
Monday, September 28, 2020

" What is a Woman?" by Ashley I

     By definition, a woman is an adult human female, a female person associated with a particular place, activity, or occupation, or female adults in general. In our changing world, we have given a new definition to the word “woman”. To me, a woman is someone who is strong,someone who loves and uplifts others, someone who is beautiful inside and out, someone who is confident with themselves. I did not mention a gender in my own definition. I believe a woman does not have to be confined to a single definition or a single gender. If someone identifies as a woman, then they simply are. Biology does not define who a woman is. Women need to uplift all women regardless of race, nationality, and biological gender. As a woman we have endured many hardships such as, sexism, gender stereotypes, sexual abuse, and oppression, but we have always come out stronger. 

     Women live with so many different hardships throughout their daily lives. Women earn less than a man, live in constant fear of our lives, and experience pain every month that men will never understand. Research done in 2015 stated, we earn about $0.74 to a man’s $0.97. Another research in 2020 claimed, women earn about $0.81 from a man’s $0.98, and that decreases regarding nationality and race. This may not seem like a lot but women everywhere are furious.We should be paid the same for doing the same work and just as good as men do. Protests and petitions have been broadcasted to get this problem fixed but it hasn’t been enough. The Equal Pay Act signed over 50 years ago still did not resolve the problem at hand. Women will continue to fight for what we deserve. 

     Moreover, about 1 in 6 women have been sexually assaulted and not all are reported. A survey in 2017, reported that about 42% of women have experienced gender discrimination in the workplace. This is not in count for our LGBTQ+ community for those who identify as women, who are more at risk. Almost every woman is scared to do normal, everyday things in fear of a man whether it be sexual assault, sex trafficking, kidnapping, etc. As women we live inconstant fear of our lives, going out by ourselves can be anxious and frightening, seeing men regardless of age, race, and looks can be terrifying, being a woman is just scary. One Twitter user posted a question asking women: "What would you do if all men had a 9pm curfew?". Some responses include such as, go dancing, taking a walk, run at night/run with both earbuds in, and not worrying about locking the car door. Movements like the #MeToo movement shares the stories of victims of personal assault and their survival stories to shed light on how terrifying it is and how it consistently happens everyday and everywhere. Women will continue to fight for a safer environment for all. 

     Women have been oppressed since the beginning of time, not given the same basic human rights as men, receiving voting rights in 1920 (only 100 years ago), being forced/told to cook, clean, take care of the household as men go off to work.Men were allowed to do whatever they want while women were housewives and took care of the household. Even up to present time, there are many high, respected positions that women have not been allowed a chance to have, such as presidency. Most gender stereotypes still hold true to today, women are not given a high respect like men do when it comes to jobs and parenting. Women have been given the gift of bearing life and creating the new generation and are not given enough praise for it. Women should not be overlooked solely based on their gender when we are so much more than that. 

     In conclusion, a woman is strong and powerful. Women can do anything we set our minds to. Though we haven’t been a given much, we have already persevered through it all. We will continue to fight for what we deserve and for what is right. A woman is so much more than a single definition and should not be tyrannized because of our gender. A woman is persevering through all the hardships. A woman is praising other women regardless of shape, size, race, age,etc. A woman is not confined to a single gender or what society leads us to believe. A woman is everything and more. To all the women reading this, you are beautiful, loved, powerful, strong,confident, and amazing no matter what anyone tells you. 


     This is to promote the hardships of women and not depreciate men and their hardships. You are all amazing and beautiful too. 


Work Cited:


  1. I loved your article and found it very educational. I liked how you included sourced information because it helps drive your point that women aren't treated, payed, or given the same respect as men. I enjoyed reading your own definition of what a women is and how you listed the daily issues that women face today. This is very much a relevant topic even today, and I'm glad you shed light on it without, depreciating men. Overall, such a beautiful job!

  2. I really enjoyed Bea's story defining what a women is. Everything you mentioned was very relatable and I'm pretty sure that everyone women and girl can relate to any situation that you mentioned.

  3. I sincerely LOVED this! especially the first part in how you yourself defined what a woman is and that it's not specifically a single definition or gender. Not only that but especially your relatable examples in what it's like to be a girl in society. Such as the fear of some men despite who they are or what they look like as well as the lack of feeling safe when it comes to being alone at night in public especially. It was very uplifting as well and I feel you did a great job in conveying the somewhat harsh reality of being a woman.

  4. I really enjoyed this piece as it put into perspective the hardships that women constantly face, and you really drove home the point that this is something all females go through and can relate to. Very amazing piece:)

  5. There are a lot of truth to what you wrote, I feel like a lot of women can relate to the struggles you brought up. you also showed that you've done a lot of research into this which show your passion, nice job!!!

  6. I found this not only very informative, but very inspiring. Women have and continue to face many hardships, that make it sometimes terrifying to just live. I can tell that you took this piece seriously and overall very nice work!

  7. I loved your article! It highlighted historical references and demonstrated how not much has changed for decades now, it is saddening yet the truth. Feminism is such a prominent and controversial topic nowadays and with this much misogyny and sexism in society, choosing a topic with this much influence was a smart idea. Good job!

  8. I loved your article! It highlighted historical references and demonstrated how not much has changed for decades now, it is saddening yet the truth. Feminism is such a prominent and controversial topic nowadays and with this much misogyny and sexism in society, choosing a topic with this much influence was a smart idea. Good job!

