
Monday, October 21, 2013

"Remote Control" by Sabriah J.

If I had the choice to choose between a rewind button or a pause button. I would choose the rewind button. Because when I was younger I did’nt get a chance to spend a lot of time with my grandfather. He was always bouncing between hospital to hospital. I was never able to have a relationship with him, or able to visit him. I was always to little. I got to visit him a few times,  not as much as I wish. I wish He was here now to see how much I’ve grown. He passed away when I was nine years old. I will never forget the day He passed. I just wish I could go back in time to see him again. If I could’ve just saw him one more time, I would be happier. I miss not having him around anymore.
R.I.P  Grandaddy  10/23/09.


  1. that is something beautiful because a relationship with your grandfather is the best thing and if you had that you would always have him by your side. even though you didnt know him to well he will forever be in your heart.

    -abigail rich

  2. i can relate with you because i lost my grandfather too and i would like to go back and spend more time with him.

  3. This piece is precious. I can relate to your desire to see your grandfather one last time. When we're young, we take our grandparents for granted, forgetting that they won't be around forever. It's often only in hindsight that we recognize how precious their smiles, bear hugs, and laughter were to us.

    -Christina Tapia

  4. As short as this piece was, it was indeed a beautiful one. I'm at a loss of words at how you managed to convey such emotions in so little words. Although I personally haven't been through such an experience of losing a beloved family member, this piece was emotionally touching. Wonderful job.

  5. well for starters sorry for your lost...I do like the fact how you put in good details keep it up on your writing good job -Daniel Gutierrez

  6. I can also relate to this because i lost my grandmother when i was very young. i was too young to understand what happened.

  7. I have a personal reflection with this,because my grandfather passed away when i was also nine years, and i wasn't even able to see him the last few years of his life. Great job.

    Jose Mancillas

  8. I can relate on this entry. I wish I could spend time with my grandfather too, but it is always hard for my family and I to spend quality time with him because he lives so far. I am very sorry for your loss.
    -Leia S.
    period 6

  9. How sad, I am so sorry for your loss. Loosing someone is never and easy thing to deal with, but greivnig just shows how much love was between you two. I'm sure Grandaddy is still looking out for you, and good job with this piece!

  10. Just goes to show that a story doesn't need a plethora of words to strike such a strong emotion into the reader. I'm really sorry for your loss, back in 2009 i also lost my Grandfather and i wish i could have him back with me for just a little longer aswell. I'm glad you and your Grandfather had such a connection and the fact that you cherished him even for the small time you had with him is beautiful.
    Keep up the good work!

  11. Overall, I liked your piece. I also lost my grandfather at a very young age and I wish I could get that time back to really know who he was. The only information I have is the stories that my dad tells me. You had a couple typos and grammar mistakes which could be improved on, but the story as a whole was good. You could also use some more background information. For example, you could talk about the times you did share with your grandfather. Once again, great job.
    -Jessica Berrie

  12. Aww. That is so touching Sabriah. Sometimes i wish i can rewind things but yet again the past is what bring you to where you are today.

    - Funmi Sule

  13. This piece was written in such a way that it felt as though you typed up a page from your journal. I can tell this piece means a lot to you and I think anyone that has lost someone can relate to feeling like they would have liked just one more visit. You did a great job of setting the tone of your piece as serious and sad from the very start, which added to how personal it felt and using some short sentences was also a good way to make it seem as though you simply wrote whatever came to mind. Nice Job!

  14. This is such a lovely piece. From the title to the piece, it's amazing.
    I love the sincerity of how the rewind button would be more preferred than the pause button because of the time that you would want back to be with your grandfather. It's definitely a preference that many would choose, me being one of that many who can relate to that choice.
    When I read "If I could've just saw him one more time, I would be happier," I was moved.
    May your grandfather rest in peace, and know that he is always with you in your heart. c:

  15. Aw despite the fact that this piece was short, it holds so much meaning and emotion within it. I love how you chose to share something that means a lot to you. I think many people can relate to this and wish they could too rewind time and live in the past. Great job!

  16. Even thought this piece was a bit shorter than all the other ones, i felt like this piece had as much, if not more emotion and passion. Great job, must have been hard foir you to write this. - Hizkia Mambo

  17. I am so sorry. I feel the exact same way with my grandparents. And i would choose the same thing for the same reasons. It was very good though.
    -Alexandra Urena

  18. This piece was short but it was touching. I would rewind to so I could see my grandfather one last time.

  19. i liked this piece, it was very short but sweet, i do agree i would like to somehow go back and time and do somethings i always wanted to do. -Rebecca Keryakes

  20. I am so sorry for your loss. I really wish there was a rewind button so I can visit old memories I have had with people.
    -Josh Bryan

  21. Your story is deep, I would like to have a rewind button to enjoy my childhood to.
    Devin Jennings P.2


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