
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"Arcidian: Lost in the Sunlight" by Nick O

Chapter 1: A Hopeful Capture

The sky was dark and corus. As fear ran through my body almost like a drug. Bullets pierced through the bodies of men who meant to protect the lives of their wives, just like my Father once did. I knew that if this was the way my Father died, I would suffer the same fate. As we were pushing through ISIS territory, to raid their base, the sun started to rise but then we were captured, outnumbered, killing some, taking the rest hostage.


Chapter 2: Razors disguised as Flowers

I woke up, the rest of my team strapped in chains to a chair, just like myself. The only thing I could think about was my Father, in the end I was just like him, a man who died with honor but at the same time with a forgotten presence. When the ISIS general walked into the room, he killed every single one but me. “I see the courage in you, almost like the strength of a man, who can’t die without seeing a sunrise.” I was then strapped to a chair, with needles struck through me, giving me electric charges. The pain was unbearable knowing I’d die alone, just like a man I’d once loved


Chapter 3: Resurgence

I awoke in a bed strapped down my chains, but I broke through. I left my cell, fighting every guard in sight with no problem. With other inmates begging me to let them free but I decided not to, I left them almost with a feeling of regret knowing my Father perished the same way. I kept fighting every guard in sight with ease until I saw the ISIS general in sight. The look of fear in his eyes and I walked towards him, stuck in the corner with fear in his eyes, knowing what he had created, as I

walked forward him, “you know how this ends” I said, and now I realized the man I’ve become. A man who kills for sport. Everything my father has said not to become, I have.


Chapter 4: A hopeful arc

I dropped to my knees, realizing I've become the man my Father never taught me to be. I realized now I can let go of my Father and become

the man he taught me to be, the embodiment of hope through these new abilities. A US helicopter landed and took all survivors and took the members

of ISIS in custody. As I got back to the US, blood samples were taken and I was told, “Mr Right, you're not human. Your cells are encoded with some type of enhancer never seen before. In theory, anything is possible for you.”

I was given a black and blue suit to enhance my powers. I knew there’s others out there. And I will find them. I now know my place in the world, as not only David Right but the name given to me, Arcidian.


Arcidian flew into the sky. Ready to be the embodiment of hope, just like one man taught him.




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