
Thursday, February 22, 2024

"Monster High Dolls" by Keira A

My older sister, Kylie, and I are only 2 years apart so we have always been super close. We would always play with our toys together and would always fight for which Just Dance character we would be. But, there was one group of toys that we would quickly run towards and enjoy our time with the most, and that was our Monster High Dolls. The bright colored hair and the intricate outfits on each doll was so intriguing to us. Our lives were so carefree and simple, all we wanted to do was play with these odd dolls and make our own fantasy world where they could fly, swim, and even have super powers. I used to dream that I was a Monster High, I would have purple skin and green hair and would wear cool outfits with high heels every day. Kylie and I would sit for hours upon hours in our pajamas; just watching the movies of these dolls going on adventures and hanging out at their highschool together. I never thought that we would grow out of this Monster High phase. I always thought that when we got older we would still play with these dolls and stay up all night watching their movies. But suddenly years passed and times changed. Kylie was doing her makeup instead of watching Monster High with me and I was slowly starting to stop dreaming about having green hair and going on adventures with my fellow ghoul friends. I started dreaming about growing up and living on my own in another state or even a whole other country. We stopped going into that play room and began staying in our bedrooms, fantasizing about dating and being a teenager in high school. When we would talk about Monster High it was always about the past and how we were obsessed with them so long ago. Time proceeded to move forward and I started to forget about the idea that I even played with dolls, let alone remember what they would wear or what their names were. Not short after forgetting all about Monster High, my parents made the decision that we must move to a bigger, newer home. All that I could think about now was how I was going to have my own room where I could decorate and customize to my liking. When we left we left that playroom behind, along with the many boxes of Monster High dolls that my sister and I adored for so long. However, I never noticed that these dolls were no longer with us, and were now in the hands of their new owners until I began reminiscing about my childhood this past year. This new home did not have a playroom that we could enjoy in our pajamas, there are now no toys or dolls in sight. All of the intricate toys we had so long ago are now sold and Just Dance is in a box, slowly collecting dust in our garage as my sister and I grow older. When I was little I wanted to grow up so fast. I loved the idea of possibly having a date to a school dance or going to the mall with my friends once I got old enough. But now that I have been living this highschool life, I now daydream about little me playing with those bizarre dolls with my sister with no care in the world other than figuring out where each one fits within our fantasy world. Oh how I wish that I could go back in time and soak in all the days and nights that I was playing with my sister in that pink playroom. Now that I am a senior, I can say that growing up is exciting but also terrifying and I believe that we should all cherish and be grateful for all the fun times we had as children. As we all grow older we forget to look back and remind ourselves of the good old times when we would play in our own little worlds. All of those laughs, dances, and games that we played as kids will quickly turn into faded memories that we reminisce on as we enter the real world as young adults. Sadly, we can’t go back in time and revisit the days where we all were so intertwined with our imaginations. So try and not grow up so fast because our young years are the ones we will always look back on and wish that we could relive.

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