
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

"Forever & Always" by Marwa J


We met six years ago and I enjoy every moment by your side. To the nights where we stayed up talking about our future, how our kids are going to be best friends and that nothing will come in between us.. I loved every conversation we have ever had. We fought throughout dust storms together and it made us stronger. You’re my best friend till death do us part. Thank you for showing me what real love is and helping me through it all. You gave me laughs to the point where I couldn’t breath, where I couldn’t control the tears from coming down.. You gave me reasons to keep going.

Days and nights pass and life just feels like it will go on forever with you by my side. I love visiting you everyday and dropping things off that you love, seeing your smile is something I hope to do forever and always. To the oath we made to stick it out till the end and to the fights we have that didn’t break us.. I will forever be thankful.

I can go on forever with thanking you for coming into my life and there isn’t a moment in my life where I don’t cry because the happiness you’ve given me feels unreal. Thank you for being my best friend, I hope one day I can return the favor with all I have to give. I can’t wait to see you again and make more memories together. It’s June 8, 2019 which means its happy national best friends day. I have never met anyone that has rode for me the way you have, you are literally one of a kind and I am beyond blessed and thankful to call you my best friend. We have managed to get through the craziest things together but hey not everything is perfect, but when it comes to you i gotta make sure everything is perfect because you have changed my life for the better. I seriously wouldn’t know what I would've done without you. I love you so much more than words can say and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

With everything that has happened to us this year nothing broke us, until you pulled away. My dearest best friend, why did you get so distant? Everything went away with a blink of an eye, until your mom called me one day saying you were at the hospital throwing up blood. Hearing those words made me feel like my whole heart was torn apart. When I saw you on the hospital bed, I cried hoping that God would give me your place so you wouldn’t suffer. Spent endless nights sleeping next to your bed, praying that you’d wake up. Nothing worked..Until one morning you woke up not remembering who I was or where you were at. Doctors claimed that it was a side effect from waking up from a coma… but I just knew that you were gone. I promised you that I’d never give up on our friendship no matter what came in between us. There were days where you’d look at me crazy just by telling you all the crazy memories we went through, nights where I sat by your side holding you from crying through all the pain you were in.

Doctors said it would only take a miracle for your memory to come back but I was slowly giving up. Forever and always I claimed to you every night before you went to sleep, hoping you would slowly come back but still...nothing. Your scans never showed anything, until your doctor told us that you have been diagnosed with cancer. Being broken is one thing, but hearing those words.. my world fell apart. You still didn’t remember me, nor did you feel anything but the pain your body was in. Moments where I showed you pictures and just the slightest giggle made me happy inside. I never thought I’d see that smile ever again. Days still pass by and you still don’t remember a thing. You grabbed my hand and whispered Forever and Always and took your last breath.


  1. Wow Marwa! This is unbelievably vulnerable and touching, at first I wasn't sure whether it was narrative or an actual experience, then I realized that with the depth and emotion of writing, a person had to have experienced such loss to write about in this way...thank you for sharing this! It's beautiful :)

  2. Wow this was a bit of a rollercoaster haha. But I still really enjoyed the direction you took with this because it made it feel deeper as though showing everyone to cherish our friendships for they can easily be stolen by tragedy. Your descriptions were so vivid as well it helped keep me hook and despite the tragic ending, it was really sweet to read your details of a loving friendship :).

  3. This literally made me super sad, I legit cried reading this. You're an amazing writer.

  4. This is so well-written and took me on a rollercoaster of emotions, this friendship seemed and still seems so genuine and pure great job!!

  5. I like how much emotion you showed in the piece of writing. -Malachi Hawkins

  6. Wow? This was so heartbreaking to read. The way you began the story with how much your friend meant to you made the rest of the story that much more touching. I am so unbelievably sorry you had to go through something like this. I hope you can always treasure the memories you guys made together.

  7. This is so amazing and the way you wrote it expresses so much emotion and touches the reader. In the beginning where you describe the friendship, it really shows how deep and meaningful the friendship was so when one reads the end you become so heartbroken.

  8. Thank you for writing such a deep and emotional piece! By reading it, I can easily tell how close your friend was to you and it is tough that you had to go through something like that. However, your experience can teach others on true friendships and bonds that can never be broken.

  9. Thank you for writing such a deep and emotional piece! By reading it, I can easily tell how close your friend was to you and it is tough that you had to go through something like that. However, your experience can teach others on true friendships and bonds that can never be broken.

