believe it.

Because of what happened, I realized and gave it much thought, we

can not take our life for granted. We need to cherish every single bit of it,

because we never know when it could end. We also need to cherish the

people we love in our lives, because we never know when they can be taken

away from us. At any time someone we love can be gone, and for me it’s

scary to think about. If it does happen we need to stay strong, and hopefully

we have family and friends who will encourage us to get through it. I really

wish in someway I could’ve gotten to know her, or met her. She seems like

one of the sweetest girls someone could ever know. Like many others who

did not know her, I feel so heartbroken, and sorry for her family and friends.

Also, for the man who hit her, I pray for him, because he now has to live

with such a bad incident. I didn’t even know Ashlyn, but it effects me like if

I did. I hope her family and friends will all get through this, and know that

she is in a better place. I am hoping if they realize this, it will give them

some peace.


  1. i can relate to this because her incident made me heart broken too. just knowing that Ashlyn was only in the 3rd grade is pretty depressing and upsetting. but everyone should cheish the life their living right now and should cherish everything they have cause your right we never know when our time will end. but good job(:

  2. This is very touching and very true. I did not know Ashlyn but i could not imagine how it feels like to lose a sibling.

  3. When I heard about this incident I was likewise shocked and held great sympathy for the family. I think that it is important that you wrote your blog submission on this tragic event to help spread awareness. Many of us in high school are new drivers and while driving many other things may preoccupy our minds other than concentrating on the road ahead of us. This incident just shows the importance of paying close attention while driving to the road in front of you, cars around you, and pedestrians. It only takes a person to be distracted for a few quick seconds to cause a devastating and life changing accident.

  4. I liked the way you set up the whole essay, and it touched me, and is very true.

    -Justin Hoffman

  5. I totally agree that we should not take life for granted and that we should cherish people we love in our lives. This personal reflection was very thoughtful and sincere. After reading this, I was very touched and saddened. Overall, you did a great job on this reflection!

  6. You personal reflection was extremely touching. The way you used the sequence of events in your writing helped me to better understand what the little girl's death meant to you and allowed me to glimpse into your own personal experience. I also liked the way that you showed your personality in your piece, never forgetting to recognize the pain and sorrow of others.

  7. when i heard about the tragic accident my heart melted i was in such shock that this little angel was taken away so early .i really hope there family recieves help and blessings so they can get through this trial in there lives.
    Abigail rich

  8. To be honest, on that day, my friends and I were happily driving to Taco Bell during 6th period, and we saw multiple paramedics, but we shrugged it off because we thought it wasn't a big deal. Once I heard about this news, I immediately realized that the paramedics we saw in the afternoon were actually on the way to the incident you mentioned. This post truly made me reflect on how every life is important--that behind every life, there is a story. Looking back, I wish I hadn't shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal. Thank you for this piece in helping me recognize the beauty and importance of every life.

  9. That is very true. We should take a everyday and every moment we live in as a blessing . You may never know what can happen. That is a sad story . I hope her family is okay as well . -Funmi Sule

  10. This work was very sad but touching at the same time. The way that you described the feelings in this made it twice as good

  11. This honestly was one of the saddest events ever and for you to write on it I think that was a great idea. I think everyone that has a little sibling or any younger family member can just imagine how hard it would be to lose a loved one. I believe everyone should raise awareness about safe driving and its impact and I think a story like yours is the first step. Great Job !

  12. When I saw the news it affected me because my family knows the parents because we're family friends and to think about a girl I knew and talked to many times before had died, affected me in so many ways.It made me think to myself that things like that could happen anytime.writing about this let other people who read this to be more aware of the incident and can be more safe.

  13. wow i thought that this was a great story. i was very devastated when i first found out about this accident. the very next day me and my friend drove there to check out the spot where is happend and it was very sad and emotional seing all the people there with sad faces lighting candles in support of the loss. i think that life shoildnt be taken for granite becau you can loose it at any moment. once agian good job

  14. Melissa! This blog post of yours truly touches my heart. I can also relate to how you felt because I have a little 10 year old sister at home and I cannot imagine how it would feel to lose her. This post really shows me that life should never be taken for granted so we should all live life to the fullest. Great job!

