
Monday, February 3, 2020

"Our New Normal" by Alison F

     October 11, 2013, a normal day in our household, until we got the news. My family and I rushed to the hospital when we heard that my grandma was admitted. My sister and I were sitting in the backseat of the car wondering what was happening because no one had updated us yet. When we got there, my uncle was talking to my mom and my dad outside, telling them exactly what happened. When my parents walked back to us, my sister and I were waiting impatiently for them to tell us what happened. We soon found out that she was diagnosed with end stage copd, which is a severe shortness of breath even at rest. Everyday tasks left her more and more breathless as it was tougher for her to do anything at all. She ended up staying in ICU for 3 weeks and then was transferred to a rehabilitation center. Each day waiting for the news that she was progressing and getting better was difficult because we never knew when we would get that news. My entire family and I had to adjust our lives to this situation that has happened and it made us realize so much. We would go and visit her every single day and have different times when we would go so everyone still had time to work and do their daily tasks. I remembered,as the months passed by, having the doctor tell us ,“ Her condition is getting better and better as the days pass by and she is able to talk again.” We were all so happy to hear the news and when we would go and visit her we would tell her about our day and what was happening at that moment in time. Just hearing her respond to us would make us all feel better and her voice would comfort us. After a year passed, we thought she would be able to come back home with us and we would take care of her there, but we got unfortunate news. We were told that she was unable to return home, as her condition progressively worsened. She lost her ability to verbally communicate, breath on her own, and move without assistance. It broke all of our hearts when we heard this because she was the matriarch of our family and would be there for all of us when we needed her the most. We all came together as a family and decided to put our grief aside in order to be there for her the most and to not let it show that we were sad. We all learned how to communicate with her by learning different signs so we would understand as well. We also helped her get comfortable when she wasn’t and would ask the nurses to help her when she needed it. This whole situation took a major toll on my uncle, mom and especially my grandpa. My mom and uncle went searching around everywhere for the best long term rehabilitation center that she could stay in. After many different options, talking to the directors of the centers, and visiting them, they found a place that they loved the most, which was in Corona. My grandpa had to change his daily routine and adjust to his new life of being at home without her. Each and every one of us would do our share by helping out my grandpa doing his everyday errands to accompany him on his daily visits to the hospital to make sure he is eating and taking care of himself. Over the years, this situation has become our new normal, as she has still been in the hospital for 6 years so far. My family makes sure to still include her in everything that we do, by having everyone go
and visit on her birthday, as well as our own birthdays. We also make sure to decorate her room to accompany every holiday and make her feel special, especially on Christmas, since it is her favorite holiday. My family and I make sure to stick to all of these traditions so we make her feel that she is not excluded from any family events. We also take pictures of special events that we do so we can show her what we have been doing. Over the last 6 years, we have all learned to value every moment that we have with each other and not take any event or moment with anyone for granted.


  1. This story is really touching to me and makes me more appreciative of my family. You never really know how much time you have left with someone so it's very important not to take your time for granted. Always spend time with your loved ones because you never know when they'll be gone. I really like the fact that you try to include your grandma in any way that you can to keep her involved with your family and in your hearts. I think that's really special and amazing that your family keeps her close especially through the tough times. Overall, I really enjoyed your piece and wish the best for your grandma <3

  2. What a touching story! This really resonated with me because I understand what it's like to have a love one in the hospital for years. I love how your family emphasises keeping your grandma involved to keep a sense of normality. The attention to details in your piece illustarted a clear picture of what you endure in your everyday life. -Lauren White

  3. The realism throughout your piece was beautiful, I cannot fathom enough how much of a strong person you are to take a situation so heart-breaking and turn it into a positive perspective. This is apart of your daily routine and you don't think of your grandma any different, especially how you all celebrate with her. I wish you and your family nothing but wellness. It was truly a great piece!

  4. Your story is something I can relate too. I like how your family put decorations for Christmas to make her feel normal and make your grandma feel like home. I really like reading your piece it was great.Good Job!

  5. I really like how although it is very sad to have a family member in the hospital especially one that is like the family glue, you and your family fought threw it together. You all took this sad event and made it better by finding the right care for your grandma and visiting her, not just while she was in the hospital but while she was also in the rehabilitation centers which shows how much you all care about her. I also enjoyed how you all decorate her room during holidays and celebrate with her so that she is still included in family activities.

