
Monday, October 21, 2013

"Plane Crash" by Josh B.

“All men dream. But not equally. Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible. This I did.”                                                                                                           
                                                                                   -T.E. Lawrence
                                                                                   “Lawrence of Arabia”
            My name is Nathan Drake. Occupation: Treasure Hunter, I’ve been looking for the Atlantis of the Sands in the Rub’ Al Khali Desert. Along the way, my mentor, Victor Sullivan, has been kidnapped by an underground society trying to find the same land as me. Apparently, he had some falling out with them. I had to go after them. Luckily, I got on one of their cargo planes. Unfortunately, I got through from the landing gear. So I’m a little cramped.
            I got a little sleep and now I’m ready. I crawled through the ventilation system. I see the sun from the holes above me. All of the sudden, I felt someone grab me. A 7-foot giant got me and threw me up against the wall. He punched me really hard. I could barely see, but I saw him looking for something. He pulled a switch right next to me and the back of the plane opened. This scared me to death. I felt the hot, dry air of the desert trying to suck me out. The giant threw me out the back. I soared through the air but I barely grabbed the edge of the door.
            I climbed up and was welcomed to a barrage of punches. I pushed him off and kicked him. He was on his knees and I punched the guy as hard as I could. But that was not enough. He picked me up by my neck. I couldn’t breathe. My body was dangling. I was yelling and punching but he wouldn’t let go. I backhanded him and he let go. I was catching my breath. I kneed him in the torso area. He finally collapsed. But I knew he wouldn’t stay down. I headed back in the plane to see if I could find something to finish the giant off. He was starting to get up. I noticed that most of the cargo has parachutes. Just in case if the plane crashed. The giant got up and started walking towards me. I pulled the parachute handles as hard as I could. The parachute finally open and the boxes flew out. Knocking out the giant. “Thanks for flying with us.” I chuckled.
            I turned around and barely dodged a box that went passed my head. All the cargo came at me all at once. Trucks, weapons, and supplies in crates came at me. They all pushed me out. I was pushed out and soared. I grabbed one of the trucks that are connected to the back of the plane with a bungee rope. Just my luck, more guys came out with guns. I climbed up the truck while getting shot at. I got one of the guys and threw him off the plane. I grabbed his gun and started shooting at them. I downed a couple guys but more came out. I saw a couple propane tanks and shot at it. Wrong move. There was a giant explosion happened. A giant hole was in the side of the plane.
            All the cargo and men was sucked out. The hole was sucking up everything that I could see. One second I was trying to run away the hole, to flying out it. I was flying through the air. While the air, I saw the plane, covered in flames, crashing down towards the desert. I was shocked. Then I saw a crate with an unopened parachute. I adjusted my body so I could reach the box. I squeezed the box so I didn’t fall. Then I grabbed the handle and starting to pull it. After a few minutes, the parachute opened. I was safely glided to the ground. As I descended, I saw the plane hit the sand with a fiery explosion. Sand, plane parts, and debris went everywhere. “Whoa!” I said. I crashed on the floor. I got up and saw a pile of guns laying there, covered in broken wood. “Just what I need.” I said.
            I walked towards the wreckage to see if there were any supplies. Nothing at all. It was all burned up. Stupid me. I walked about 2 miles out. Sun blasting in my face, sand blown towards men, and my feet are burning. I got to a sand dune. I walked up and turned around. I saw a plane crash that I caused. “I did this.” I said. Then I turned around towards the desert. “Here we go.” I sighed. I walked out. Here’s to me finding the Atlantis of the Sands and Victor.


  1. Ummm....Awesome!!!! this was so amazing ,lots of detail and action.

  2. Totally not uncharted, just kidding . Great story, lots of action and nostalgia from a good game, i loved it!

  3. Great story the best part of this was that your story was very detailed keep up the great work.

  4. This story reminded me of a scene out of an Indiana Jones movie. The combination of the action, the quest, and the adrenaline lent themselves perfectly to an engrossing piece. I particularly enjoyed the quote at the beginning; it established a nice set-up for the story. I only recommend that you work on your tenses; there were several instances in which you shifted back and forth between past, present, and future. Good job overall though.

    -Christina Tapia

  5. This story was amazing. It was very detailed, and action fulfilled! This is definitely my type of story that I enjoy reading. I enjoy reading these kinds of story because when the writer uses so much detail such as; "Sun blasting in my face, sand blown towards men, and my feet are burning" I feel apart of the story, as if I am there!
    -Leia S
    period 6

  6. I really enjoyed how your intro was so unique and attention-grabbing! I loved all the action aspects; you included great details which helped make your story easy to follow. I had a fun time reading this, great job!

  7. I liked your story a lot it was very detailed. Your story was very interesting to read its like you just want to keep on reading and never stoping. Good Job on your story!!!

    -Natalie Anguiano

  8. I Like the action in this story. everything was great in this story. Keep it up!
    -Josh Bryan

  9. I like the story its very interesting I like how you put everything together keep it up - Daniel Gutierrez

  10. Good story I like how you made it like Uncharted. You picked a good game to do a story on.


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