  9. I really liked how impactful your article is. I love how you brought to light a common overlooked topic, the reality of what many women live with on a day to day basis. One of my favorite points you discussed was how women live in fear and are scared to do basic activities, such as "take a walk" or "go dancing."

  10. Personally I strongly agree with your definition of what a woman is. The data you provided exemplifies the hardships and strength of women from generation to generation. It is definitely very empowering and I like how you added a disclaimer to clarify any confusion one may have after reading your piece.

  11. I loved this article because it talked about the injustices and hardships that women face everyday. Many people nowadays shy away from the issues that women go through, but I loved this article because it made me and my struggles feel heard.

  12. I really loved this article because it empowers woman and shows us all the injustices we have faced for so many years. And how we shouldn't be confined by just a definition and how women mean so much in a society.

  13. you did a great job on giving information. It is very educational and also relatable. I think women can relate to the situations that you gave. Good job!
    -Muskaan Sandhu

  14. This article was a great reminder towards myself and made me that much more happier to be a women especially during this time, this was well said Great Job!! -Brianna Musa

  15. Caitlyn Jane S BasaOctober 1, 2020 at 1:17 PM

    The article you used shows so many problems in the world especially towards women. Thank you for showing the problems women face for years but at the same time empowering us. Its hard for women's voices to be heard so providing the article and elaborating on you point of view is brave.

  16. this such a well written piece and it really shines a light n what women go through that men tend to overlook and not see. -Leah Thompson

  17. Wow! Thank you for writing this incredibly empowering article. Thank you for shedding light on the numerous hardships that women continue to endure to this day, especially those a part of the LGBTQ+ community. It's heartbreaking that women say that if men had a curfew, they'd take walks at night and go dancing with their friends. No woman deserves to live in fear to do normal activities. Thank you for writing this beautiful piece and for being a voice that continues to empower our community.

  18. This article was very uplifting and informational. Much of this information I knew from previous knowledge, but your article put it into perspective. I love how you defined women in your own way showing that a woman is not simply a gender. Your ideas really do show the hardships that women go through on a day to day basis. Hopefully this sheds some light to others who may not be aware to this and that we see a change soon. Great job!!!!

  19. Reading this made me tear up and smile at the same time because I felt like you balanced the genuine "role" of a woman- both as defined by society and what we have evolved into being, the hardships that we face daily for simply being women and the problems we still have yet to overcome, as well as how that has made us stronger by default and why we should be proud of that. This was beautifully written and I loved it! - Estella Poirier

  20. I enjoyed the way you were able to be educational in a very interesting way. Women are awesome and I learned a lot of facts from your passage. The journey of what is means to be a woman has come a long way and will continue to grow and flourish.

  21. This is a wonderful piece! As a woman, especially a woman in the LGBTQIA+ community, I am constantly faced with articles about the horrible acts against women like me. It was extremely encouraging to read a piece that is so positive and inclusive towards women! You made sure to include many statistics and be so inspiring about the future! I really love this article!
    -Nicole Lillie

  22. The contrast of a biological/denotative definition with a more humanizing idealization of what a woman is immediately sets the stage for an uplifting and meaningful message to women globally. The endlessness of the listed struggles and scars women have endured and continue to endure brings attention to a grim reality that all women are faced with. There is a hopeful tone that things will get done eventually, but this is tempered with the realization that there is much more to be done and that for any progress to be made, action must be taken now with the drive of powerful, determined women behind it. Truly an inspiring article!

  23. Even as a male I strongly agree with your article, I believe women are mistreated in society and face a lot of threats that make me uncomfortable to even think about, I loved the way you provided data which provided evidence.

  24. Amazing article, Bea! All the examples you gave of the hardships and threats women face daily really paints a picture of injustice. It makes you think how truly sad it is that most girls have faced unwarranted harassment or assault simply because of their gender. I also love how open and accepting you are with your definition of a woman, for it sets your article up to be a meaningful, powerful piece.

  25. This is such a great piece of writing, I really enjoyed how it was both informative and motivational. I love how in the beginning you compared the original definition of a women to how you defined a women because it really adds an interesting start to your article. I completely agree with everything you wrote about and really loved how you showed that women are strong and will continue to fight through the challenges that we are faced.

  26. I absolutely loved how your definition of a woman emphasizes the qualities that make women strong, powerful, and every bit as capable as men. The factual and statistical evidence of gender inequality also highlights how drastically we're oppressed and degraded by a society that is meant to promote individuality. Your hopeful and uplifting tone is inspiring, and encourages the idea of women supporting women. Great work!

  27. I loved this! Women have been overlooked and mistreated for decades and it's relieving to see how society has changed those past behaviors towards women. Your article did an amazing job educating and emphasizing how strong women are.

  28. I am really glad that you used a definition that was not restricting women biologically. I feel as if your writing showcases the mistreatment of women as well as the objectification of us too. I like that you have a works cited as it allows us to see how much effort you put into this.

  29. I will never be tired of reading about women's struggles because as a woman myself, I have experienced most of them and I have an idea of the struggles that we go through. Society is fully aware of the dangers that women face everyday, but it is almost like they're saying "well thats how life is" and refuse to make a change. The way you defined women is on point because we do have those good qualities but are often just oppressed and mistreated. Great work! (Eiana Dugang)

  30. I love how you mention the different types of hardships women have gone through and are still going through. I love how you made all these hardships we as women go through and that what we have gone through make us strong. - Lauren Perez


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