
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

"My Walk With God" by Malachi H


          As a kid I grew up in a Christian household, my entire family believed in God. So as a kid that meant I had to believe in God as well. I considered myself a Christian because my family was, but I never really decided on my own that I wanted to commit my life to Jesus Christ until two years ago. I attended Winter camp at my church, when I gave my heart to God. And when I did, I found out how good God really is.

         I was always a super shy and insecure kid growing up. When I got to middle school, my insecurity skyrocketed because I started getting bullied. My 7th and 8th grade school years were probably the worst. When I was in 7th grade my mom started making me go to Bible Study on Wednesdays at our church. I hated it so much, I would go, not listen and goof around with my friends. After a while, my friends stopped coming, but that didn't stop me from being on my phone and not listening to the youth Pastor when I should have been. My mom would pick me up from church and ask me what the lesson was about and I would just lie and make something up.

          When I got to high school my life took a turning point for the worst. My grandmother got really sick from cancer, my grandfather was hospitalized, and this affected my grades heavily. This was the most depressing time in my entire life so far, and after my grandparents sadly passed away, my parents got a divorce. My parents getting a divorce tore my heart apart, at this point in my life I wasn't even thinking about God or anything to do with him. I was struggling so bad in school that I barely passed my freshman and sophomore year. And I remember just sitting in my room playing video games all day and not eating. My family was worried about me. I was sad, I felt alone, and depressed for about a year until my mom made me start going to church again. This time when I went back even though I didn't  want to I would actually pay attention and get something out of the message. I slowly started to come out of my depression.

           I started to get more involved in my church community. I made lots of friends and felt more like myself. I got a better understanding of what it is truly like to be a believer in Jesus Christ and found out that I really was not living for Him. Two years ago my church had “Winter Camp” for the youth and attending this camp truly changed my life. At the camp they had all sorts of games and food, but the best part was that I decided to give my life to Jesus Christ. This was the best thing I could have done for myself. As soon as I surrendered my heart to God, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I could not wait to get home and tell my family about the decision and experience that I had at Winter Camp.

         My family and my church mentors were so happy with my decision to follow Jesus, and I felt like a different person. I was no longer sad, and I was no longer depressed. When we got back from winter camp, I started to really get involved with my church and I loved going every Sunday and Wednesday. After my experience with God, I started reading the Bible. I set up a daily devotional time for myself three times a day where I just sit, read the bible and spend time with God. This routine helped me  grow so much more closer to God. I remember sitting down on my bed and just thinking about how crazy and messed up my life was just about 2 years ago. I remember thanking God for fixing my life and loving me with all his heart.  After that experience, I became more confident in myself and more willing to put myself out there.

        Now I feel stronger and better.  Of course I still have my own problems and struggles, but God brought me out of the darkness and gave me a new life. I am so grateful and happy with the progress I have made with my life and relationship with God so far. I now know that I can not and will not live without His guidance. He is my best friend!


  1. Malachi, this is truly an amazing story and I'm so glad you shared this with us. It is so crazy how our life gains so much more meaning and purpose when we grow closer to God and His word. I completely understand the depression, bullying and hardships you faced, as I've experienced that myself in the past too. However, with God, nothing stands in your way and He alone strengthens you! Isaiah 41:10

  2. Wow Malachi, thank you for sharing this, I think when you grow up in a christian household it is automatically assumed that you have your own relationship with God as well, and many times that is not the case, but as life goes on and you go through experiences you form your own relationship with God, love this!!!

  3. Thank you for sharing your relationship with God and giving me a different perspective.

  4. Wow Malachi.. thank you for sharing with us your journey. I totally understand how hard life can be at times. Im super proud of you and I hope you keep pushing through! You got this always!!

  5. Angelina MartinezMay 5, 2021 at 11:34 PM

    Malachi, thank you for sharing this inspiring piece. It takes a lot of courage to get up and try again after things don't seem to be going perfectly. This piece was very raw and personal, I'm glad you've overcome those trials and are now looking on the brighter side of things. John 8:12 Great job!

  6. What a very powerful and emotional story! I'm so glad you found faith and pushed through the dark times. I felt like I was travelling through this life myself!

  7. Hi Malachi,thank you so much for sharing your journey with God with us! I'm so glad you were able to grow into your faith and make it your own, not something that was forced upon you by your family. Super proud of you !

  8. Malachi, your story literally brought tears to my eyes! I thank God that you're are in a better place now than you were before. I admire your strong relationship with God and I'm glad your time at Winter Camp changed your life! Your story showed me that you have so much endurance! Thank you so much for sharing this! Psalm 16:8

  9. This was a great piece and I appreciate you for taking the time to share your experience with the class. You did a great job putting us in your perspective and this overall very meaningful.

  10. This was so powerful to read. I'm so happy you built your relationship with God. A couple years ago, I finally took steps to strengthen my relationship with him too and it was the best decision I made. Although you went through some dark times, you got past it and ended up finding faith and love with God!

  11. I love your story so much and I am very happy that you have decided to trust God and have faith with him. This was very inspirational and the overall storyline was just breathtaking from start to finish. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us!!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing with us! Seeing it in other people's perspective is very insightful to read. Good job on this piece I very much enjoyed it.

    ~Kayla Macasinag

  13. I am so happy for you! Without God we are nothing and you're story is the best example ever. God keeps calling for us everyday and every second of our lives but we choose to ignore or listen. I am proud of your for listening to him and having him as your best friend. It really is a blessing to find God in your everyday life.

  14. Thank for such a beautiful piece...I loved seeing you grow into a stronger person during this read. Im so proud that through the darkness you found hope in God and was able to make it out.

  15. Dianna VillasenorMay 11, 2021 at 9:07 AM

    Malachi, I loved your piece! Being able to share your struggles and present us with such an emotionally-written story shows signs of your growth as a person. I am proud you found a place where you feel belonged to, and most importantly proud of you as a person. I hope all is well, and good luck with furthering your relationship even more.

  16. Thank you for sharing this with us, I personally don't confide with any religion but it was very interesting to see your perspective from a Christian household and see it your life from a non-stereotypical standpoint.

  17. This was such an amazing piece about your journey with God and your writing truly shows the growth that you went through as you found your faith.

  18. This piece is very nice. I love how you gave us the end of the story before it started. It was great to get introduced at the highlight, and to almost be looking back with you at the low times. I'm glad you felt comfortable to share this and also glad you found peace. Good work

  19. Wow, your faith in God is beyond inspiring. I can definetly relate to those winter camp experiences cause man they are powerful. Thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your testimony.

  20. This was such a powerful and impactful piece of writing. The detail of your experiences as a child was so heartbreaking. I am so glad you are in a much better place now with your relationship with God. We're all rooting for you! Thank you for sharing!

    Jesse Ortiz

  21. I love this read so much. I can honestly say that I relate to this so much to this so much. Thank you for sharing your devotion to God!

  22. Hi Malachi I love this ! It's been a pleasure being your friend and watching you grow in all aspects. This was such a good story to read, I know what it's like to be in some tough times I'm so proud of you.

  23. Hi Malachi I love this ! It's been a pleasure being your friend and watching you grow in all aspects. This was such a good story to read, I know what it's like to be in some tough times I'm so proud of you.

  24. Thank you for sharing something as personal as your walk with God! It is amazing to see other christians talk about their journey. It seems to be a common theme with those that grow up in a christian family not really having their own relationship, but I am very glad that God has guided you towards himself :)


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