
Monday, December 9, 2013

"Getting a complete stranger to smile" by Leia S

A smile is a very powerful expression. Research has shown that smiling has many health benefits. Some of the benefits associated with smiling include; it’s ability to be contagious, health studies show that it can also lower your blood pressure, and relieve stress.  Therefore, one’s capability to capture a complete a complete stranger’s smile is a great act of kindness.  You will never know if someone is having a rough day, or a good day, but a smile has the ability to change that perspective on that day. 
One of the health benefits from smiling is its ability to be contagious. Here are some examples of that; one’s smile can lighten up a room, it can break the ice, and change the mood of an entire space.  In an awkward or uncomfortable situation, a person who is genuinely happy can ease the tension with just a smile. This is a great way to ease the tension; the outcome will make everybody comfortable. These results in everyone feeling comfortable and one made this happen genuinely with a single smile.  Immediately this becomes infectious in a room. Before anyone realizes, everyone is having a good time.  This is the reaction smiling gives; its ability to be contagious.
Some recent health studies also show that smiling can help lower blood pressure in people suffering from Hypertension.  This is another reason to smile and be happy there are good health benefits. Smiling has the effect on lowering blood pressure because people are generally happy when they are smiling. Being in a happy state and smiling can remove high blood pressure because you are not stressed. A smile can release happy endorphins, making one’s blood pressure at ease.  Smiling is a natural remedy for high blood pressure; also known as Hypertension.
Stress can be visible externally. Stress causes people to look tired, unhappy, and uneasy. This is not good for you, because it can make you appear unapproachable or unhappy. Smiling is a great stress reliever for this. Like I previously stated before smiling can release happy endorphins; this is important because happiness can relieve stress. With that being said, a smile can, too. Altogether, this is a natural drug that can relieves stress; smiling. Happiness and smiling is a good remedy for stress of stressful situations.
In conclusion, smiling can have a positive outcome for your health. Smiling can be contagious, infectious and a good organic remedy to some health problems.  Smiling can help lower blood pressure, and it can relieve stress. You shouldn’t overlook what a simple smiling expression can do for you or someone else; especially a stranger.  I now see a stranger smiling at me as a great act of kindness. With the many benefits associated with a simple smile, you should smile or make a stranger smile every day. This is only for the greater you or it can benefit someone else.  When out in public, a smile can do so much for you and the stranger.


  1. I love how you said this and I think you use this on people... no matter what you can get people to smile you are an amazing, happy, and beautiful person
    -Sabrina Espinoza
    period 6

  2. I found your piece very interesting. I personally value the idea of a smile and agree with everything you wrote. I have witnessed the positive effects of a smile and try to smile daily so people can hopefully receive the benefits. Good job and this was a well written article.

  3. that is great way to smile you forsure can make me smile if i was a stanger
    abigail rich

  4. i have been told that my smile is super creepy by many people who know me and many who dont. but yet my incredibly creepy smile never fails to make people smile or laugh themself. great piece and very true.
    - Justin Myers

  5. this was very interesting that would make me smile if i was a stranger

  6. It is so nice to find someone who appreciates the worth of a smile. I couldn't agree more with you. My brother used to make fun of me for smiling at random people around campus. But, if more people were willing to let go of their obsession with appearing "cool," I am pretty sure we would have a much happier school. Thanks for pointing all the benefits of smiling; just reading your article made me smile. Way to go!!!

    -Christina Tapia

  7. I love how you were able to point out the various reasons on why smiling is good for you. I just wish that people would smile just for the heck of it. Sometimes when I smile at complete strangers, I feel like I've done a good deed and hope it has made their day.

    Taylor Robles

  8. I honestly really loved your piece. I'm into medical related stuff so I loved how you wrote your piece in terms of a research article. One of my favorite parts was when you said that smiling can help people with hypertension, didn't know that! Also I liked how you ended the piece, implicating that a smile can also be used for someone else, not just yourself. Overall, good job! *smiles*

  9. Nice job!! I actually tried that once to this complete stranger and it actually worked. i was surprised i thought that it wasn't going to work because she was so serious i thought that she wouldn't smile but she did. Good Job !! it was well written
    -Natalie Anguiano

  10. I love how in this piece you brought in facts that you researched! I like how you structured this by putting each fact as a different paragraph and then added commentary and explained each fact more. I found this article very interesting and it made me want to smile :) Great Job!

  11. This was a very interesting piece to have written about and you did it very well. The expansion into the health benefits of smiling was very informational. It's also quite the uplifting article and puts a smile on my face, so thanks! Nice Work.

  12. I'm going to be honest; when I'm having a bad day or even a good day, a random smile from someone I don't even know does make me feel a little better about myself. I don't why, but it just does. This is definitely a motivating article; it makes me want to go out, even when I'm not in a good mood, with a smile on my face. Great job. :)


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