
Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Banana Pudding" by Kiyah B


“What's this mommy?” was a question that I never ceased to ask as a young girl. Once I entered the world of the kitchen, my curiosity only skyrocketed and I found myself more interested in the purpose of each tool, rather than cooking food. However, I became an expert at cooking (only) a handful of dishes. But, I did not learn how to make banana pudding until recently. The recipe is actually simple and quick. It has somehow become a family tradition, passed down through each generation. It began with my great grandma, she passed it down to my great aunt, who then passed it down to my mom, and my mom passed it down to my sister and I. Although I've only made it a few times, I hope to pass it down to my kids as well.

The dish is most commonly eaten on Thanksgiving, along with many other desserts. The dish holds a special place in my heart because of the memories that it holds. My fondest memories reside in rushing to the dessert table to get another bowl of banana pudding, despite how overstuffed I felt-- or sneaking home a bowl full of it before leaving. My sister and I would even fight over who would have the last spoonful of banana pudding. It reminds me of the rush of adrenaline my cousins and I felt when our parents placed the desserts on the table. Most importantly, this dish reminds me of the Thanksgiving nights that were always full of entertainment and laughter. After all, food plays a large role in integrating my family. Ingredients


     1 package of Nilla Wafers (one package is usually 11 ounces, I buy 2 packages just in case I run out)

     One package instant vanilla pudding mix (5 ounce)

     Two cups of milk

     One can of sweetened condensed milk (14 ounce)

     1 Cool Whip (or Whipped topping)

     Vanilla extract (around 1 tablespoon)

     fresh bananas. I usually use 6 medium sized bananas, but the amount you need depends on the size of your bananas and the thickness of your slices. (if you don't like bananas, they don't have to be used/if you don't like banana flavored foods then you probably

            won't like this dish)



     2 Bowls: One bowl is needed for the bananas. The other is needed for serving the dish. It can be large glass bowls, plastic bowls, etc.

     Mixing bowl

     Electric Mixer


1.      First, you should slice the bananas and place them in their own bowl. Your slices can be thin or thick, there is no specific size needed.

2.      Then, in your large mixing bowl mix the condensed milk, pudding mix, and milk with an electric mixer. You can attach a whisk or paddle to the mixer. I recommend keeping the mixer at a lower speed to avoid the ingredients from flying everywhere.

3.      Then add vanilla extract and continue stirring until the mixture is smooth--with no lumps. This usually takes a few minutes.

4.      Add half of the Cool Whip and mix it in.

5.      Once the mixture is smooth, let it set for a few minutes.

6.      After it is set, you should start layering the dish. The first layer is wafers, the second layer is bananas, and the third layer is the pudding mixture.

7.      First, place the vanilla wafers at the bottom of the glass or plastic bowl. Only place about a third of the vanilla wafers on the bottom because you will be using them again.

8.      Next, place some of the banana slices on top of the wafers.

9.      Then, pour the pudding mixture on top of the bananas. I would make sure it covers all the bananas. Do not add the whole pudding mixture because you will use it again.

10.  Now you will continue to do your next layers. So, you place the vanilla wafers, then the banana slices, then the layer of pudding mixture.

11.  After the final layer (the pudding mixture), I usually top it off with another row of wafers and I also add the rest of the Cool Whip to the top. It is also possible to add more layers, it just depends on the amount of people you are serving and their preferences. (if you are not using bananas, then your first layer would be Nilla wafers and the second layer would be the pudding mixture--and so on and so forth--after your final layer you would still add wafers and Cool Whip to the top)

12.  Place in the refrigerator until chilled. Chilling the pudding allows the wafers to become soft and it also thickens the pudding, it usually takes about thirty minutes to four hours depending on how thick you want your pudding.

13.  Once it is cooled, it is ready to be served.









Photo credits to:


  1. Yum! This recipe looks and sounds delicious. I’ve never really heard of banana pudding but when I looked at your final photo, I can vaguely remember this dessert item. I love Nilla cookies so I will definitely have to try this recipe soon. I loved your backstory because it really stressed the importance that this food item has within your family. Overall, amazing job! The directions were simple and easy to follow, I also liked how you gave different options for people to choose which they would like to follow. I hope this recipe continues to be past down for generations to come, because it looks amazing and has a rich story behind it.

  2. I've never tried banana pudding before and after reading this I'll make sure to make it very soon. Also the steps are well written and seem easy to follow thank you!!

  3. Wow this looks and sounds so good I will definitely be trying this out! Your directions were so clear and concise I'm sure just about anyone could follow this and make it, which gives me more confidence to try it out although I'm not the best at cooking. Thanks so much for sharing this :)!

  4. I LOVE banana pudding!! The story of you and your sister fighting over the banana pudding brings back memories of me and my sister! Your instructions were very clear and I liked the picture you included! Great job! - Samantha Galarza

  5. Wow! This looks and sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing this recipe, I cannot wait to try it!

  6. I've never had banana pudding in my life but now I have good reason to try it. The recipe seems easy enough. I'm going to give it a try. Hopefully I don't mess it up. Thanks for sharing

  7. This look delicious! Your directions were so clear and I plan on trying your recipe. Thank you for sharing!

  8. This was so easy to follow! I am so excited to try this with my family. Thank you for sharing this!

  9. OOOOOOOO looks very good, one day for dessert I'll try and make this because it sounds like this could be a life changing recipe

  10. OMGGGG okay so as a child I was never really a fan of banana pudding. I don't know why but I just didn't really like bananas like that so I never ate it at any family functions until recently. I literally fell in love with it and its one of my top 5 deserts. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  11. Yes! This recipe looks so good and I am glad to say I have had banana pudding before and love it! The back story and memories behind the recipe is moving a great to know that you will cherish those memories forever. Great job!


