
Monday, May 4, 2020

"What Is Self Love? " by Tracy H

     Oftentimes, unknowingly, we neglect ourselves because we tend to get too caught up in
our eventful daily lives. Our daily lives are composed of time with family, friends, and most
importantly, time with ourselves. Over the recent eventful weeks that have transcended before
my eyes, I have learned some of the most fascinating lessons that you simply can’t obtain from
reading a book or memorizing an equation. These past few weeks have not only taught me to
cherish every moment life grants me but, to love myself because my last breath could be any
second. Self-love can be expressed in a variety of ways, a few being a dedication to one’s goals,
practicing virtue, or even monetary goals if truly desired. Although society might view you as
narcissistic or even selfish, the decisions that make you content should be the decisions you
ultimately aspire to fulfill. 
     According to ancient Greek Philosopher, Aristotle, he states that “selfishness gives way
to self-love.” In other words, our actions that we carry out may be seen as “selfish”, however,
this selfishness is rather more noble than harmful. We can only give so much to the point
wherein return, we must dedicate a certain portion to ourselves to keep our sanity. If we
constantly are aiming to fulfill our personal goals, we will have a greater sense of passion to help
others in return. By sacrificing for yourself, it not only teaches you that sacrificing for your goals
is necessary but sacrificing to obtain your own goals in return can help others achieve theirs.
Sacrificing on both ends of the spectrum will not only bring you self love, but it will also bring
self-love to people who surround you. 
     Self-love can be quite confusing at times, but once you find out how to balance it and
maintain it, there is no stopping you. In stressful times like these, I dedicate one to two hours
each day to pray in my room for the health of my family and friends. As this might seem like a
selfless act, it brings me great joy because my actions will hopefully result in the prosperity of
others. Additionally, I also practice self-love by logging off to my social media, such as
Instagram and Twitter whenever I feel dispirited by the cruel expectations of our norms. This I
thought was the best way to practice self-love because it prevents me from self-destruction since
there are times that I couldn’t help but compare my life with others on social media. For me,
self-love is about accepting who we are as individuals even with our weaknesses or our
strengths. Hence, self-love is crucial for a happier and more fulfilled life.
     In closing, if we do not give ourselves self-love, it will be almost impossible to give it to
someone else when it truly matters. You must be fully content with yourself and have peace at
mind, to even scratch the surface of another’s. The journey towards self-love can be compared to
the myth of Sisyphus; it may seem like you will never accomplish your goal, but if put yourself
before others, you can have a greater impact than you could have ever imagined. 

Work Cited “From Selfishness to Self-Love According to Aristotle.” ​Exploring Your Mind ​ , 28 Apr. 2017,


  1. I agree with your piece and how important it is for everyone to recognize self love. I liked how you mentioned how it's not impossible but it'll take time, nice work

  2. I appreciate you for writing about self-love because not everyone is aware of the importance of it in our lives. I also found it interesting how you included your own ways of maintaining self-love. This gives all of us a chance to maybe incorporate it in our daily lives.

  3. I love how you defined self love. It is very important to have it in today's society. I also liked how you said that you take time out of your day dedicated to self love. This is a great lesson for all of us.

  4. I love how you brought a light towards the idea of self-love because not everyone has the same idea of what self-love actually is. The way you put how you maintain your self-love can inspire others to try it and see if it fits them. Great job on your work!

  5. Isabel QuintanillaMay 9, 2020 at 3:45 PM

    I agree with you on how important self love is for a happier and more fulfilled life because often times people forget to love themselves because they are so focused on pleasing others. Great work!

  6. Rinel-Christian AlbaniaMay 9, 2020 at 5:36 PM

    Despite how important it is to love ourselves, society always seems to forget it. I love your emphasis on how we can live prosperously when we take the time to understand and love ourselves. Many look for acceptance and love through others when they should really accept and love themselves first. Great work!

  7. I love this piece! It is so important that we take the time to take care and learn about ourselves!

  8. What a great message! I love how you explained the importance of self love not only impacts us as individuals, but also the relationships we have with people.

  9. This was very inspiring to read, not only did you apply self love for your own health but in return it grants greater in benefiting others. I like how you used examples of what self love is for you and how you took action.

  10. I loved this topic! It is SO important to know how to take care of ourselves, and I liked how you provided some examples to show us what we can do too. I like how you also mentioned the positive impact and consequences of loving ourselves. Good job<3

  11. Alejandra AmezquitaMay 12, 2020 at 8:39 PM

    I completely agree with you! I enjoyed reading your own interpretation of self love and how you have made time everyday to appreciate it.

  12. Very motivational! I like how you implied what self-love should be rather than it not seeming to selfish. I too agree that we all need self-love to keep our sanity. Thank you for such an inspiration :)

  13. Love this piece! I believe self-love is very important and taking time out of our day to focus on our needs is very beneficial. Especially in times like these, we have more time to self-reflect and discover more about ourselves.

  14. Self love is an important concept for everyone, especially those still developing mentally and emotionally, like ourselves, so I'm glad that you covered the topic. Great job. I liked how you clearly stated its not something that is formulaic or even quickly gained but takes time and some soul searching.
    -Justin Lim

  15. I thought your piece gave some really good advice. Sometimes we all just need to recognize ourselves as our own person. I feel like setting goals for yourself or objectives is a great way to do this especially with all the free time we currently have or will have soon. Great work!

  16. I love this topic and also how in the last few weeks you have realized that you must cherish every moment and to love yourself as well. Self love is so important because before you can love anyone else, you must be able to love yourself.

  17. I really enjoyed reading your piece Tracy. I absolutely believe in the idea of self love because without it, it hinders your ability to love others. Nice work!

  18. Tracy! I absolutely loved reading this. I completely admire how you emphasized the importance of self love and how it plays a big role in our everyday lives.

  19. Adrian WaterhouseMay 14, 2020 at 3:14 PM

    This is very true. Often times people are afraid to "self-love" because they fear that others will mistakenly view them as being selfish, when in reality, self-love is just appreciating one's own worth.

  20. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaMay 14, 2020 at 7:45 PM

    YESSSS TRACY!!!!!! POP OFF!!!!! Okay but I really love how you emphasized self-love and I also like how you drew the line between self-love and arrogance. But good job and keep up the good work!!


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