
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Analysis Paralysis" by Amare C



Overthinking is a relentless foe that lurks in the shadows of our minds and preys on our lingering thoughts. It is a complex of endless contemplation mixed in with constant second-guessing and doubt that stabs at your mental health. Overthinking is like a stormy cloud that just ruins your clarity and makes you question even the most obvious answers to things. As a high school student and athlete, I struggle a lot with this phenomenon and it has affected my mental health along the road as well. Being an athlete, while also dealing with overthinking, has caused significant declines in my performance on the court in the past and I have noticed that my well-being is affected by this. When I overthink, I find myself constantly dwelling on the mistakes that I made in the past and that makes me worry about the potential outcomes in the future, which ultimately leads to worse outcomes in the end. As a basketball player, I must be able to make quick decisions within a split second. Still, when overthinking comes into action, I become so consumed in my thoughts that I struggle to make those decisions, and that leads to disastrous consequences because I now have turned the ball over. My confidence is immediately stripped from me and I begin to doubt the great abilities that I know I am capable of. Aside from the athlete side of overthinking, regular high school students are affected by this as well. Overthinking leads to increased stress and anxiety as students have to deal with this, while also having to deal with the heavy workload that they get from each of their classes. High school students may also be faced with many academic pressures which also leads to overthinking as they are constantly worrying about their future and what uncertainties it holds if they were to potentially fail just one test. This rumination can lead to decreased performance in the class room and affect one’s mental health overall. It is said that 45% of all high school students admit to being stressed almost every day as a result of constant overthinking. This is not a good sign as overthinking can have a huge strain on your mental well-being which can lead to severe depression unfortunately. I want to say that while overthinking is often viewed as a negative thing, I believe that some positive aspects come out of this too. I realized that the whole reason why I and other people overthink is that we truly care and value something and want to make the best decision that there can possibly be. This can lead to even more careful consideration, which helps avoid reckless actions that one may make because of the negative emotions one feels. It is always a helpful tool to find balance between overthinking and just going with your instincts. Overthinking can be a very challenging obstacle to overcome, but there are many strategies that have helped me and can help other individuals who struggle with this rumination. One strategy that has helped me deal with this is to set a time limit for how long I think about something. By designating specific times, I have been able to avoid getting stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of overthinking. The engagement of extracurricular activities have aslo been a big help, for you are able to distract your mind of the lingering thoughts that may be affecting you and your mental health. Practicing mindfulness and engaging in activies that take your mind of things can be an affective way to relieve stress, anxiety, and most of all overthinking, in which you will find more peace and happiness with yourself.

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