
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"How To Make My Sister’s Peach Cobbler" by Cydney F



My sister is 7 years older than me, we hardly ever see each other and we talk every other time when we are not busy which is very rare. But every time we are together for a long time, which is like a week or two, we make time to make her peach cobbler because it is my favorite dish to eat and make with her. My favorite memory of us making this dish was a couple years ago. She was visiting and we had just gone to the store and bought the ingredients for the cobbler. The reason this particular memory is so special is because this was the last time we had made the peach cobbler since she had decided to live up North, 8 hours away from home. We had lots of laughs and made such a mess and just created new memories with each other.


Ingredients for Peach Cobbler:


      Large can of peaches (drain the syrup)

      Brown sugar



      Pie crust 2 (store bought)


      Huge tub of Vanilla Ice Cream



      A knife

      Can opener 

      Rectangular clear glass baking dish 

      Measuring Cup 

      A Stirring utensil




1.     Open the can of peaches and drain the syrup

2.     Mix Peaches with Brown Sugar ½ cup 

3.     Pour nutmeg into peaches and brown sugar to your desire while stirring

4.     Pour cinnamon into peaches and brown sugar to your desire while stirring 

5.     Pour 3 teaspoons of vanilla

6.     Grease pan with butter 

7.     Lay one pie crust down in pan 

8.     Pour Peaches in

9.     Cut butter into half stick 5 pieces 

10.  Display the butter 1 in the center and 4 on the outside

11.  Put the other pie crust on top

12.  Spread melted butter on top of dough 

13.  Preheat oven to 375 °F

14.  When done preheating, insert the dish into the oven 

15.  Bake for an hour and constantly check on it


Once the dish is completely baked and the crust is golden brown, scoop yourself some vanilla ice cream and the peach cobbler heated up. I HOPE YOU ENJOY !!

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