
Monday, January 23, 2023

"How to make fluffy cinnamon pancakes" by Taylar M


Breakfast has been my favorite meal of the day since I was a child. The various food options were also a happy place for me, but my favorite breakfast dish is cinnamon pancakes. My mother and aunt would always prepare them for me, whether during the week or on the weekends. Of course, the weekend is my favorite because I can spend more time enjoying them. With a hint of cinnamon, the sweetness of the syrup complements the slightly savory butter perfectly. Because I've loved pancakes since I was a child, I try to eat them every weekend when I get the chance. Pancakes for breakfast may seem like a typical breakfast to some, but it's something special from my childhood that I'd like to share with you so you can enjoy them as well!


It should take you a  maximum of 5 minutes of prep time with an additional 12 minutes to cook them with a total of 6 ingredients.


Dry Ingredients


     1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

     1 tablespoon baking powder

     1 tablespoon sugar

     1 tablespoon cinnamon

     1 teaspoon salt(optional)


Wet Ingredients

     1 ¼ cups milk

     1 egg

     3 tablespoons butter, melted

     1 teaspoon vanilla extract



     Measuring cups

     1 bowl (if you need another then do so)

     Spoon or whisk to mix ingredients

     Butter/oil for the pan or griddle

     Spatula to flip pancakes

     Plate to place the pancakes


Step 1: add all dry ingredients into the bowl and then mix well


Step 2: add the wet ingredients - mix well and make sure there are no lumps until the batter is smooth.



Step 3: Melt some butter or oil in a large griddle/pan over medium heat. Pour in 1/4 cup of batter, and when it begins to bubble, flip and cook for another minute on the other side.


Step 4: Cook the remaining pancake batter and serve with butter and regular syrup, or cinnamon syrup if desired. After you have made the perfect cinnamon pancakes you can now enjoy them for yourself!



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