  12. I really enjoyed reading your introduction filled with the memories of Thanksgiving and your family. Your directions made this recipe seem so straightforward, can’t wait to try it!

  13. This banana pudding looks so good! I actually want to make it and try it, thank you so much for sharing.-Angela Carnalla

  14. Benjamin Galaz Jr.April 6, 2021 at 10:23 PM

    One look at the ingredients was all I needed for motivation to try something new. Thank you, I will definitely be using this.

  15. oh my god... this look delicious... my sweet tooth is screaming at me to make it and try <3

  16. I love banana pudding! I also eat this with my family on thanksgivings and it reminds me of times in the kitchen during celebrations. It's a great "bringing-together-family" dish! Thank you for your recipe! -Evan Nguyen

  17. Ahhh Kiyah this sounds so delish !! I love the backstorh and how you thoroughly explained each step I will definitely try this soon !!

  18. Wow I've never heard of banana pudding. I used to make Banana bread with my grandma so this reminded me of her! I'll try this out with my mom!

  19. I love how such a simple food has great meaning to you and your family. I've never been a fan of budding but now I really want to make and try this.

  20. I have never tried banana pudding before, but trying new foods is something I will always enjoy. Nilla wafers are some of my favorite snacks too so adding them to the pudding is genius. Thanks for sharing!

  21. I haven't tried banana pudding but you made it sound delicious. I love the story and meaning behind the pudding as well.

  22. WOW!!! After reading the introduction and seeing the picture, I am definitely wanting to try some banana pudding!!! Especially since this recipe has been passed down for many generations, I have no doubts that it is perfected!!! Also, the steps seem simple so I hope I can remake it similarly!! Ahahah -Kaitlin Dalisay

  23. Omg Kiyah! I can relate to you so much when it comes to desserts and my family. Whenever people comeover to my grandma's house, the first thing they is "Are we having pound cake or sweet potato pie?". I also like you included your family tradition into your blog entry because it makes it more personal. Amazing!!!

  24. This looks so good! For the past 2 years I ask for banana pudding and its my favorite dessert, so I cant wait to try to make this!

  25. Oh my gosh!! My mom and I love banana pudding and we always get some from different places that have it! We tried making our own one time and it was okay lol, but now after reading your recipe I believe it’s going to taste so good! Thank you for sharing this, as I’m sure this recipe is very special after being passed down from your great grandma :) -Charmaine Luciano

  26. I have always loved to eat Banana deserts my entire life and yet I have never had banana pudding. The recipe sounds amazing and is also very simple. I can't wait to try it and it to my recipe book!

  27. Wow! I've never tried banana pudding before, this seems fairly simple to follow all while looking so delicious. Thank you for this recipe and I will be sure to try this soon

  28. This sounds delicious! I always loved Banana in my desserts. Honestly I never tried Banana pudding before but once reading your recipe, I really want to try it! Thank you for sharing with us!
    ~Kayla Macasinag

  29. I love banana pudding and I love the background you added in the beginning to make the dish more meaningful! I can't wait to try to make this

  30. I have never had banana pudding because I have this fear that once I eat a dessert made from banana I would lose my love for the fruit but this seems like something I would enjoy. Thank you for sharing this amazing recipe.

  31. BANANA PUDDING!!! oh my goodness I've actually never tried banana pudding myself but this recipe sounds delicious and im going to have to give this a try! you explained this so well! thank you for sharing!!

  32. This looks so good!!!! Banana pudding is one of my favorites and I can’t wait to try it myself!

  33. I have never tired banana pudding but it sure sounds delicious! I will make sure to try out this recipe. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us! :D

  34. This looks and sounds so delicious. Thank you for sharing this recipe and I was glad to read how this dish has brought you so much fun memories. Hopefully I can try to make banana pudding one day.

  35. Yum!! Banana pudding is also something my family loves to make. I like how you added personal details so we can connect you to the recipe and see where it stemmed from. Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely have to try this.

  36. I cannot wait to try this! I haven’t tried it yet in a recipe like this and I’ll have to try making it on my day off :)

  37. Oh my goodness i’ve never heard of this until right now! It seems like it’ll be soooo good and im excited to try something new~ Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  38. I absolutely love banana pudding and love trying different recipes. It sounds so good and I’m sure it’ll look just as wonderful when I give it a try!

  39. Kiyah,

    This sounds so delicious! I would love to try this since one of my favorite desserts has to be pudding. The details about the recipe that were on a personal level were really cool, and it honestly makes this recipe a bit more meaningful! Thank you so much for sharing! Outstanding job!

    Jesse Ortiz

  40. Enrico Del RosarioApril 9, 2021 at 11:27 PM

    Kiyah, when I tell you I almost started crying...I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A GOOD RECIPE FOR BANANA PUDDING!!!!!! 😣 It's one of my favorites! Thank you so much, I saved a link to your blog post to my recipe notes! Thank you for this wonderful addition. I canNOT WAIT TO TRY IT!!! πŸ˜©πŸ’ž

    (P.S. I'm so sorry, this was very aggressive but I am just extremely ecstatic and excited to try this! I hope you had a great day today :))) Also, if someone hasn't told you yet today, you are beautiful!!! :D)

  41. Michelle WilliamsonApril 9, 2021 at 11:48 PM

    Thank you for adding a picture ! I have been craving sweets recently so this is definitely that I want to try out. Thanks for making the recipe so personable by telling us details about your family. I really enjoyed reading the recipe!


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