
Monday, November 18, 2013

"Weekend in the Hamptons" by Erin N.

Hampton, Virginia is one of the most historical and beautiful city in the United States. It has stunning scenic view as it sits just off the coast of the Chesapeake Bay, and multiple historical military bases as well as national landmarks.
    I had been invited to visit Hampton University on behalf of a volleyball athletic scholarship that was extended towards myself on the weekend of October 10, 2013. Along for the trip were my mother and father as we boarded the seven hour flight at LAX. Being on a plane for seven hours allowed me eventually become overwhelmed with my emotions and thoughts. Will this school be everything I imagined or will I be disappointed? Will I fit in or feel out of place?
    As the day finally came around to visit the school I was filled with scattered emotions. We pulled up to the campus and had to unfortunately wait until escorted in. Hampton University is a private university that is closed off to public. Once we were clearly identified as guest we were permitted on the campus. Once on campus I was clearly able to identify the buildings from all the research I had done.The library stood long and tall with its six levels of books and research facilities, the cafeteria was alluring as it was three stories high with a view of the water and boats on the bay, The Emancipation Oak tree stood strong with its 130 plus years of history, the Convocation Center was charismatic and filled with the competitive atmosphere which all the athletes contributed, and the student centers were amusing and full of excitement with students relaxing and playing games for fun. All I could say is that the campus was beautiful and compelling!
    It finally came down to meeting the girls who I would be spending my time with for the next four years. I was nervous yet excited at same time. I walked into the into the locker room section of the convocation center and came face to face with the women’s volleyball locker door. I said, “ Here we go” and took a deep breath.I opened the door and came face to face with 14 different pairs of eyes all focused on me. Then I focused less on the eyes and more on the smiles that had arisen from all of their faces. The girls were very nice and very egger to get to know me. They had so many questions like where I was from, what position do I play, what’s my favorite food, and what hobbies I like to do. Our conversation was cut shorts because it was time for them practice and me to watch. As I was watching them I was astonished by the level of play at which these girls competed at, but hey I guess thats division one volleyball for ya! After practice we piled into some of the girl’s cars and went out to lunch. I loved the atmosphere the girls created for me. It was fun, humorous, and laid back. I seemed to bond more with the other California girls but I learned a lot from the international girls on the team. The international girls were from Czech Republic, Puerto Rico,Serbia, and Brazil. They taught me some of their language and international cheers. We then went to a football game and I really enjoyed the competitive atmosphere between the two teams. It was really cool how the school banded together to rally the team to win the game. Later that night we went and got dolled up for the Miguel and Big Sean concert that the school had put together. It was so much fun with all the dancing and laughing! I spent the night with two of the freshmen on the team in their dorms, and couldn’t sleep because of our intense Pretty Little Liars conversation. The next day was game day for the girls. I watched them warm up and smash the other team to get the victory and become one step closer to competing in the NCAA tournament.
    It was finally time to say goodbye to the girls and I honestly did not want to leave because I enjoyed my time so much. On the trip back home I reflected to myself at how I never thought I would ever even so come near Virginia, but I know its were i’m meant to be. While there I saw business majors fully dressed in suits and dresses, athletes working hard to win championship rings, cheerleaders spreading school spirit, journalist collaborating to make the next school magazine, school ambassadors working to make the school even better, navy rotc aligned perfectly in their marching lines, and lastly the student body coming together to make one big family. Visiting the school made me realize that the real world is coming quicker than I know it. In less than six month i'll be graduating and in seven ill be packing up and saying goodbye to loved ones to start preseason training. I learned that you must live life to fullest yet you must work hard to attain successfulness. At Hampton you must work hard if you want to succeed there are no exceptions.Hampton is nationally recognized university and although to some it may seem like nothing compared to bigger universities, to me its everything a place to get a higher education and do what I love to do free of charge, I can’t pass up the opportunity to attend.