    - Tia Basa

  15. It was really sad for me too when she had died and it made me think a lot, i hope her family is okay and will get better soon from this trajic happening. i really liked the way you set this up also. -Rebecca Keryakes

  16. I think it's really nice that you used your blog entry to talk about something that affected a lot of people in different ways. I have a brother in the 4th grade too and understand how this event affected you and made you reflect on the importance of cherishing the people in your life. This piece was organized really well and got the point across clearly.

  17. I pass the site of the accident every morning on my way to school and even now, two weeks later, it still saddens me to look at it. Like you, my heart goes out to the grieving family of the little girl. I am glad you chose to write about this incident. Though tragic, it does cause us to better appreciate every day we wake up.

    Christina Tapia

  18. This incident has shaken everyone up in the Etiwanda area. It is very sad and unfortunate that the little girls life had to be taken away so soon. I like the meaning you put at the end where it states" We should not take life for granted". I apply this to my life everyday. People should live life to the fullest because you never how or when it will come to an end.

    -Erin Napoleon

  19. Love how you expressed your emotions over the situation many others like me also feel the same way over what happened it is very sad great detailed explanation of your feelings. - Haley Brown

  20. I really liked your story. it was well writtin and your right this story has affected a lot of people especially th loved ones. On my home that day paramedics were rushing towards the incident there were quite a few and they drived fast. And i told my mom that it looks like something terrible has happened and it did. I can not imagine how her parents and loved ones would feel. your story was very touching. GOOD JOb!!
    -Natalie Anguiano

  21. Melissa, I am grateful that you have shared your feelings with everyone else through this blog submission. You really considered the audience and most definitely reassured your peers that they were not the only ones that felt this way. I, and many others, completely understand how you were feeling when you found out. We also are on the same page in realizing the significance and quality of life for ourselves and our loved ones. Although this was not monumental, I appreciate your contribution to the memorial of Ashlyn. Thank you.

  22. This incident was very touching and sad to me to hear that a young girl died but overall a great job on this reflection keep up the great work.

  23. that accedent was very sad she is in a better place now R.I.P

  24. It is so sad to know that when this all happened, I was enjoying my time and laughing with friends. You are right about everything happening so suddenly and you just don't know how to react, but when you do react it's sadness. I was really emotional reading this because you truly were able to explain in detail your experience. It was something tragic, yet you explained it knowing you'd be hurting.

    -Jay Moritz

  25. This piece made me cry. I really liked how u put ur emotions in it. Great job.

  26. Having a tragic accident like this really affected our community as a whole, just because our schools are actually really close to each other. Even though this was a sad accident, the beautiful part of it was that many of the local schools and family, basically the whole community, took time to mourn the loss of this little girl. Your piece really was thought provoking and eye-opening, it was a very touchy subject to write about and I think you did an excellent job doing so.
    - Alyssa Che

  27. This story is very touching. I loved the way you described the scene . The imagery given got me in the story more and more. Great job!

  28. You know, I never think about how fragile life is until something like this happens. It's very unfortunate that an innocent little girl lost her life at such a young age. I pray that her family and friends get through this difficult time. Thank you for writing this; you spoke for a lot of us.

  29. this is a very interesting piece and accidents like these do affect or community's but love the peace great job -Daniel Gutierrez

  30. She Was My First crush T_T <3
    She was a BIG crush
    We were in the same class in 2nd grade class I tried to spend the most time with here as I could. I had braces and wasn't paying attention and I drooled, she screamed I thought she didn't like me, to this day I still don't know if she likes me or not. I've had 3 dreams about her. I could go on and on but I'll stop. Thanks for reading in memory of Ashlyn a true friend to all.


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