
Monday, November 18, 2013

"Six" by Jessica M.

I wish I was six again so I could enjoy the time I had with my friends. Ever since I moved I have been remorseful for not spending enough time with them. I always had “something better to do.” I miss my friends and when you move it’s like you have to start all over and meet new people. Back in kindergarten you could share crayons with someone and they would be your friend, but now I’m in high school and you are all alone. If no one wants to be your friend then you really are by yourself. You can meet lots of people, but when you don’t really know anyone, you don’t know who to trust.  There are so many fake people that I couldn’t even say I had a friend until maybe the second week of school.
I wish I was six again, so I could go back and change some things as I got older. As I was a kid a lot of people could say I was a “brat” and wanted everything, literally everything. I wasn’t the best behaved child and now that I am older I wish I wouldn’t have acted like I did.  My mom got me everything I wanted and still does. I just don’t think she knew how grateful I was for everything she did for me, even when she did not have to. My mom always had my back till this day. Since I was the first child, grandchild, and niece I had it pretty easy.  
I wish I was six again, so I could change the way I treated my siblings. I fought with my brothers and sisters a lot. We did not argue or discuss like regular people, we would fight like wrestlers. Not that bad, but it was pretty bad. Now I regret all that, because they are supposed to look up to me instead of fight with me. They see me as a joke and that is my fault. I just wish I could take back some of the horrific things I have said. I regret all the times I said those “I hate you” type of things to my little brother and sister. My siblings mean so much that I just wish they would have known as they were growing up.
What if I was nicer to my sister? Would she actually trust me? Would they have respect for me?  What if I never said those things that I said? What if I treated my brother differently? I have all these “what ifs” in the back in my head, which makes me think you know “what if I did this or that differently?” Now that I really sit and think about it, I’d go back and probably change mostly everything I have ever said or done. I am not happy with how I have been towards my siblings or most of my family. I feel like if I were to go back to when I was six, my life would turn out better.


  1. I could relate to this story! It touched me on a personal level. When I was six, it was easier. People weren't so.. people! They were kids, and now that I'm in high school I can feel how it is different in so many ways. Many forget that they are still kids basically, and try to be someone they're not. Not a lot of people find who they are in high school but I feel as if I have a grasp on who I am and who I want to become. From reading this, I can tell you do too! However, I don't think you should be so hard on yourself about how you were in the past. Everyone has a past, and a past is a past for a reason. I think you should learn to accept who you were in the past or how you acted, and grow from it. It helps a lot, personal experience!
    -Leia S.
    period 6

  2. I think everyone can relate to your desire to be a child again. Looking back, it is easy to see how simple our lives once were. I like how you contrasted friendships in high school with those we first made in kindergarten. But, I want to encourage you to look beyond your past mistakes and enjoy the present. It is never too late to mend broken relationships and though you may not be six, you can still enjoy every day you're blessed with.

    -Christina Tapia

  3. I can very much relate to this piece because I was the almost the same way. I had it easy since and acted like everything revolved around me. I never stopped and think about thanking everyone who gave me gifts. Now that I am a senior and about to go to college, I think about all the things I wished I should have done. I learned it is a good idea to learn from our mistakes in the past and move on. There are many great things that we can achieve in the future because of our mistakes in the past. Our mistakes in the past make us become stronger and aware of everything around us.

  4. Awh...You cannot live your life dwelling in regret (easier said than done, but it can be done!). You are still so young! You can still change many aspects of your life that you have control over, such as the things you wanted to change in the first place: how you treat your mom and siblings, demonstrating appreciation and affection. I sometimes wish I could alter a lot of things in my life too, but as you grow older try to it's difficult to not become embittered because there are still some "real" people out there that you can be friends with and you can slowly and constantly be nicer to your family now, to let them know that you mean it.

  5. I really like how you made this story I don't know relatable it was easy to connect with the examples you had and used
    -Sabrina Espinoza
    period 6

  6. I agree with many of the statements that you made in this piece. If I was six again, i would also be more kind to my siblings. This piece relates to me, in a way

  7. I always thought I was like this and also regret some things I did when I was six. Overall I think you correctly showed what you would fix if you were able to be six again.
    - Anthony Navarrete

  8. I love this piece. You took the words right out of my mouth. When i was six, it seemed as if everyone was "perfect" but now, like u said, all that has changed and the real world is taking over.

