
Thursday, February 22, 2024

“The Key To Success” by Miah T.

“Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is us, and becoming all that we can be” Zig Ziglar.


When someone asks you to envision your most successful self what do you picture? Some people would say that they desire to be rich and to live in a mansion. Others would say to have their dream job. Some might envision a large and happy family. But what is success? And can we truly ever define it?


By definition success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In my opinion a better definition of success is staying true to a deeper sense of purpose and achieving a desired vision and set goals.


The beauty of success is that everyone’s idea of it is different. There is no right or wrong way to be successful, and success is not linear. There are many factors that go into a person's view on success such as , their upbring, culture. values, and experinces. These are all  major influences on what one might define as success. We all have unique experinces in life that cause us to all have different values and place importance on different things. What you value may differ from what another person values. The things we value motivate us to reach our idea of success.


It is common to compare your success to others, and get caught up in this loop of feeling less than or underachieving. It's easy to see others succeeding and feel like we are not achieving anything in comparison. We compare our success all the time, (almost subconsciously). I compare my success to my friends all the time. I have friends who are winning awards for their art. I have other friends who are excelling academically and getting into prestigious universities.  The more and more I see people accomplishing big things the more and more I feel like I’m doing nothing significant in comparison. But the more I dwelled on the topic, I began to realize two  important things. 1.  Just because you are focused on different things doesn't mean you are falling behind. And 2. Success means different things for different people, so comparing your success to another person is pointless.


Success is not solely based on accolades, money, or status. It is a combination of hard work and individual beliefs. Success is personal, and it is important to remember every individual is successful in some way shape or form.



Works Cited


Hamilton, Julie. "Discover why your success should look different from everyone else's." Linkedin, 22 Sept. 2023,'s%20definition%20of%20success,and%20see%20what%20comes%20up. Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.


Rose, Steve. "The True Meaning of Success." Steve Rose PHD Counseling, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.


"Success.", Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.


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