  6. What an incredible and moving story. I too have a family who is in a similar situation. I love that your family takes the time to make sure you all include her in your daily festivities and I'm pretty sure it means the world to her. I especially love how you not only focus on your grandmother but also your grandfather.

  7. This is a very sweet story. It's great to see your family come together and doing everything they can to show your grandmother that she is immensely loved and supported through all this. My family is very similar, we are very close and will do anything and everything for our blood. Great job!

  8. My grandpa was sick for a long time so I can really relate to this story. I remember When he was sick he wasn't really himself and was angry all the time because of his medication. Like you said things like this really teach you how important it is to savor every moment you have with a loved one. - kate sainz

  9. Having bad events take place in your life is never easy but it seems that you and your family have made the best out of a poor situation, your power to proceed ad stay strong for your grandma is amazing and a very rare trait in many, your writing is very organized and beautiful as well, keep up the good work.
    -Rebecca Clinton

  10. Your story is very touching and I enjoyed every part of it. What I really like about your story is how in the end, you managed to take a more positive direction and mention how you learned to value every moment that we have with each other. I think that point is an important reminder for everybody since we don't know what the future holds. Well done!

  11. I really felt like your story was beautiful! I think that you and your family are very brave and are emotionally strong throughout your whole situation. It can be heartbreaking but you guys have chosen to see the brighter side and commemorate each new memory that was made. It was very sweet and I liked how you guys adapted to the dramatic change in your lives for your grandma. -Linda Hung

  12. This piece was a real eye opener for me since I often times do take my friends and family for granted. I love how you still include her in as much events as possible and cherish the moments that you have with her. I hope for the best for your grandma Alison!

  13. This is a really cute and realistic story on how a family can still even after a tragic story. Also al tho is real it has a beautiful flow on how you guys try to include your grandma in everything. Others family would have taken this completely wrong but your family made the best of it and it's trying to stay together and happy.

  14. What an amazing story. It is written well and draws the reader in quickly. Change is hard for all of us as we all like to have our daily norms and go day by day, but life happens and you showed that in your piece. Something big happened in you and your family's life and with the support of one another you were able to get through it and process through. I really like how we can all learn from this that life changes and things can happen suddenly, and when these things happen we need to come together and cooperate to make the process easier. In all, a great and moving piece!

  15. This story was so touching. I love and am so inspired by the positivity and optimism that you and your family have maintained throughout this whole situation. Thank you for sharing this very personal situation, great job!

  16. Your story really hits home for me. I have a similar situation going on with my grandfather right now. I love how even after all the time she has spent in the hospital, you all visit as a family still and decorate for her and do everything you can to be with her. It's very admirable that you do.

  17. Your story really hits home for me. I have a similar situation going on with my grandfather right now. I love how even after all the time she has spent in the hospital, you all visit as a family still and decorate for her and do everything you can to be with her. It's very admirable that you do.

  18. I"m so sorry about your family situation. You and your family must be very strong. I respect your courage for sharing your story with everyone that opens their hearts. I know you will be able to help many more in the future with their own situations. :)

  19. What a moving story. I liked how you focused on the family working together to adapt to the changes life throws, and even during trying times, it is important to fully live every moment. Difficult moments in life often teach valuable lessons and from your story, I can see how this has affected your life and influenced you to try to appreciate life with those around you.

  20. I really enjoyed your story. I thought that it was very moving and you explained your story and how you overcame your obstacles and how you have made your grandma feel at home. -Ariana Hernandez

  21. Your story just proves how much you value your family and especially your grandma. Reading this, I learned an important valuable lesson which is not to take time for granted as we don't know what might happen that could impact our whole lives. I love how you were very detailed in your piece because it makes it more emotions and heartfelt.

  22. I loved reading this and being able to feel the emotion through your words. It’s amazing that you all love your grandma enough to still visit her and keep her involved in every holiday. I appreciate how much love you have your family. Very well written piece!

  23. This is a very touching story, one i can relate to. Thank you for being courageous enough to share this.I enjoy how your family cherishes every moment possible among one another Great description of the story. - Yishai Renteria

  24. This is a very emotionally touching story. It was a good read and really connected with me and a lot of other people.

  25. It is very sad having to see someone's life become so short even though they still have so much life in them. This story was very touching, knowing that you guys still have such a great familial bond and stick through the good and bad times. That is honestly the most important part about a family, understanding that there will be many trying times in life but there is nothing better than to know you're loved, and the feeling that comes out of that is great as well. Great story, made me very emotional the whole way through!


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