  10. This was one of the best pieces i've seen so far. The way it highlights the joys but also the pains and struggles of love.-Angela Carnalla

  11. Woow Marwa, this was beautifully well written. I am speechless... I could tell that this person really meant a lot to you. So many feelings poured into your story, it was very touching.

  12. To begin, I am so sorry that you had such a difficult experience like this one. I'm sending you much love and healing in your direction. You did an amazing job giving us those quotations that made your writing so personal and authentic and just gave the readers a glimpse of your actual feelings. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  13. Wow Marwa this was so sad and your storytelling is amazing !!! You really made me feel all your emotion and love for your friend amazing job !
    -Seyi Alli

  14. Wow. This was a very powerful writing and although I’ll never be able to fully understand what you went through, I definitely feel for you. I hope you can always cherish the memories you and your friend made together and I know they’ll always have a place in your heart.

  15. This was amazing! Your storytelling is fantastic. I loved how I could feel every emotion that you feeling. I hope you are doing well and are healing. Much love!

  16. I'm so sorry for everything you've gone through. Your vulnerability made your writing so much more personal and made me really emotional. I can't imagine going through what you have. This is one of my favorite pieces I've read.

  17. This was way more emotion than I could handle. You write so beautifully and express your storytelling so well that it's incredibly easy to empathize with the feelings conveyed here. It was really heartbreaking to read, yet loving and filled with remembrance. It's truly an amazing piece.

  18. The emotion conveyed in this piece was CRAZY... You are an amazing write oh my all that emotion hit me so hard! You did an AWESOME JOB

  19. I love this so much. That you start out with this positive tone, explaining your gratefulness for this person, and with one shift you are heartbroken and in turmoil. You can tell this piece has raw, beautiful emotion in it from the way you describe both the happiness this person gave you and the pain they also brought watching them forget.

  20. Marwa, thank you for writing about something so vulnerable. It was so beautiful and raw and I loved it.

  21. Wow, this was beautifully written and the ending almost lead me to shed a tear. I hope your okay.

  22. wow, such amazing writing, truly incredible. The amount of emotions I was going through while reading this is unbelievable. You did such an amazing job. I am so deeply sorry for what you've been through.

  23. This was so powerful! The emotions expressed in your writing were unbelievably strong.

  24. Aww this was so touching and beautiful, you conveyed your feelings so well that I forgot that I was reading someone else's story. I hope you are able to find peace soon!

  25. Aww this was so touching and beautiful, you conveyed your feelings so well that I forgot that I was reading someone else's story. I hope you are able to find peace soon!

  26. Marwa this is so beautiful and I'm sorry for everything you went through. You told this so well and it shows how strong you are. Thank you for sharing this love.

  27. Beautiful! well written and very unique piece of writing Marwa. Your story telling skills are amazing had me very involved in the reading!

  28. Marwa, this was absolutely heart wrenching. It was truly a roller coaster of emotions but I loved reading it. Truly amazing. - Gisselle Flores

  29. This was so beautiful and I cannot even imagine the emotion and strength this took when writing this piece. You really showed your vulnerability and created a story that showed us readers the connections and love you feel.

  30. Hi Marwa,
    This blog comment was my favorite that I've read so far! This took me through a rollercoaster of emotions. I was tearing up by the end. This really makes everyone who reads this sit and take a moment to appreciate the people who are in their life. This was very well written! Thank you for writting such a beautiful piece. -Savannah Fitz

  31. Your writing was so deep and vulnerable, I was overwhelmed with emotions. It felt so genuine and I saw how important this person was. Thank you for such an amazing piece!

  32. This is such a good piece this is so vulnerable and you were so open to describe it, you did so good writing even though I know this must have been hard to write about. - Leah Thompson

  33. That was very beautiful and heart wrenching. I felt like I knew this person just by reading it, and each new paragraph was like a gut punch of feelings. Amazing job.

  34. Hey, I loved reading this. I had so many emotions through the story. You are an amazing writer, and it was raw. I almost started crying. You did an incredible job.

  35. Marwa, the emotion your enveloped in your piece is remarkable. I appreciate you for sharing such a heartbreaking story and heartbreaking memories with all of us. You truly were able to capture all feelings through your piece and choice of diction. I hope all is well with you.

  36. I love how deep this was and you portrayed your emotions so well!

  37. This was such a heartbreaking and touching piece, great job - Isaac Ilano


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