
Monday, November 2, 2020

"Whistling" by Richelle M


There’s this one event in my life that I always end up thinking about, be it in the shower, before I go to sleep, or just randomly during the day. I think to myself “What if I did something differently?” “What if I was brave enough?” This event taught me to never let fear stop me, because you’ll end up with regrets and unanswered questions. This event happened late at night, where everyone was asleep and it was all silent. However, I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat, I was frozen in fear. It was weird for me, I was sleeping so soundly and yet I woke up drenched in sweat and scared for my life. I heard someone whistling. The whistle sounded like an echo, it would sound close and then slowly get further away. It was as if someone was walking in an empty hallway and whistling. I couldn’t tell where the sound was coming from, but whenever the whistle got close, it felt like it was whistling straight into my ear. Every time the noise would sound far away, I would brace myself for when it would come close again. I was too scared and shocked to move. I felt that if I made one sudden movement, something bad would happen to me. The whole night, I stayed still. My body was covered in two layers of blankets and I began to sweat even more. I wanted to pull my blankets off and feel the fresh, cool air. However, I endured it because I was scared to death. My phone was laying on my side table and I wanted to grab it so I could take a recording of the noise. Yet, I let fear take over me and I stayed still the whole night. I don’t even remember how I ended up sleeping. I just woke up and hurriedly told my family about what happened last night. No one believed me, they looked at me weird. I felt like a person in a psych ward. No matter how hard I tried to tell them, they just looked confused and smiled uncomfortably. They would say “Are you sure you weren’t just having a nightmare?” “Maybe there really was someone whistling but they were out in the streets, so you probably heard them.” It wasn’t a dream though, I made sure. I checked myself, I tried to wake myself up. Also, there couldn’t have been someone whistling outside my neighborhood, it was so late at night and the whistling noise shouldn't be able to reach that far into the second story, and it shouldn't have sounded like it was whistling right into my ear. The noise was so vivid and clear, it couldn’t have been someone from outside. It felt like they were walking right in the hallway of my house. No one believed me and I was devastated. I began to think I was crazy. I started to doubt myself. “What if it really was a dream.” Then I started to do research, searching up whistling noises and trying to identify the same one. While I was searching, I realized that many people had the same experience, they all heard the same noise. The whistling would go from high to low. I did more research and I read that in many cultures, whistling or making whistling noises at night is thought to attract bad luck or evil spirits. There was also a popular Venezuelan story called “The Whistling Man” or “El Silbon”.There are 3 versions and they all end up with a boy killing his father. One version talks about the boy putting his dead father's bones in a sack and carrying it around. In wikipedia it says, “They say that the whistler can appear by a house on certain nights, drop his sack on the ground and count the bones one by one. If one hears it, nothing will happen, but if someone doesn't hear it before dawn, one member of the family will

never wake up again.” The stories also claim that if you hear the whistling from far away, it means that he is near you, and if you hear the whistling close by, it means that he is far away. I didn’t expect to find people with the same experiences and I would have never expected for there to be scary stories on it. I was terrified but I didn’t want to let fear stop me from getting proof. Ever since that day, I have slept with my phone right next to me. I may sound crazy and most of you might think I was dreaming, and maybe I was, but no matter what, if it happens to me again, I won’t chicken out this time. Anyways, I just wanted to share a scary experience I had, since it’s almost Halloween. Also, If you hear whistling at night, it’s not a good sign.


  1. Oh my goodness that is sooo creepy! I love how vivid and descriptive you were throughout your story that I was beginning to think I was hearing a whistling nearby :). At first I had no idea where it was going because I wasn't sure if it was a fictional story at first, but I honestly kind of wish it was for your sake. I don't know how I would feel after coming upon the info you did concerning the whistling. But I'm glad you did your research because it's taught me something knew that I should possibly look out for just in case :).

  2. Luvly Lopez: Thank you so much for sharing your experience!! I believe you 100% and sorry you had people make you question your sanity because I know how frustrating it is to not have people believe you or undermine your experiences. Also, the fact that you did your research after shows that you took hold of the situation again and gained your power back so I give you so much respect for that and am so happy that you grew from the experience and won't let fear get the best of you. Thank you again for sharing this and I hope you stay safe :)

  3. This story was narrated so well and I liked how it went in different directions. You started off by talking about how you need to be braver. Then you transitioned to recounting your experiences and ended with some evidence and research about your dream. I loved it because it was very engaging and especially near the end I started to get fearful myself, and I hope to never have to encounter that sound at night. I’m glad that you did research which assured you that you weren’t the only one who experienced something like this. Now because of your story, I’ll know what to do and I know what it means to hear whistling at night. It was such a good spooky Halloween story and I really enjoyed it. Great job!

