
Friday, March 24, 2023

"How to make Pozole Rojo with pork" by Arianna O


This recipe my mom and I have recently started to make for my family more often and our whole household enjoys eating it each time. This recipe is a modified version of my grandma’s way of making it so you can see how long this recipe has been in our family. I have always seen my mom make this dish and recently I have been able to help out and make this meal. So now I’m happy to join in on making this and glad to help my mom out. My mom and I make this meal on Christmas Eve because that has always been our tradition. It’s a long process to make but its always worth it in the end. This is my one of my favorite childhood meals my mom has made for me when I was younger so this meal always brings back nostalgic memories. I recommend eating this meal on cold days or whenever!


Prep time- 30 minutes // Cook time- 3 hours



-Large pot or stock pot

-Iron pan





Most ingredient can be found at Cardenas :)

-3 pounds of pork shoulder

- 4 ounces of Ancho Chiles

-1 large can of white hominy

-3 bay leaves

-8 cloves of Garlic

-2 tb of oregano




Garnishes ( prep while cooking)

-½ small head of lettuce

- Chopped cilantro

-½ white onion


-1 bunch of red radishes




Step 1: Pour 5 quarts of water into pot and bring to a boil






Step 2: Grab Chiles and discard stems, seeds, and veins form chili pods. Then Heat chile on iron pan on medium heat for a couple of minutes until softened. Do not let them burn! Put these aside for the red sauce for the pozole.







Step 3: Then grab the pork shoulders and cut off any fat from the meat. Then put it in boiling water and let it cook until ready which is an estimate of 2 hours.







Step 4: When pork is full cooked and tender. Then add spices to the pot which is the bay leaves and oregano. When you put oregano smoosh together to break it up so there is no big chunks. Then add a medium pinch of saltt. Then bring pot to simmer, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes.


Step 5: To prepare red sauce put these ingredient into the blender and put  the chiles you heated, 2 ½ cups of water, a teaspoon of salt, 4 cloves of garlic, and oregano. Then once blended strain the red sauce into pot.






Step 6: When sauce is added into pot. Add the hominy blend into the pot and a couple pinches of salt. Maintain pozole at a simmer and partially cover it to keep cooking it.







Step 7: Pozole should be fully cooked after leaving it for 5 minutes and ready to serve with garnishes on top. You can add the lettuce, radishes, onion, lime,  tostadas on the side or whatever fufills your liking (I recommend adding all the toppings for the best tasting pozole). Now you can enjoy!

This how my pozole turned out :)






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