  1. Erin, your trip sounds amazing! As you described the door of the locker room, I was excited for you. Your narration of your emotions both leading up to the visit, and while on campus, made the experience come to life. From what I read, it sounds like the school was made just for you. I know you are going to do great girl. Those other teams don't stand a chance against the beasty Erin Napoleon!!!

    -Christina Tapia

  2. This was a nice reflection on your experience at Hampton. That was really cool how you got to go to the concert and meet people that you could relate to so closely. I also liked how you started the story from the time you were on the plane until you went back home and gave a very descriptive itinerary of what you did. I hope you really do enjoy the school for the next 4 years.

  3. It seems like you'll love attending Hampton University from your description! Your school sounds really fun with the concerts and students attending there. From the four years I've known you, I know you'll do great playing division 1 volleyball :) Good luck!

  4. Congrats Erin! I know the hard work that goes into earning an athletic scholarship and you totally deserve it.I recently just got back from my official visit to UNLV for basketball and I felt many of the same things at UNLV that you described experiencing at Hampton- we even had in depth discussions of Pretty Little Liars too! Having a connection with the girls on the team is important to have since, as you know, you will be spending nearly all day with them between practices, study hall, and traveling for the next four years. I can't wait to cheer for you on signing day during 6th period!

  5. Wow, congratulations on your scholarship! You seem to REALLY love your college and I'm glad you've found your place for the next four years! Your narrative was really interesting and your description of the college was very detailed!

  6. Your trip sounds great i wish i could go on a trip like that, being able to see the nice view keep up the great work.

  7. You did a very good job in capturing and conveying the emotions you felt while on the trip. The description of the College and the what you experienced there makes it sound like you were very exited to attend. I wish you all the best there!
    -Arturo Ayala

  8. I really enjoyed how you wrote about a personal experience during a trip that I can tell holds a lot of importance to you! Your description of your exact emotions makes the piece very touching. My favorite part is where you included all the people and places you got to know while you took a visit, it was very interesting to read about. I can tell you will really love the school! Great job (:

  9. Wow ! First off, congratualtions! I am so blown away and happy for you! Through reading your story, I was getting excited for you and I can see how happy you seem to be at this school. It seems to me that you have made the right decision and you will have a fun and successful time at Hampton University. Good luck !

  10. This a wonderful piece about your experience at Hampton University! I loved your incorporation of ethos to really reflect how you felt and to show that you did not know what to anticipate. Also, I liked your vivid description and imagery of the scenery at Hampton. I imagined how beautiful it would be if I went there myself. I'm glad you had a wonderful time, I hope you have a pleasant experience in your next four years at the school!

  11. Erin I am very proud of you. It is a big accomplishment to get accepted into Hampton University. All of your hard work finally paid off and I know your going to have an enjoyable experience there. I know you are going to be successful now and successful graduating from there. I also liked your description of your experience arriving there and leaving there. Good job.

  12. Erin, you almost made me feel as if I was traveling along the trip with you. Your vivid imagery and description of the school made it sound so beautiful. The trip sounded so excited and I could relate to all the emotions you were feeling. Also, extremely jealous that you were able to see Miguel in concert!!! SO lucky! You made me so excited for you to travel to Hampton. It sounds like you will fit in perfectly.

    -Alexis Santiago

  13. As most kids continue to go through the struggle of applying for college, it's nice to see a person who has discovered where they want to spend the next four years of their life. Your experience at Hampton University sounded great! And it seems like you'll have fun there while working hard. As for the story itself, there were a few grammar errors, but nothing too distracting. You included many details, allowing me to be a part of your trip. Good luck to you!

  14. Nice job on your story!! Your trip sounds amazing i wish i could go. I liked how you were very descriptive, while i was reading your story its like i could picture what was happening. Great job though !!

    -Natalie Anguiano

  15. Erin, I'm really glad that you received the opportunity to have a experience like this. It sounds like it was a great time. The thing I liked about your reflection, is that you wrote it in a way where I almost felt like I was there in the moment; I could just imagine it as I read it. Hampton University sounds like an amazing school and I hope that it serves you well in the years to come.


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