  9. This was a clever topic to use for your reflection. Not only is it personal, it is relatable to many people. We all have our regrets, our disappointments. and our wishes to relive certain moments in our lives. The reality of the situation is that we cannot undo the past. I really liked your repetition of “I wish I was six again” for the beginning of the first three paragraphs. It emphasizes an age where you lived in happiness and innocence, a time where you could relive and redo certain moments.

  10. I like how your story was very relatable and it connects us to reality. Also it shows us what happened in the past will probably affect us in the future and to be careful how you act now cause you don't want to make the same mistakes you did in the past.
    -Alyssa Rackley period 2

  11. This piece was very compeling and is true in some aspects of my relationship with by brothers.

  12. This piece was very compeling and is true in some aspects of my relationship with my older siblings

  13. this is totally true !! me and you are so alike i came in with my other friend but when i met new people this year i also wasnt sure if i could trust them because of the way are world is right now.

    -abigail rich

  14. My favorite part about this is how true it is to every person on Earth. There isn't a day in my life where I don't wish to change my past. I have friends I've lost, words I've hurt others with, selfish actions I wish I hadn't taken. However, I see all of those regrets as a culmination of everything that makes me who I am today. So, even though we all have regrets, all we can do is learn from them:)

  15. Everyone, even those who don't like to admit to it, has something in their past that they wish they could change. All you can do now is try to be the person who you want to be. You can start treating your siblings differently and tell your mom how much you appreciate all that she has done, and continues to do, for you. It is not too late to try and make these changes. However, you cannot dwell in the past and need to embrace the present. Overall, your piece was very relatable and effective. Good job.
    - Jessica Berrie P.1

  16. i can relate to this because Ive been mean to my little brother (instead of a sister) when he was little. but you have to put the past behind you before you can move on.

  17. I liked how you explained that you whished to be six again and gave great detail. the examples were good because in my mind I could see what you were talking about good job.

    -laura tormos

  18. Reading your story sparked many memories of my own. I often wish I could go back into time and change a lot of things I did and what I said. I like how you wrote about something so relatable, and something we consider so often. I also liked how you made specific connections to your life. Great job.

  19. I can relate when you said that being the new kid is really hard and you don't know who to trust. I like all the details you put in this piece. I could easily connect with this piece. Good job.

  20. same here I just moved here before the school year started but thankfully I have my twin brother so its easier for me you just got to talk to people and you will make more friends but I really liked your story good job
    -Eli Cabrera
    period 6

  21. Wow Jessica, this was really good! You depicted the how people should always try to better themselves or they will regret it, extraordinarily well. I found myself reading this while thinking: "omg I feel you". I really felt like I was in your shoes, and this had me thinking about all of the what if"s in my life. This has a really great message that I'm definitely going to carry for the rest of my life. Thanks for such a well written eye-opener! Fantastic job!

  22. I completely agree with your desire to return to your childhood years. I also wish I was six again. However, I don't think we should sit around regretting what we didn't do. We have to accept our actions and keep moving forward. You also still have a lot of time to make up for your faults. So don't dwell on it! You're very young and still have time to make it all work. And I think I do too. Overall, your story was very relatable, especially since you included personal details. I'm glad you were able to share this with all of us.

  23. your story is pretty interesting I like the flow in it keep up the good work -Daniel Gutierrez

  24. As a reader i loved how you used personal experiences to really say why you'd like to be 6 again. I felt like by doing that had it strong impact of grabbing the readers attention. I also love the fact that you made your piece easily relatable and easy for people to connect to. I would know what you felt like going through, because i moved and attended 5 different elementary schools and 2 middle schools. Overall great word selection and good job!

    -Hizkia Mambo

  25. I really enjoyed your essay and how you split it into different subjects of things you regretted, overall i enjoyed the structure although i think you could use more examples to relate to your readers, other then that great job :) you make me want to be a child again as well.


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