
Friday, March 24, 2023

"Midnight Blues" by Sohaib H

What exactly is midnight we seem to be interested in? Regularly, the mind and body’s turmoil concludes during this resting period, but only the latter can really rest. This double-edged sword which interrupts the circadian rhythm holds to be too complex. With the flash of the darkness and a standstill between day and night, the mind settles into its own abyss. These are times absolutely no one prays for. To become the prey of your own thoughts is something truly dreadful. All “moral” restraints of the mind have been totally and utterly shattered, leaving you to be the one chained to your own thoughts. The mind wanders curiously, as untethered as can be, through the forest of the unknown, places not previously ventured.The  forest contains the most pungent memories of the past. Futures are now at a glance through the scope of your past. During this time, what else can really be done? There is no one on the other side of your consciousness that can help, but on the internal side of your mind lies a beast who attacks unprovoked. To face distraction and ignore the beast is a violent act, as the beast grows stronger with memory.

            The nocturnal hours add weight to the thoughts which encircle our mind. Every now and then, the tempest stops and we get a crystal clear picture of our worst. The shrill storm screams even louder now, for what purpose must this still continue? The silence grapples with these thoughts to see which will emerge victorious. The cardiac thumping being the only form of recognition of life. The eyes stranded open, not by the time of the day, but by the timeless thoughts unseen throughout the day. The beast preys still, stalking from the cliff of regret. The night has grown too strong, the defense of the mind is yet again stripped and laid bare. Revealing the scars and injuries of the past. The sight of this entertains the beast and prods it forward. It is impossible for the mind to fight back against the beast, as it is a product of itself.

            The longer the mind fends for itself, the closer it gets to the edge of the cliff. The questioning of one’s own existence, purpose, and identity. With this provoked questioning, many dip further into their own abyss, finding themselves only in their past, not relying on their future self. The past failures hold much more meaning than the infinite future ever will to these abyss divers. For those who achieved unconsciousness by now, this event will hold no meaning to their future endeavors. If the day can break the midnight shade, you can move the weight of your mind. Those who recognize the mind’s recognition of conflict will truly heal. These memories aren’t simply dark thoughts, but unresolved quarrels of the mind. With the adequate arming of this information, one can find the resolution to these within themselves or learn nothing from it.

            It is events like midnight which really teach us about ourselves; ascertain that we are truly human. Life in itself is never consistent or constant. The only constant of life is the generously provided inconsistency.

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