  4. I liked how you added an aspect at the beginning of being alone. it might seem basic but it really helps to build suspense, at least for me it did. And I love how at the beginning you don't expect it to have the ending being more ambiguous and unsolved, but it makes it good because it makes it seem real like an actual account you had (which I assume it really is) rather than a scary story.

  5. This lowkey gave me chills because it reminded me of the times I had sleep paralysis and I can relate to the part where you were sweating but too scared to remove your blanket. I really like how you presented the event with such vividness that I could almost feel the fear and imagine the frightening whistling. I also really like that you actually researched about it and honestly that is pretty brave of you because it would have scared me more if I found out that there are actually folklores about it. Great job!

  6. GREAT THANK YOU FOR THIS, I'M NOT GONNA SLEEP TONIGHT LOL. honestly that's actually terrifying to go through. I hope you won't have to experience that ever again.

  7. I thought your blog was going to teach me how to whistle but now I’m frightened! I’m sorry you had to go through such an experience, I can’t imagine how traumatic that must have been. Thank you for also sharing this story and making it aware that something like this can happen. I’m glad you developed that bravery and I hope you never have to go through this again!

  8. I really like what you wrote about the whistling that occurred in your room. While I was reading I actually felt that I was you in the story. I started to feel sweaty myself and started to think to my self am I hearing whistling noises. This was overall a great piece and a perfect timing for Halloween. I'm just hoping that I don't have the same experience as you did while laying in bed. That hopefully the whistling will not occur for you again as well.

  9. This scary story definitely tied in well with the recent "spooky season" of Halloween. You did a great job putting us in your shoes and telling the story from your perspective. Personally I believe that your experience was real. There are times when things simply just can't be explained but that does not necessarily mean it didn't happen.

  10. This is insane! I totally believe you and relate to you! For a while I have believed my house was haunted and I would hear people talking and just like you it sounded like it was in my hallway. My whole family told me I was crazy until they started to hear it too. I love your story and I love how you built up suspense in the beginning. Great story!

  11. Talk about a scary experience! The story was great with suspense and interest that kept me reading more and more, allowing me to never feel bored! There is some strange stuff out there in the world and I for one do not mess with evil spirits, for they can do stuff to me but I can't do anything back! I do believe you and I am sorry you had to go through that. I am a 6'4 man and I would be terrified, so don't feel bad! Great writing piece!

  12. This story had me hooked right from the beginning! I kept predicting what would happen next in my head and I was never right. All of the descriptive imagery and feelings you described definitely made me scared to go to sleep tonight. You did a super great job of building up suspense the whole story, making it very surprising when there was no real solution at the end. This aspect added a lot to the overall story. Good job!

  13. This is really scary and I completely believe you. Thank you or feeling comfortable enough to share this experience with us and I'm really glad you and your family are okay. The way you told this was perfect and really added to the eeriness of the whole piece.

  14. OMG, I am now terrified to sleep tonight. Thank you for sharing your experience with us Richelle. I hope that I don't hear whistling at night because I am a light sleeper so I can hear things at night. If I do, then I will remember your story and try to not to get scared even though I know that I will just end up pulling the covers over my head HAHAHA. Not only was this frightening, but very interesting to read. Good Job Richelle!!

  15. This really gave me chills, you did a really good job telling the story from your point of view that it almost made me feel like I was there,you did a really good job building suspense and keeping me entertained.

  16. I really liked how you used cultural urban legends and other people's experience to give more information about what happened that night. It makes the story more disturbing by revealing what you experienced was shared by many other people and how it has a deeper story than what was shared here.

  17. I absolutely loved this! The story was hugely suspenseful and I can completely relate to hiding under two or more blankets when I hear uncanny sounds at night. The fact that the whistling affected you even in the daytime made it even scarier. Great job!

  18. Welp, I didn't plan on sleeping tonight anyway. That is absolutely horrifying, everything about this scares me, from your entire situation on how you were paralyzed from fear, to the eeriness and imagery of the entire scenario. The detail of how the whistling could have sounded like is something I never want to ever hear in my life. I might end up just wearing earplugs to sleep at night in that case.

    Amazing job!

    Jesse Ortiz

  19. I am glad that you were comfortable enough to share this story. Your had me hooked from the beginning, it made me want to keep reading. It has really good suspense build up in it, and you did an amazing job building it up. It made me feel scared, and actually got through to me, so great job!

  20. I am glad that you were comfortable enough to share this story. Your had me hooked from the beginning, it made me want to keep reading. It has really good suspense build up in it, and you did an amazing job building it up. It made me feel scared, and actually got through to me, so great job!

  21. I am really glad that you were comfortable enough to tell this story to us. The beginning was really good, and had me wanting to keep reading more. You did a great job building the suspense, and I was definitely scared reading this. Overall you did an amazing job with this.

