
Sunday, March 28, 2021

" Trials as a Christian" by Amy S.


Growing up I experienced childhood in a strict family my mother took us to chapel at a youthful age. Each Sunday she'd grapple with me and my sisters to wear a dress to Sunday service. Until she ultimately surrendered. She began taking us to chapel since we were confronting affliction at home. Things weren't simple from the start, it was simply me as a lone kid until Ava and Aly tagged along into the image, before they were in the image things were somewhat harsh at home between my folks. At that point Ava hit in 2011 and Aly continued in 2012. For some time things improved and like I said my mother took us to chapel she had confidence in Christ and that things could be settled. My father didn't go with us. He didn't put stock in Christ at the time my father was exceptionally difficult and wouldn't go. I recall that it'd make me cry constantly and dismal on the grounds that I felt like my family wasn't complete. I'd generally glance around and see every one of the families with a mother and a dad and they'd head to chapel together and after chapel to breakfast. Each family yet mine. A long time passed and it remained like that each Sunday. Ultimately when I was thirteen I got baptized and acknowledged Christ. Just after that my father began going to chapel after he went to my baptism.  It was extraordinary. I was cheerful. We were all going to chapel all together. Like I expressed beforethings had been unpleasant at home preceding that my folks had gotten lawfully separated

in 2008. I was youthful at that point and it was anything but an adorable separation at the time I had seen and encountered things no youngster ought to have in the year 2008. So it was extreme. Yet it was improving at the time in 2013 we were all going to chapel as a family. One day my father got baptized and so did my mother. It was an astonishing encounter, my folks were glad and everything was well. Until we hit about my freshman year things got rough my folks weren't progressing nicely and it wasn't only me in the image like in the 1st separation now Ava and Aly were a piece of the family so it was my responsibility to pay special attention to them at a youthful age. Things got so terrible at home I recall that I used to cry, they used to argue and I would simply cry and look after my sisters. No kid ought to need to feel the way that I felt and convey the duties that I had. I'd deal with my sisters all day, every day and still do , feed them, take them to class and get their books in school. All while I go to class and have a job and just got another. Things really escalated in 2020 we weren't influenced much by the pandemic. My folks have fundamental positions so they've had a limited ton of work. It hasn't been simple things have escalated with my folks. My mother no longer goes to chapel like before she once in a while is home. My fathers the person who currently goes to church with us and spends time with us on weekends. My folks are yet separated at this point and live in the same household don't have the foggiest idea why yet they do. It makes things truly hard on me each day and every other weekend they switch off and take care of us. During the week I carry my sisters on my back I take care them on the grounds that my mother nevers returns home she returns home excessively late her work gets out at five and she's home at eleven my father work discharges him out late and I'm continually stuck dealing with the young ladies while as yet having my own job and school. I'm not going to mislead anybody, it hasn't been simple for me. I battle each day.

I'm a senior in high school, who's lived like this for 10 years and counting . I can't recall the last time my family has eaten dinner together or that we observed Christmas as one or thanksgiving. I sincerely mind my own business and handle my business, just three of my closest companions are aware of my circumstance at home and in detail if not for them, god and my infant pup marz who are there for me and love me.I wouldn’t be able to do it. Truly I don't actually mention to individuals what I go through on the grounds that one I would prefer not to toss my issues at others and two I realize that there are individuals out there who have more awful issues than me. I wouldn’t be able to continue if not for my confidence in Christ. I'd quit, many individuals don't actually know my story they simply know I'm Amy the follower of Christ and they feel that my life is simple and basic however as a devoted Christian things are more difficult, you face more trials because the enemy knows that you are strong and courageous so therefore you have a target on your back.The enemy’s goal is to destroy you but I refuse to let that happen and I refuse to quit. Things have settled for now some days are better than others but I just keep quiet and do what I gotta do and keep taking steps forward, on really bad days I just counted down the days till I leave and hit college until then , I will continue to fight the good fight and keep walking forward towards the light, because the Bible says that god has great plans for me in the future.


  1. AMY! I cannot imagine to turmoil you are going through! Your piece was beautifully written and was so vulnerable! I applaud you in being able to open yourself up to your classmates! Thank you for being bold in your faith! You will be in my prayers! I would encourage you to read Proverbs 16:20, Proverbs 18:10, and Proverbs 19:23! I hope these verses will encourage you, build you up, and strengthen you to continue to fight the battles as they come! - Samantha Galarza

  2. Hailey Marie HillstockApril 1, 2021 at 1:17 PM

    Hi Amy! I love your compassion in Christ and in God. I completely know how it feels to be going through something alone. I am so glad that you have never given up God because he has never given up on you!

  3. Amy!! I loved this and how you were able to openly share YOUR story. The struggles you go through are something that no kid should ever have to go through, but it just shows how strong you are in your faith in God. He will always make a way and provide for you, don't ever forget that! I am beyond proud of you in all you do, and believe God is using all this to strengthen you for the plans He has for you in the future<3

  4. Awesome story. May God bless you and your family. I also grew up with very religious parents and I can really relate to your story because me and my family would always go to church on Sundays and now it's my dad who really goes to church and my mom only goes on special occasions but I know she wants to go whenever she can. Overall, great story and may God bless you and your family forever

  5. Thank you for sharing your personal story! It was truly enlightening and eye opening to hear how you live and show your love for God and Christ. Trials make us stronger in the end, and allow us to grow as people. Great job!

  6. Amy, thank you so much for sharing this! I know it definitely couldn't have been easy, however I greatly admire your immense strength and faith in God. You're right; as a believer it is much harder to endure because the enemy is after you, and you've won the battle every time! I encourage you to read Galatians 6:9 and Hebrews 10:35-38, and remember that by going through these trials, God is preparing you for something so much greater! Greater is coming! :) Much love <3

  7. Im sorry you are going through all of that, it's horrible. But like you said there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will get through this! -Angela Carnalla

  8. Benjamin Galaz Jr.April 6, 2021 at 10:12 PM

    I absolutely admire your faith, times get tough but keep pushing. All you can do is pray for them and keep being you. Remember, we are here for you :)

  9. Amy Sanchez you keep me chugging through life because if you can get through what you do, I will get through mine. You inspire me to become closer with God because in the end he's all we have. I admire how strong your faith is and how strong you are. You always battle back and come with so much adversity, it's truly inspiring. Good Job Amy!

  10. Amy I am so so sorry for all that you've gone through. I am so happy to hear that you're steadfast in your faith in God and I hope you stay encouraged because better days are ahead.<3<3<3

  11. I'm so glad you were able to share this and I admire your strength through all of this. You truly are one of a kind and I know that good things will come your way. You truly deserve everything you've ever wanted and I can't wait to watch you prosper. Great Job!

  12. What you said about the enemy trying to destroy you is absolutely true. This is a quote from one of my favorite youtubers, Amen Alex, "If the devil can't make you sin, he's gonna try to make your busy. And if he can't make you busy. He's gonna try to distract you. And if he can't distract you, he's gonna try to discourage you. Your faith in christ is beyond commendable and I know God is definetly gonna give you many rewards up in heaven. Just know that wherever you are in life, God is still going to be good, and he's never gonna let us down.

  13. Amy, I truly admire your relationship with God. Your writing showed how much perseverance you have. Thank you for reminding us that with God all things are possible!


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