
Monday, December 9, 2013

"The Best Team in Baseball" by Manuel O

 It is the the end of the off season of baseball, players  signed with teams and trades were made. I own The Los Angeles Dodgers.
We signed Robinson Cano to 10 year 276 million dollar contract. We Also signed Masahiro Tanaka to 6 year 67 million dollar deal. Our team is stacked with All stars. Our starting rotation great. Our Ace is Clayton Kershaw. He has 2 cy young awards A cy young award is given to the best pitcher that year. Our second starter is Zack Grienke. Our number three starter is Masahiro Tanaka. Our fourth starter is Hin Jin Ryu. Our number five starter is Dan Haren. These are all potential all stars. 3 of these pitchers have been an all star before.

     Our lineup Is filled with all stars to.  Our first baseman is Adrian Gonzalez. Our second baseman is Robinson Cano. Our third baseman is Hanley Ramerez, Our shortstop is a cuban rookie named Alexander Gurrero. Our outfielders are Yasiel Puig, Matt Kemp and Carl Crawford.  Our catcher is A.J Ellis. Out of these eight, six of them are all stars. A.J Ellis has the most caught steeling percentage in the MLB. He has thrown out 85 percent of the people trying to steal a base on him. Adrian Gonzalez had 32 home runs last year. Robinson Cano had 27 home runs and 105 runs batted in. Hanley Ramerez stole 40 bases and hit 27 home runs. Matt Kemp, Yasiel Puig and Carl Crawford combined for 80 home runs and 90 stolen bases.

      Last year we made it to the world series and we won it in 7 games.. We faced the Boston Red Sox.  Everyone in Los Angeles was very happy. We promised we would win it for our whole fan base and we kept our promise.The off season awards went great. Our players won quite a few awards.  Yasiel Puig won the Rookie of the year. The rookie of the year is given to the best rookie in their league. Clayton kershaw also won an award. He won the cy young award. Last but not least Don Mattenly won manager of the year. That award is given to the best manager in the league. Our team won four out of the six awards. That is very good. Most teams only win one or two awards. 

    The season stars tomorrow. We face the San Fransisco Giants. They are our biggest rivals. We have our ace Clayton Kershaw going on the mound to pitch for us. They have Matt Cain pitching. We have a very long rivalry together. We first played against each other in 1936. We have beat them 2001 times and they beat us 1,789 times . We beat them two hundred and two more times than they have beat us. We hope we can have another great year and repaet our championship and win it twice in a row.


  1. I liked how you put together this essay about baseball, some of the facts you got, I didn't even know.

    -Justin Hoffman

  2. So, I am guessing you are a full-out baseball fan. I could not even keep track of all the names you listed, let alone the awards. You should definitely consider a career in sports journalism. Though I am definitely slow when it comes to keeping up with sports, this piece was well-written and chocked full of relevant facts. Nice job!

    -Christina Tapia

  3. As I grew up, I would watch baseball with both my dad and older brother and loved hearing them talk about what was going on with the team. Ironically, my dad's favorite team is the Dodgers and I would agree that their team is stacked :) You did a great job writing this piece!

    Taylor Robles

  4. This story was very comical as many Dodger fans do wish Cano would sign with them or that the Dodgers won the series last year. Anyway as a baseball fan i enjoyed reading through this all star lineup and agree that this team would be a contender for the world series if it was real. Good Job
    -Cody Molla

  5. I like the Dodgers but love the Yankees and Cano is a beast especially for us but the dogers should have him hopefully we get somebody younger and better -Daniel Gutierrez


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