  22. This is so scary!! If I were in this situation, I probably would've freaked out even more if I found out others had the same experience as me. Your story overall was well explained and very detailed which made me feel like I was also experiencing the whistles myself lol. Thank you for sharing your experience!!!!

  23. This story gave me chills and had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish! From the details of your experience to the factual evidence I was completely terrified! An all around amazing story!

  24. That was super good!I love scary stories and this one definitely gave me chills. A lot of wonderful details and now I know to watch out for the Whistle man! -Angela Carnalla

  25. Arnold Porter Jr
    This was very intense and had me scared a little lol, but it was also a very genuine detailed piece. I could imagine what you were trying to convey to us and that feelin you got when you were in the bed to scared to move is real that has happened to me before and it's not the best feeling. Over all this was amazing to read thank you!

  26. I absolutely loved this story sooo much. I love any and all things creepy so this story was especially enjoyable to read. It was so well written and I felt like I was literally experiencing this with you. You did such a great job at telling this story.

  27. Wow that's really scary! I hate scary stuff so an actual account is just spooky! Double blankets and a flashlight for me tonight.

  28. Now this is how you tell a recount of a paranormal event. Usually you hear about people rambling nonsense and getting called crazy, but its not often that they actually put in the research and gather enough courage to confront it. Love the horror, can't wait for some more!

  29. The way that you told this from your point of view while also keeping me interested the whole time was so well done! I loved the eeriness of having a tall tale be validated by real life events and your attention to details was perfect! - Estella Poirier

  30. The way that you told this in first person and still managed to keep your reader engaged was so well done! I loved the eeriness of a tall tale being validated by a firsthand experience and you attention to details made it all the more enticing to read to the end! - Estella Poirier

  31. Wait, this was real? That is frightening, and you were able to immerse me in your story with your words. It was done very well overall. Also, the covering yourself with blankets as if demons or ghosts are afraid of blankets is something I relate to way too much.

    Aries Tacderan

  32. Absolutely loved this! I really enjoyed the detail and how suspenseful it was! I felt engaged the entire time and the recollection of telling your experience through first person really made me feel like I was being told this personally. Also, I loved the incorporation of your own research about similar experiences people have had! It seriously gives me shivers thinking about how different people from different backgrounds have gone through the same thing to the point where there are stories and legends about it....

  33. I really enjoyed reading your piece! It was captivating with the multiple emotions displayed throughout, as the scary thoughts, events, and atmosphere really added to the story and kept me engaged. Astounding job!
    - Dianna Villasenor

  34. This was an amazing piece of writing! The creepiness within the writing was scary, yet strangely invigorating to read. This just makes me want to read more. Good job! ~ Kayla Macasinag

  35. Reading this story gave me chills the whole time omgggg, when I was little I would have a similar experience but I saw something rather than hearing a noise. As I got older I thought I was crazy but I totally understand how you feel.

  36. Reading this story gave me chills the whole time omgggg, when I was little I would have a similar experience but I saw something rather than hearing a noise. As I got older I thought I was crazy but I totally understand how you feel.

  37. Wait, WHAT. When I first started reading I thought this was just a creative story, but it’s even more scarier realizing that it was actually true! Now this, is how you truly tell a paranormal event. I’m going to make sure to sleep with my light on tonight...

  38. Wow that was just crazy! The way you told your experience gave me goosebumps. And the fact that this was something that actually happened to other people and are accounted in various stories is extremely creepy! A very interesting and chilling read!

  39. Reichelle, this story was amazing! At the beginning of the story, I was desperately hoping that this was fictional. As I continued to read, I learned that it was a personal account of yours and I was completely creeped out. Your delivery of the story was amazing. I loved how you began the story talking about fear and ended the story with your personal reflection of it. Great job, Richelle. -Savannah Fitz

  40. This was definitely interesting to read! I'm super into horror movies and urban legends but I'm surprised I've never head of this one. It reminds me a lot of the tale of La Llorna and I can imagine "El Sibon" showing up in scary shows like Supernatural. Your details gave me chills and I will definitely be keeping an ear out for whistling now whenever I'm alone!

  41. Richelle, this was so good. As I began reading, I was desperately hoping that this was a fictional. Of course, as I kept reading I learned it was a personal account and that was probably the scariest part. You're delivery of the story was amazing. I loved how you began the story talking about fear and ending the story with a reflection of it. -Savannah Fitz

  42. In all honestly, I am left speechless and jaw dropped. Your experience is different unsettling and can imagine my self in your situation for I have too have dealt with weird phenomena such as the whistling you heard.

  43. This story gives me comfort knowing other people go trough crazy experiences like these too. It's absolutely insane to think of the unsettling situations we as humans experience. Amazing storytelling!


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