
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"The Definition of Community" by Ezekiel R


What word comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Coronavirus’? Was it most likely quarantine? Over many months billions of people around the globe stayed inside to prevent the spread of this virus. This time could severely wear a person out mentally. Just four months into the worldwide shutdown, it was revealed by the CDC that over 40% of adults were struggling with depression and substance abuse. Suddenly, the public was eager to go back to work and reconnect with humanity after being away for what was a long time. But why is that? This is because we finally realized why community is important to society. As any student during March 13th of 2020, I was thrilled to know we were going to have an additional week of spring break. Although when the time started to pass slower and slower, I often found myself reminiscing. My grades reflected this slump I was falling in. So this is where I started to begin to search what a community truly is and why it is so important to be a part of one.

Firstly, the definition of a community is a feeling of fellowship with others, according to the Oxford dictionary. The definition also states how a community is formed with those who share the same attitudes, interests, and goals. Although it seems simple enough, the main principle of unity doesn’t fully do justice to why this word community is still so meaningful. It provides support to those within along with resources to be shared within. Starting with support allows for confidence to be built up within a community. The confidence part is necessary with anything in life, but it must start from somewhere. Justine Clarabut of mentions how vital support is a fundamental part of a community in the following,” With so much stress in the busy world we live in, there’s never been a more important time to help others struggling with their mental and physical wellbeing.” If you have ever partaken in an event where you had to be in front of an audience, then you understand just how crucial it is to have confidence. It's not limited to a sport or club event but that confidence

within yourself is built on the support given by your peers. This is why support should also be mentioned in the definition of community.

The next part that is to be represented is the importance of resources within a community. Resources are what can start a community. Furthermore, this is how civilization is created through multiple and larger communities. From a historical perspective, this is how the first civilization was created in ancient Egypt centuries ago. This is in humanity’s nature to share resources amongst each other. These resources are not limited to just physical items, as knowledge and ideas can also fall under this umbrella. With efficient use of resources, this comes back to the point of prospering and expanding the community.

Now the world is more open, I have felt a more positive change in my attitude and interactions with others. I have built a new appreciation for the communities I am a part of in school and my personal life. My emotions are more positive and I am more energetic with who I am around. After school started back in person, my mental state changed back to a calm state. But after testing in person again, sometimes I wished we were back in quarantine.



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